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JeanieG 03-16-2013 10:24 PM

Mirabelle - WOW - you are soooo talented! I could not quilt like that if my life depended on it! LOL That quilt it just beautiful!

QuiltE 03-17-2013 05:56 AM

MiraB ... What hopes of spring I do see, on this frosty Canadian morning (-10C!). It's getting prettier and prettier by the day!!! So intense all the quilting you are doing, and it's ever so perfect for the butterflies. I'm sure the border will speak loud and clear to you, as you progress! What kind/weight of thread are you using? And any sign of your Canadian thread packages yet? :)

Yes, I figured confession was good for my soul ... and that fessing up would do me good! Doing it and earlier the In The Pink, are so refreshing after all the detail PC/FWS work. Now I really do have to get serious on getting that PC trotting to the finish!!!

JanieW 03-17-2013 06:27 AM

I can't get over how much I miss in such a short time. We are a chatty bunch.

Mirabelle I love your butterfly quilt. Lovely quilting. Don't you just love your Pfaff?

I didn't get on my FART as most of Alberta is having heavy snowfall for the last few days with no signs of letting up. My son was still game to go, but I was not having him drive in this mess just for fabric. I think he was more disappointed than I. I thought I might get home on Monday, but the weather is bad at home, too. I have no desire to be on the Queen Elizabeth II highway when visibility is poor so they are stuck with me.

I hope everyone is having a good weekend .

I am having a giggle narrowing down where my block may becoming from as I know mine had to be mailed on Friday and some of you are still talking about getting yours done. This is so much fun. Curiosity was always my undoing.

Anael 03-17-2013 09:25 AM

Mirabelle, your quilting is stunning! No suggestions for the border, I'm sorry!

Janie, sorry you didn't go on your FART. When the weather is that bad I wouldn't go either.

I spent most of the day with my DS, DDIL, Bram and Isa :) Isa took a bath again today, she loved it! She was so relaxed and looked to happy! Bram was sleeping most of the time. Son #2 came this afternoon too, he hadn't seen Bram and Isa yet so this was the first time. He'd never seen such tiny ones before and we told him when they were born they were only half the ones they're now.
All the nurses in the NICU didn't expect they would both survive and get this far!

When I arrived at my DS's this morning Mick was still there too. He looked at me and said: Oma Tinke play ball? Sit on floor and play! He knows how to keep you busy :D No time to have a cup of coffee!

Oh, my DS told me a few nurses asked him if I was willing to make snuggles for the NICU because they love the ones I made. He told them where the fabric came from and how! So maybe in future I will have to make more snuggles. If so they will pay the fabrics and stuffing.

Honchey 03-17-2013 09:48 AM

Janie girl...We are masters of mystery.....AND...because we say we are working on them doesn't mean we haven't already sent them... Only I and the maker of your block know.....:) :) :)

oksewglad 03-17-2013 04:45 PM

Well thank goodness I peek in once in a while just to catch up--never long enough to comment. Kind of like an eavesdropper!!
Anael and mirabelle so fun to see your WIP's--makes me feel a part of your process. The white setting in your blocks is beautiful.
Beef and noodles I hear. That's a family favorite around here. I use my canned beef for that and I am now out, but have canning beef to process waiting in my freezer. QNS -- spring flowers--oh I'm so jealous. The round of snow we got earlier in the week has made a mess of things. Seems road maintainers can't properly clear off all of the snow so it sits on the road and melts. Since the frost is still in the ground it makes the roads mud. My car is an absolute mess (We have 3 miles of gravel roads before we get to a hard surface road.) Doesn't do any good to wash it in town because you have mud to drive through when you get home. DIL has to take the kids to meet the bus on the highway starting tomorrow. Never in the almost 25 years of having kids in school did we have to do that. I swear the roads are of the 1930's and 40's conditions.
Hope to get my camera back from DIL so I can take pics of my MB as well as the quilts I have finished for the preemie unit when GS was born. Then I can send a photo to Anael and think about the block for my next victim. (Thanks for the email, Honchey.) I haven't even taken time to see what she wants for colors or design yet!
Jeanie-so glad therapy is working. DH is finding out the same for his back.
Sat DH and I went to a family farm transfer meeting. Interesting--now to turn our dreams into goals/reality. Takes me back to 4-H experiences of making goals etc.
QE--mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa-- Translation-my fault, my fault, my own grievous fault. Sister Mary G says we are only human. I'm exploring little and bigger hexies for our QBuddy day on Wednesday--not my fault; oh no it's all my sister's fault as she's looking for fabric from my stash for hexies when she come to visit in April. Oh and then there's that friendly fabric from Cannuck Country that I want to make a purse out of........ not my fault, again.
Have a busy week ahead. Hoof trimmer here tomorrow--have a roast thawing for dinner--he usually finishes up around noon. Sometimes takes lunch with him, other times sits down for dinner. Wed QBuddies are here. Friday is annual bank meeting so have papers to get ready for that. Trying to clean for Easter in between as well. Want to have downstairs bedrooms ready with clean sheets etc this week.
See why some days I only eavesdrop. Back to getting binding done for another Baby quilt.

QuiltE 03-17-2013 05:37 PM

JanieW ... oh we are all a-sittin' and a-wonderin' as to whom is our MB Pardner! :) Too bad about your non-FART :( How long will you be home this time before heading back to take care of all?

Anael ... oh what FUN with Isa's bath time! Looks like a new career is about to be launched for you!

Honchey ... you know ... we're all going to gang up on you at some point! :D You could get some of your own medicine back!!! How was your Corned Beef and Cabbage dinner?

**putting on thinking cap** :D

OKSGlad ... you make me tired of all you have to do this week! So reminiscent of my past life, although I did not have the kids/grands to factor in! As for all the not my faults .. you know how it goes ... the more we have to do, the more we get done!!! :) Our hoof trimmer always joined in for meals, and meant for a great social time!!! ... now I'm sure you've thrown the others on this one.

Ladies ... think Bovine Pedicures! Very important for their overall health ... if their feet are not in tip-top shape, they are not Happy Cows! :)

Speaking of Fabric Friends ... did everyone get it? and is everyone up for the challenge? :) Sure hope so!!!!!!
(I've heard from only a few!)
Time will soon fly, for the thread to begin ... and there's no saying you can't talk about it here or anywhere you wish!! :)

We now know what OKSGlad is planning ... I'm looking forward to seeing/hearing more as to what's in the works! It'll be amazing what all your creative minds produce!! :D

Honchey 03-17-2013 06:12 PM

I thought the kids would be here today....They are coming on Wednesday....so no Corned Beef today!!!

Ahhhhhhh, the mystery of it all!!!! I'm really having alot of fun with the back & forth....I'm just glad all of you have a good sense of humor...you do, don't you??? have a sense of humor???
It's a good thing you reminded me...I totaly forgot about the Fabric Friend's Fabric....Now I have to think about what to make with it...Oh , I just thought about it and a light bulb went on in my head!!!! I know what I'm going to make!!!!!

QuiltingNinaSue 03-17-2013 06:15 PM

I got the 'ducks in a row' for dh who loves to paper piece, but he wants me to 'help' him tomorrow, so there goes my plans out the door...he will do the sewing, but wants me to decide on the 'colors' of light & dark for each small block... ooooh my aching head...it may take a bottle of Hy Vee's special pain relief tablets to get me through tomorrow; its just scrappy pieced block. dh was supposed to do it independently...not drive me crazy.

I got the second kit for me; I may work on mine while he works on his. Sunshine is warming up tomorrow, and I hope it does. Snow is all gone here; tulips are about four to five inches high now...ground is solid. No mud. Will enjoy our corned beef and cabbage tomorrow, since we are always a day late and a dollar short. LOL!!

JanieW 03-17-2013 07:01 PM

Originally Posted by Honchey (Post 5934454)
Janie girl...We are masters of mystery.....AND...because we say we are working on them doesn't mean we haven't already sent them... Only I and the maker of your block know.....:) :) :)

Bwhahahaha !!

As my little grandson says, " you can't fool me!" ;)

My curiosity will truly do me in one of these days.


I should be home for a long while once I get there.

We had Irish Stew but not really authentic as it was made with beef, but it was good. My son tried to get me to have a Guinness, but that is quite icky . My Irish ancestors would not be impressed!

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