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JeanieG 12-11-2012 08:19 PM

The fabrics for my bonus blocks came in the mail yesterday. YES!!! They are perfect! I agonized over which fabrics to use, but found the perfect ones. I've got one cut out, and can hardly wait to sew it together to see what the finished block will look like! I have a small display board (12" X 12") that I covered with felt. That is where I lay all the blocks out before I sew them. I love just looking at this block, I hope all of you will love it too!

QuiltE 12-11-2012 08:45 PM

PC BBlocks </SPAN>... looks like a lot of busy Ladies here! Congratulations to MiraB </SPAN>for being first finished. Looks like many of you are close behind too. While I haven't been sewing, I have been "thinking" and have my block picked and planned. Now, so long as when I get to the stitching, I don't change my mind!!! :) And that will be at the top of the list post-Christmas!! :)

Fabric </SPAN>... not that I needed more, but when I was away, I did get four pieces that coordinated. Now here's the funny part ... the one, I almost did not take as I thought it might be "cheap", as in thin and cheeseclothy when washed. I took it as it worked so well with the rest, and even if I did not use it there, I knew it'd be a mixer in many other ways too. Another I was thrilled with, and had such a nice hand to it. I have them all washed and guess what? Yup, the cheap one has come up nice and tight and seems thicker and more solid. The one that felt so nice, seems to have washed away. It's still a good fabric, just finer and not the weight and feel it had. Goes to show, you really can't always predict!

GFG Progress </SPAN>... It's worked great as a take-with project and has progressed well. I've been stitching together as I go. It's not going to be a big one, as this was my test run to see if I like it. And yes, I'm getting hooked. I already plans for my next. I'll try to get a pic in the next few days.

Weather </SPAN>... we had the milder shirt sleeve weather for a bit too. Now, chillier again, but still mild for December. Today was -3C and then by Friday to be back again to +6C. Looking ahead, it appears it'll be around freezing on Christmas Day, complete with some snow! Haven't had any, to any account yet.
Now to do some catching up ... post #'s noted, where it might help, being that I am going back in history some!! :D

What do you call the meals? </SPAN>... For me, raised on the farm, it was always Breakfast, Dinner and Supper ... three square meals! And big ones at that!! Now I probably more so say B, L and S though, that can vary depending on where my mind is at the time!!! :)</SPAN>

Alas!! ... Now for the great catch up!!! ... post #'s are noted, in some case, being that it's so long into history, due to my late replies! :D

... #181 ... We'll be posting and quilting together til we are old and gray together. So that should be forever, right, being that you and I are not getting old ... or gray! :D Did you get your new EQ goodies? and your extra BB fabric?

MiraB ... Congratulations!!! on your BBs being finished, sent ... and now received!! Amazing how fast the mail can move at times! :) Hope you have been able to order the fabric you want for Jamestown ... and that it arrives just as fast, so you can finish it off.

CarrieM ... #187 .... Sorry for the demo disappointment. My thoughts are that everyone is overwhelmed with their To Do Lists and their brains won't absorb any more ideas. That being said, our LQS had a "Notion Commotion" demo last Saturday .... followed by a Pot Luck for anyone who wished to come. I probably would not have gone (see reason above) but didn't have to make the decision as had a funeral. I'm envious that you can sneak peaks of all the BBs as they arrive! :D As always you have finished up some beautiful pieces. I really do like your 4PP Shimmering Butterflies. How did you finish them?

DublB ... how's your GFG blooming?

Anael ... #197 ... I hope Miss Purrrrrfect Sunbonnet Kitty is feeling better. And that she has lots of snuggles and love for you right now. BTW your chair matches my living room chairs ... same colour/fabrtic and similar style!

Honchey ... Hope your DE trip was a good break for you and just what you and MrHonchey needed. Will you see your DSis again for Christmas? Good for you for NC plans post-Christmas!

OKSGlad ... WOW! Looks like Em is turning into quite the quilter. It's so good that you're letting her do so much of the sewing and decisions re the fabrics and pattern. It'll be a busy Christmas holidays with her new love of sewing. Better lock down your stash!!!!

QNSue ... #211 ... Thanks for missing me though no electronic leashes for me when I'm on the roam. I kind of like that freedom (from clients and family) but do dreadfully miss being in touch with my friends!
... #223 ... Oh my, I see there are now Billy Goat Coolies, joining the Buffalo Chip Cookies. And that Chocolate Cowboy ... mmmm!!!!! All look delectable and I could almost smell all those different ones. Hopefully DH doesn't need too much entertaining now, and will let you cook ... and sew! Of course, it's good Bonding Time for the two of you!! :) This morning I went thru my recipes and pulled some to make for Christmas entertaining and gifts.

GGal ... #236 ... You've been a busy lady too! Nice to see all those UFOs finished. I have house blocks too, that have been sitting abandoned for some time. I think they got into that "I don't like them anymore" category that you asked about. Could be that I got them too scrappy? I had them on my design wall for a long time and just couldn't figure out what to do with them and finally packed them away. A New Year UFO project to re-activate for me!

JeanieG ... oh you know we'll love your BBs! I have a couple of small boards like that ... and used them while doing my FWS/PC blocks or whenever I'd doing traditional piecced blocks. Handy, aren;t they? :D

Good Night, Ladies ... me thinks it's about time for me to bid adieu ... and get some shut-eye! :D

mirabelle 12-11-2012 08:54 PM

Welcome back QuiltE its nice to hear from you.

Anael praying that all goes well with your DDIL I know what a heart wrenching time this must be for all of you.

gardnergal970 12-12-2012 06:07 AM

Anael...praying that all goes well today and for the remainder of the pregnancy and you can hold those other babies in your arms. It's so hard to watch our children go through this type of situation. My first DGS was high risk and died shortly after birth. They were in the Army and we wern't able to be with them. It's nice you can support and comfort your DS and DDIL by being there for them. Thanks for the compliment on the quilts too.
Mirabelle...your DH could be a quilter....more fabric! If you order from the USA, do you have to pay an import tax? The new fabrics at a LQS run between $10-12 but I can't imagine paying close to $20.
QuiltE...so glad that you're back with us and that your last trip wasn't so strenuous. We've missed you. I'm looking forward to seeing the GFG.
Jeanie...yes design walls no matter the size are a very valuable tool for quilters. I'm glad the fabric you got for the BB has met your expectations.
QNS...busy, busy, busy! You are such a giving person. Time to put your feet up and do something for yourself. I'll make you some tea in the RV.
Dubib...thinking if you. Hope you're catching up on your rest and are taking care of yourself.
Jan...any bites on your DM's house? I hope it sells quickly.
carrie...time in the clubhouse today? So nice you have that space.
Honchey...how is Easy Street coming along? I have step 3 done but will be in WI this weekend with my DD and DS and his family so won't be sewing on it then.
Yesterday I quilted and joined the blocks for the first row on the PC quilt. It's so nice to think that by the time I get the last block quilted, all I have to do is bind the quilt and I'm done. I think I'm not going to put a border on this quilt. I'll see when I get to that point.

dublb 12-12-2012 07:22 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Mornin' ya'll! I'm about all cried out. I thought I'd already mourned for her & had thought I'd feel relieved when she passed. I know that she is better, she is w/her DH, she is w/the baby she lost & the one I lost. She is w/our Lord. She isn't in any more pain & has no more confusion. So why am I still so sad?

I did work on my GFG while she was in the hospital. I think I would have gone crazy while she was in the hospital if I hadn't had it. When she first went in I bought a li'le iron & pad & pressed a few Hexes. They had us wear gloves while we were w/her. They didn't want us ta git MRSA nor the pneumonia. I would put a clean pair o' gloves on then put my thimble on & work on the GFG. When she needed me I would put it down & have clean gloves ta touch her with & comport her. It might have been only a few seconds or it might have 30 min.s. Then I'd put on clean gloves & start over. It is a bit harder ta sew w/ those gloves on. It was kinda comical.
Here is a pict o' a couple o' blocks.
One side o' a hex is 1.5 inches.

janRN 12-12-2012 09:35 AM

Thinking about all that's going on with everyone.

Bev tears will come at the most unexpected time. I can't bear to see the For Sale sign in front of my mother's house. We've had a few people look at it and one is very interested, waiting to hear back. First time I saw the sign I burst into tears. I haven't lived there in 43 yrs but she lived there for 60. It's very hard picturing someone else living there--I hope they're nice people whoever buys it.

Sounds like everyone is working hard. Ggal, I took your advice and put a "frame" around the block that was too small but as I'm sewing them together I've had a few others that I had to nudge into size. Two I replaced--one of them was a full inch smaller (what was I thinking that day I made that one?) Are your blocks all coming out the correct size? It feels good to make progress on PC. I haven't cut my cornerstones yet but will over the week-end. DH and I are doing our Christmas shopping tomorrow. (I'll do the shopping, he'll do the whining LOL. I'll make him take his Kindle and he can sit in the car).

Thinking about Anael and sending prayers and positive vibes her way.

And QE, what do you mean by gray???? Not me--I'll still be dying my hair when I'm in a nursing home LOL.

QuiltingNinaSue 12-12-2012 10:40 AM

GG, I have had my break according to dh...he asks me this morning what I had planned to do with my day. I told him I was taking it one hour at a time...on what had to be done. that means you do not know, says dh. that 'd' did not mean 'dear'!!! Meet you in the RV for that cuppa tea, sounds good.

Found chickens on sale over 5 lbs., ended up with four this past week, so I cut them into halves, then quarters and packaged a half of a chicken together and put them into the freezer...fixed one half for lunch (dinner).

Now with dh outside, I am going back into the quilting room...have almost one bb block done.

Enjoying the sunshine of the day. Beautiful outside....sun wise...not too warm....not too cold for December.

QuiltE, sounds like you have your recipes all going well for you, and not interested in anymore at this time. You can let me know 'when' you are. I emailed the first three recipes to Carrie and Mirabelle, and offered them to Anael when the time is right, she will let me know.

Anael 12-12-2012 11:58 AM

My DS called. The procedure went well, not as well as they expected but for now no complications. The blood flow to the little one has been cut off and as far as we now know his little brother didn't suffer from that. Still a lot of mixed feelings but we're happy two of them are still alive and might make it. Tomorrow another check up and if that's ok they will be home in the afternoon.

Anael 12-12-2012 12:07 PM

Originally Posted by QuiltE (Post 5714620)

Anael ... #197 ... I hope Miss Purrrrrfect Sunbonnet Kitty is feeling better. And that she has lots of snuggles and love for you right now. BTW your chair matches my living room chairs ... same colour/fabrtic and similar style!

No unfortunately she's not. I went to the vet to get some new meds and talked about her. She's hardly eating, lost a lot of weight and doesn't feel well at all. The vet will call me tomorrow morning so we can discuss what to do next. She looks depressed because of the collar she has to wear, sleeps all day lying on my light box trying to keep herself warm.

Oh about that chair: #2 DS and his girlfriend have the matching couch. They called me about 2 years ago asking if I wanted this chair otherwise they would put it outside on the street :( So I said YES please, I love that chair. It's an old one, handmade as far as we can see.

QuiltE 12-12-2012 01:04 PM

MiraB ... thanks for the Welcome Back, and it is good to be back! About fabric pricing, we pay mostly $16/metre here, plus of course, there's always on-sale stuff. I haven't got into online buying as I am still old fashioned and I like to touchy-feely and know what I am really getting! :D

GGal ... Thanks too ... I'll try to remember to get the picture done tonight and post. Remind me!

DublB .. OMG, I can't imagine doing all the hand stitching with gloves and thimble! I've never gotten used to a thimble, so go without. What I'm finding is that my hands are cramping from holding the fabric with the left and the needle with the right. I seem to remember you mentioning your carpal tunnel acting up, so I'm guessing it is GFG induced. You'll always remember those GFGs being made with your DMIL. Did she sew/quilt?

JanRN ... so if you and DH are doing your shopping tomorrow, does that mean shopping for YOU? maybe a FART? or toys to go along with your Sweet 16? :) I'm sure it's hard for you to be seeing the For Sale sign on your Mom's home. After all, a big part of your life is within those walls. Maybe you should keep it for your own sewing house? Remember? I said we were going to be here forever, as we were not going gray! :D

QNSue ... ha! D or D for your H!!! how has the day progressed and did he get upgraded? My husband went by his 2nd name, and his first was David. On our business cards, farm signs or anything semi-formal, we used the initial D. with his full 2nd name. When asked what his D. was for, I'd often reply Damned .... and usually that shut the inquiring minds up! Now what were you doing buying chickens? Me-thought you had grown your own .... and had a freezer already full? :) Good to take a deal when you can and stash some away in the freezer ready. Recipes ... always can do with more! I make cookies regularly for a friend. They'd be happy with always the same, though I get bored, so surprise them with new ones regularly! Lately I've been on a roll with my Farm Daughter's Cookies. So please do email the recipes along! I'll be happy to have them!!! Do hope "D"H left you alone today ... and you were able to have some peace and quiet in your sewing room!

Anael ... Thanks for the update on your DDIL. I hope that things settle now and she can find a peace within as she continues with the pregnancy. I'm sure it is hard on all of you, but I can only imagine the Mother's perspective must be even harder to accept and deal with it all. And that she can get home tomorrow, for some TLC from all.

So sorry about Miss Purrfect ... I hope the vet has some good insights and suggestions soon. NIce that you have the light box to help her keep warm. Better cuddle her in with a nice quilt too!

Nice hand me down on that chair! I have three that I had covered in the fabric ... one is a black walnut that I got for $10 at a garage sale when a friend from Indiana (take note GGal) was visiting. She loved Garage Sales, and was so proud of our score, so I often think of it as Helen's chair! The other two, one is a platform rocker and the other the matching chair. A pair that we bought in pretty rough shape soon after we were married, then had re-upholstered by a neighbour guy. I still love them all!

??Cookie Exchange?? ... Maybe we should do a virtual cookie exchange? and post our favourite Christmas baking recipes that we'd make to take to a cookie exchange.

??Pot Luck?? ... Likewise ... how about a Pot Luck Dinner in the New Year to beat the winter blues away?

And now Ladies ... I'm off to make myself my afternoon tea!
Yes, I am another one that seems to have tea in hand all the time .... today I think it will be Amaretto? or perhaps Alpine Punch? :D

Til Later!

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