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dublb 04-22-2013 09:57 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Yes I got my April MB!!!!! Carrie was smart & sent it flat rate. :) I also got my li'le envelope from QE with her cute li'le signature square. :) Ain't it purdy?

I don't have a pict o' QE's cute li'le square.

QuiltingNinaSue 04-22-2013 10:25 AM

Dublb, I think you are the first to get your April MB!!:thumbup::thumbup::thumbup: Flat rate by USPO or UPS? Good news anyhow. Enjoy

Glad you enjoyed your morning, Honchey, now you can save$$ when you go on a FART trip.

OKsewGlad, do not throw major pieces away, 'cause you will want that piece on the next quilt!! IF the room is bigger you are moving too, just use different sized cardboard boxes!!

How are the ducks doing, DD? We moved ours downstairs in the Chicken tractor. Unfortunately, they are on 1 by 2 inch wire with straw covering it...and they can injure their legs, but dh is determined, so he ain't listening to me. He lacks the poultry experience that I have experienced...just the fire he 'started' with his heat lamp next to the straw...he has to learn it himself. Guess its the 'male' mind at work.

dublb 04-22-2013 11:46 AM

I had a great time in Brady.http://www.quiltinghaven.com/Smileys/default/smiley.gif The deer had munched a bit on the tomato plants but they are still alive. They hadn't touched the lilly's either. We forgot ta buy the squirt bottle ta spray an egg mixture on 'em. I guess we'll do that next time.
My class was interestin'. Not much instruction but a lotta sewin'. The pattern is a bit time consuming, so I got another UFO. LOL I will use it for my leader & ender project. It's less o' a quilt pattern & more o' a sashin' method. She does have us cut large squares ta be used as blocks for this quilt. I'm usein' 2 different cars & trucks prints. There will be stars at the cornerstones. I'm not sure I'm makin' any sense here. The pattern is Stars above by Sharyn Craig.

Now ya'll are gonna beat me w/a wet noodle. I didn't git any picts this trip & haven't even loaded the picts from last trip. As for the quilt I only don't even have the pin wheels done but do have alotta fabric cut. There are 20 4" pinwheels that's 80 HST's. I have all o' the HST done & half o' 'em trimed down. This is gonna take a bit. LOL
These ladies didn't talk while sewin'. They talked a lot before, after sewin' & durrin' lunch, but they were all business while sewin'. They were very interested in my glue. LOL

DH & I watched Les Miserables (sp?) last night. WOW that was a great movie!

Anael 04-22-2013 12:14 PM

Originally Posted by JeanieG (Post 6018956)

Anael - Wow, Isa has really gained weight. Will they be releasing her to come home soon?

No Jeanie, as far as we now know they have to stay in hospital till end of May, so another 5 1/2 weeks.

dublb 04-22-2013 12:40 PM

Anael I'm so happy that the SewGrands are doin' so well. They have gained so much & are doin' so much better. I know they still have a while ta go but am so encouraged. My prayers are for Isa's eyes & for both o' 'em ta come home soon. :)

dublb 04-22-2013 12:47 PM

I sent a pict o' my April MB ta Anael ta be judged before I send it ta______. :)

janRN 04-22-2013 12:57 PM

Anael, great news on the babes--they're getting downright chubby!!!

Bev, that's a beautiful block Carrie made. Love all the bright colors. MrJanRn is still in San Antonio and is enjoying the beautiful weather & sights. I thought he was working. Hmmm.

Anne, what do you mean we are a Quilt Guild? I don't have a card and I haven't met any Snobs or Quilt Police on here. That's why I never went back to our local guild--too many so-called experts. Hope you're not coming down with something; just rest when your body tells you to. Bingo may be wearing you out LOL.

JanieW 04-22-2013 01:32 PM

1 Attachment(s)
That is a terrific block that Carrie made for you , Bev. It is really striking.

Speaking of terrific blocks, look what the postie brought me today. It's from JeanieG and it is gorgeous. I love the colours. Thank you, Jeanie. I love it.


QuiltingNinaSue 04-22-2013 01:49 PM

Lovey block, Janie; I agree that Jeanie did a good job on that one. I have been awaiting for you and QuiltE to receive your packets from me. May be tomorrow. I hope so.

I did receive QuiltE's square for my John Henry or name and to return it to her.

Honchey 04-22-2013 03:41 PM

Oh Jan, I wish we were a guild on this board...I meant to say my Monday sewing group here in the Village of Calabash...I'm wondering how does a "Guild" become a guild...Could we become a "Guild" anyone know the requirements???

Oh what pretty blocks made their appearance today...You lucky girls!!!!
I played with my Accuquilt "baby" and my little birdies are missing a belly, The top of one's head and I forget what else....I can save the one with the missing belly..the other 2 will become flowers or ???? :) :)

What are the names of the blocks Ladies?????

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