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QuiltingNinaSue 04-24-2013 05:18 PM

Have not noticed the lilacs; the tulips are ready to bloom. What are your flowers called, Janie?

Carrie, your BBs are wonderful. Love to see how each of us are putting them together.

QuiltE 04-24-2013 05:18 PM

Hello All ... well, I have my new machine home!!!!!!!
Talk about info overload and feeling overwhelmed.
I know I will love it ... just time and the learning curve to master.
Even managed to sew together some 4Ps for a D4P in between, as my teacher was interrupted by customers. I knew it might happen, as one girl was on her day off, and another at a funeral, so I went prepared. It was good, and let me get a better feel for the machine. And will be my first project with this machine, before I get into more difficult ones.

??And guess what?? ... there were big fat fluffy flakes this afternoon/tonight!

**reaches for one of QNSue CowGirl Cookies!!
:D:Dmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm goooooooooooood!!! :D:D

QNSue ... glad that the news was so good, and the only prescription was coarse ground pepper! We always knew you were HOT STUFF ... now you'll be even more so! :D Time to celebrate!!!!!!!!!! :)

... attagirl, show that man that you CAN DO! :) Good luck in your UPS delivery suprise. Hopefully it won't be long til you get your part as I am sure your laundry will be a mountain before too long! I'm sure your creative juices will be flowing on that L'il FFC block! Thank You! :) And if that MB happens to be for meeeeeeeeee, you can send them together! :DReady for a midnight raid at QNSue's with me!! ;)

Honchey ... what are the plans for those tweetie-birds? Any progress on your Pretty Ladies? Good plan ... get your own wheels. How about a little SMART car? Hopefully with all that cooking today, that you have made lots and now have minimal cooking for a spell. And what great delights are we feasting on tonight? :D

JeanieG ... oh dear! I'm sure you are beside yourself right now. Sitting and waiting for the results will be difficult for you ... and amidst the soggy home! Hopefully, all was high and dry with your sewing ... and you can keep at that to help keep you sane! :)

CarrieM ... buttttttt you have 3 built-in dishwashers!!! :D Congrats on your MB finish. I think that's the first of the MB quilts done? I don't know about the others, but, no I can't see the stitching. I'd really like to see some close ups to get a look at how you did this and to see what it looks like.

JanieW ... I'm almost thinking you are ahead of me! Not much happening here with spring flowers yet, though I did notice a bud on a few of my daffodils, and yes, a long long way away from lilacs showing signs of life. What are those pretty and fuzzy little purple flowers? Cousin of a crocus?

janRN 04-24-2013 05:20 PM

Jeanie, sorry for your really bad day. I hope the news is good when you go back to the derm. Water damage-what a mess one stupid pipe can make.

Carrie, your quilt turned out so cute. I like the extra blocks you added. Really cheerful and fun.

janRN 04-24-2013 05:20 PM

Jeanie, sorry for your really bad day. I hope the news is good when you go back to the derm. Water damage-what a mess one stupid pipe can make.

Carrie, your quilt turned out so cute. I like the extra blocks you added. Really cheerful and fun.

JanieW 04-24-2013 06:11 PM

Oh yay for you QuiltE. Your machine is home. Does she have a name? I hope you have tons of fun on it.

Those flowers are wild prairie crocus. They are Manitoba's provincial flower and since I was born and lived in Manitoba until 2005, they are special to me. One of the very few happy childhood memories I have is me and my grandma finding the first crocus of spring as we walked the fields. Now I have them blooming in my Alberta flower bed.

dublb 04-24-2013 06:48 PM

1 Attachment(s)
I'm a bit discouraged th'sevenin'.
First o' the 20 pinwheels 9 are backwards. :eek::confused: I think I'm gonna only use 8 blocks & that'll git rid o' 5 o' 'em. Then I decided ta make the center pinwheels go the other direction so that means take back one o' the 5 left overs & use it w/the other center pinwheels. I haven't got any further than those planin' stages o' that quilt.
I decided t aput the yellow copin' strips on the blue & yellow quilt blocks. I made 'em too big on purpose. A couple o' the blocks are too small & had hoped that I could make up for it w/the copin' strips. Well at least one is still too small. I guess I'll take the yellow ones off o' that one & put blue ones then the yellow back on the outside like the others. Sigh again.
Then I played w/the embroidery machine. The design I wanted looked great on the practice piece but when I put it on QE's cute li'le block it drew it up a bit. Sigh yet again. I sure hope it doesn't make it too small, it's definitely a bit wavy. I'm so sorry
QE. If it doesn't work for ya let me know & send me the PP pattern & I'll remake it for ya.
All o' this after DH & I spent the mornin' tryin' ta go ta the eye DR. They rescheduled him for next week. Then signin' papers for the 2 lots & mailin' 'em off. We also took care o' some more o' DMIL's estate stuff. After all o' that his back was hurtin' so he took a nap & paid bills th'sevenin'.
I do ramble on don't I. :)
Carrie - It's so nice ta come here & see your BB quilt done. :) It's awesome!:thumbup: After the strange day I had, it's a sight for sore eyes. :)
Jeanie - That's gotta be discouragin'! I sure hope it's not the M word again. My prayers are agoin' w/ya. & yuck all that water. :eek::shock::confused: What a thing ta deal with.
Sue - I'm still thankin' God for the good news. I think I'll come & sit in the RV & have some o' those cookies & have a cupa tea. Sigh :)
Anael - Please show us your li'le garden. :)
Janie - Those prairie crocus are darlin. My flowers are just dryin' up & not bloomin'g very much. I did plant some in Brady in hopes that there is a bit more rain there. I did notice taday, that my Bird o' Paradise is bloomin'. I have an old pict o' that flower some where Hmmmm let me see.
Yes here it is.
This isn't the same Bird o' Paradise that is tropical. This is a very ugly bush w/tiny li'le leaves & grows very scraggly. but when it blooms.... well just git outta here! I haven't checked ta see if my cactus is bloomin' yet. It's in the alley so I don't git out there very often.
QE - I bet that your new machine is purrin' right along for ya real soon. :)
Well it looks like I wrote a book. :) I do feel better though. Thanks ya'll for lettin me vent. :)

carriem 04-24-2013 07:01 PM

5 Attachment(s)
Janie--Thanks for the compliments on my quilt. Yes, I use my walking foot with the decorative stitches...as long as your foot has an opening for the needle to go back and forth it will work.

QE--Congrats on the new machine. A D4P will be a good first project. Are you doing squares or rectangles like Mirabelle showed us? Yes I know I have 3 "dishwashers" and they do do dishes, but....

Here are a couple pictures of some of the blocks so you can see the stitching....

I did just two rows on the D4P blocks on middle all the way across. The block where you can see the most stitching is actually one of my extra PC quilts. The last picture is my binding.

I like to use the decorative stitch instead of a straight one when SITD b/c a straight stitch never looks straight enough to me. :)

carriem 04-24-2013 07:21 PM

Dublb--I am so sorry you had "one of those days"!!! That is a pretty flower.

Janie--your crocus is another pretty picture....thanks for sharing.

My lilacs aren't that close to blooming...just leaf buds are growing. I drove to the boat ramp this morning and the water is going down....both picnic tables are out of the water, but the boat ramp is still under water.

JeanieG 04-24-2013 07:33 PM

Carrie, your BB quilt turned out just beautiful. Great job with the quilting too. Another UFO out of the way!

Dang, I have a lot to do with all my UFO's. At least the Pony Club flimsy is finished, and I'm about half way done piecing the backing!

mirabelle 04-24-2013 08:04 PM

Wow lots of chatter to catch up on :D

Great news QNS what a relief

JeanieG sending prayers your way that it is good news and I hope you get your house cleaned up and back to normal quickly

Carriem I love your BB quilt love the setting, love the stitching oh did I say I loved it:thumbup:

Went to patchwork this morning and had a few arguments, so not so happy with a few people, really love being told I'm a liar. Two members, (who do not quilt) and I really don't have a lot to do with, literally told me to my face that I did not quilt the Daisy Raffle quilt. My friend Shannon kept saying yes she quilted it and they kept saying that nobody quilts like that on a domestic sewing machine and Shannon would say well "Karen does". SO next week I am going to set up at a table with my sewing machine a practise square and make them eat their words.. Some people really make my blood boil.

Will post photos of PC and the Daisy quilt that were both hanging in the hall today but first I need to have a cup of coffee.

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