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mirabelle 05-10-2013 05:08 PM

Big congrats GGal what wonderful news, I am sure we will all be waiting to welcome a new addition to "our" family..

dublb 05-10-2013 08:13 PM

Mirabelle did ya git ta go on the drive? I hope it was fun. :)
Hooray for
GG & the new DGbaby! I'd love ta see picts o' the applique baby quilt.
QNS I'm confused about which house I should send ya 'cause we are now under contract for the new house. I was gonna send ya a pict o' the Brady house & one o' my current house as soon as I got the front porch cleared off. But now I'm about ta have a "new" house. LOL It is a bit newer than my current house. :) My current house was built in '58 & the "new" house was built in '69. So it is new. :D
Jan I hope ya had a great day at work! Gotta pay for that new car! :)
Honchey your azaleas are wonderful! I have killed all o' the azaleas that have come even close ta me. :)
Jeanie I sure hope your DH feels better soon! Ya can go on another li'le trip when he is better. :) I bet havin' your house all tore up is drivin' ya crazy!!!
Jane did ya git ta try that new thread? How did it do?
I sure hope that QE has a good trip. :thumbup:
I do have a contract on the new house taday. I got the papers in my e-mail at 4:50. Horray!

Honchey 05-10-2013 08:32 PM

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Wow, I don't know who to congratulate first!!! so I'll go in order...:)

JanRN...congrats on your new car...
GGal...congrats for your new soon to be in November grandchild...
Dublb...congrats on your new house....

Took a few more pictures...enjoy

QuiltingNinaSue 05-11-2013 03:04 AM

Beautiful pictures, Anne. Looks like a wilderness area around your place there. Love your flowers!!

Dublb, there are no limits: you can sent me pictures of all three entrances ...to each of your houses!! You are not limited to just one!! Home is where we hang up our hats and love with our hearts!

Everyone have a good day! Mine is starting out early; much to do today. Take care!

JanRN, might have to include your new car in that photo, and DD, your new car, too! Think I have that right or was it Dublb??? Forgive me please if I have that wrong....

Anael 05-11-2013 03:40 AM

GG, congrats on being a GGD :) Like Mirabelle said, we'll all be waiting for the new addition to our virtual family!

Anne, lovely pictures!

It has been raining all day here. I have to go and run some errands but I hate to go out when it's raining. I think I'll wait for a dry moment :D

janRN 05-11-2013 04:35 AM

New babies, new houses. What exciting news for our group. Ggal, you must be so excitied and anxious to get another baby quilt started.

Bev, congrats on the new house. MrJanRN and I are thinking of downsizing and have been looking (not seriously yet) and it's exciting. I don't envy you packing up and moving--lots of work.

Anne--absolutely beautiful yard! Love all the vibrant colors. The only thing in my front yard is my Drunken Dog statue. But he has a bright colorful bandana on LOL.

Janie, have you tried your new thread yet? Let us know how it works. I just tried Superior Super Fine and had lots of trouble with it even after adjusting tension. Kept skipping stitches.

Carrie, been thinking about you & DD and your migraines. Can you relate them to your menstrual cycle? In younger women, Estrogen surges can cause migraines. (I had migraines back when I had Estrogen but they stopped now that I'm old and Estrogen-less; one of the advantages of aging LOL).

Anael, rain and more rain and more rain here today. Last night it rained so hard the drains & sewers couldn't handle it. The streets looked like rushing streams. The grass seems to grow 3" overnight. But what a beautiful spring we're having--more trees and flowers in bloom than ever. But we're supposed to get a freeze/frost for the next 2 nights. Hmm-mother nature always gets the last laugh.

Have a great week-end everyone and a very happy Mother's Day.

QuiltingNinaSue 05-11-2013 05:40 AM

JanRN, are you sure you are not related to Janie?? She also has a dog statue in her front yard that may be a twin to yours! No, wait hers is a Steeler's fan.

Temps are dipping down here tonight and tomorrow night but not as much as was forecast. Farmers are going to have to go all hours to get their corn and beans planted by the 15th of May...predicted late crops and less yield which will bring up food prices, etc., for all of us. Gas prices will continue to rise.

happy mother's day to all. its too early for mother's day...should be next week!!! LOL!! Not planting garden until after the 22nd of the month...then it will be warm...I hope.

JanieW 05-11-2013 06:28 AM

Congrats Gardnergal! Very exciting.

Honchey your yard and flowers are beautiful. I loved the pictures from you and QNS. Living up here in the frozen north with a gardening zone of 3, I am really loving seeing all your blooms. I have an indoor amaryillis that I have named Audrey after the Little Shop of Horrors plant. It has grown so big( 2.5 feet tall) that it has to be in an 18" pot on the floor. It is producing two side bulbs and will not stop blooming. When it finishes blooming, it is supposed to rest and send out leaves to feed the bulb until it blooms again next season. Not Audrey. She rests for about 6 weeks and then sends out another bloom stalk that produces five huge flowers. I love Audrey.

JanRN I tried the thread and my machine likes it. I think it will be terrific for SID and FMQ. I tried it for piecing and it was really good, no need for scant 1/4" , but the seams are coming apart at the ends even tho I used 2.0. The write up says it is good for piecing but I don't want to sew with a smaller stitch length. So I will stick with aurifil for piecing. I love how much InvisaFil I can get on one bobbin, so will enjoy quilting with it.

Re migraines. I didn't start getting them until I went Estrogenless! I am weird.

I am going to Edmonton tomorrow . My 8 year old grandson has a chess tournament so I am going with my son to help ride herd on the twins while Colin plays chess. We will ride the streetcar, go to the indoor market, hit a playground or two, then go pick up Colin and then out for supper before the 1.5 hour ride home.

I need to get into the sewing room today. Too windy to run outside so it will be an elliptical day. Then sew all morning, leftovers for lunch, garden in the PM. I'll put rocks in my pockets so I won't blow away! :)

Hope you all have a good one!

JanieW 05-11-2013 06:43 AM

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Forgot to say congrats to dublb! Whoo hoo.

Here's Audrey


flower stalk forming

oksewglad 05-11-2013 07:04 AM

Every one has such great news! Congratulations Jan, GGal and dublb. Love looking at the pretty blossoms, thanks for posting the photos.
DH and I did a road trip--10 hours in a diesel truck with a 2 1/2 yo who rode like a trooper. He loved seeing the Mississippi and of course the trains that are along the riverside. He's a big Thomas the Train fan so was "choo choo ing" all the time. Went by a Big WMart and he yells--"See fish":D My back is so sore today.

Then we heard that a dear friend lost her battle with cancer yesterday. Today is not a good day even though the sun is shining.

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