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QuiltingNinaSue 05-24-2013 03:05 PM

It works fine, Mirabelle. Thank you for sharing. More for the file 'goin do that someday'...just don't know when. With the new added sewing machine maybe I can sew twice as fast! :thumbup:

Irises are in full bloom; peonies are almost out. "Night Owl" rose is blooming. But its cold...turned the furnace back on heat.

oksewglad 05-24-2013 04:10 PM

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mercysland, don't you love all the things we share--flowers, food, animals, let alone our passion for quilting? Hope all continues to improve for you. Chronic conditions are bummers to deal with--I know from personal experience as well.

I'm loving the re posts of the PC Quilts. Mine's a WIP, but I have saved scans of the blocks and put them in EQ7 and have come up with a plan for my quilt. It's set on point with a 4" outer border so will make a large quilt. It uses 56 blocks. Some of my completed blocks don't play as well with on point setting so they will go into a quilt with my Bonus Blocks--no plan for that one yet.
Here's my EQ design. The "black" setting squares and border is actually a navy and blue leaf pattern from Kansas Troubles.[ATTACH=CONFIG]415279[/ATTACH]

Okay have a list of things to add--saved on a scratch pad--but DH is back from the field and I'll be out discing the sod I disc chiseled earlier. I disc chiseled corn stocks with some great organic material (aka manure) earlier today. Will catch up with you all later.

JeanieG 05-24-2013 04:11 PM

Oh, I really like those PP patterns Mirabelle. They look kind of complicated, wonder if my skill level is up to it! :p

carriem 05-24-2013 05:55 PM

Karen--like Jeanie I like the new BOM. I was looking around the site and like this one too...if/when they sell the pattern I might even try EPP. Maybe I just like it because of the colorway/fabrics though (KT).:thumbup: http://webstore.quiltropolis.net/sto...3&Item_ID=2133

Jeanie--if you look at the pp'ing layouts, there aren't too many more pieces than some of the PC blocks...plus the blocks finish bigger too.

oksewglad 05-24-2013 06:11 PM

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Jeanie don't worry--I think you can do those blocks mirabelle linked.:)

And yes I'm back--disc is so much wider than chisel plow and could go faster as well. Done for the day outside, but all those things that get left undone are staring me in the face. Guess I don't want to stare at them back:D

Today's the 24th and I have been to town to mail my MB. Oh dear how will she know it's coming?;) I do have to run to town in the am--not sure if the PO is open though.

Anael is enjoying her weekend treat!! Yeah. And big brother can get close to them as well. Truly a sign of no hospital trips to come. FMQ 3 finger bow is so cute. BTW I have a bit of the dark fabric you used in your Mod Celtic quilt. Very nice.

Re: labels. I only made ones for the AAQI donations because they require it! Also made labels on the Doll Quilts I exchanged on the DQ swap here on the board.

Re: marking. I use a Hera marker for straight lines--works great on diagonal lines. Here's an example. My FMQ is just that--trying go beyond stippling--still a challenge--although I can free hand words pretty good. [ATTACH=CONFIG]415320[/ATTACH]

DD what fantastic scenery! The rock formations are amazing.

GGal--Carrie did a grand job on your Pineapple block. Red centers create a uniting factor in your MB's. Oh what a cute OSam quilt. I should make one for our Sam--he's the 2 1/2 yo who climbs up into the haymow maneuvering the barricade his dad nailed to the ladder and has master the skill of making a return descent around said barricade.

Going to cut some hexie fabric. Sure like using freezer paper for these. QE what did you use?

After bouncing on the lawn mower for 4 hours yesterday and bouncing in the tractor today I think I need some R&R! And I think the lawn mower job was worse on the body than the tractor driving.

Have a great Memorial Day weekend, Americans. OBTW do other countries have a remembrance day? If so what and when?

Carrie--I can see you doing that Moxie quilt!

mirabelle 05-24-2013 06:53 PM

JeanieG of course you can PP those blocks, you are woman you are strong and invincible you can do anything:thumbup:

Carriem I have looked at that BOM, it is in 2 colourways but not sure re cost etc, and you have to purchase the book to go with it. So I like the idea of the free BOM's.

My embroidery club have given me some Mariners Compass machine embroider designs all done in the hoop to have a play with, don't know why I was given the task of checking out the blocks, I guess I always get things done:D:D who needs to sleep..

DD started a new job today, will wait patiently for her to ring me and tell me all about her day, I have dinner cooked so am off to the girl cave to do some quilting. Update on Sammy, he is not getting any better, he is sleeping like a baby in my arms at night, I am not sleeping:shock: The weather has turned cool and I am in tracky pants and slippers:D

QNS now that our grey skies have cleared will get a pic of our house to you this week

Oksewglad we have ANZAC day here in Australia to honour our fallen soldiers, it is in April. We have parades and parties.

QuiltE 05-24-2013 07:32 PM

brrrrrrrrr!!!! It's ccccccccccold here! Frost warning last night, at at 7am it was 2C, and never went about 8C today. Tonight frost warnings again. Whatever happened to global warming??? And to think that MiraB has succumbed to tracky pants and slippers! :D

... great photo of your Pony! Really shows off your unique setting and border FCs nicely!

QNSue ... de-layed ... heck, I don;t have my room fully settled yet. I got to the point where I decided I needed to do some sewing to determine where everything was best to land. So take some time for some sewing, to help you make your decisions.

MiraB ... first two blocks look great. I wonder what they are "hinting" at, with their forewarning that not all blocks will be flowers. Hope that DDs first day went well! Now get that MC embroidery done for all the ladies to ooh and aah over! :)

OKSGlad ... another day of "if you want to hop on the tractor?" :D Yes, the lawnmower would be worse. Just not so well built with the springs etc. in the seat. I don't think I've seen your PC plan til now ... WOW! That's going to be a real masterpiece! How does the Hera Marker mark? It's just plastic, isn't it? I printed my hexies on cardstock then cut with the rotary cutter. I liked the stiffness it provided for doing each ... and also when joining.

Canadian Remembrance Day is November 11th and called just that. Eleventh Day of the Eleventh month ... and at 11:11 am, everything literally stops. For those not attending a service, the radios will have a mini-service, complete with a bugle call, with the traditional minutes of silence.

OKSGlad you;ll find this interesting ... with the date, it often happens the same time as The Royal. The livestock show STOPS dead for that service which is broadcast on the PA systems.

Poppies are worn from about the end of October til the 11th, in memory of those who fought in any war. Remembrance Day services are held that day, often outside and at War Memorials and Cenotaphs. Many have solemn parades to the service site. Often the smaller communities have their services on the Saturday or Sunday before the 11th. In my village, the school children walk a short distance to the local Cenotaph and participate in a service there.

Tonight ... made a table runner with some of the excess blocks from what I posted earlier this week. And guess what? NO COWS!!! :D

Anael 05-24-2013 10:36 PM

I'm so excited, I'm running around like a headless chicken :) :)
Within 2 hours the twins will be home, tomorrow they're 18 weeks old and first time home ! ! ! !

mirabelle 05-24-2013 11:07 PM

Anael take a deep breath, it is going to be wonderful, will you be able to spend lots of time with them.

QuiltE 05-25-2013 04:58 AM

Anael ... have a wonderful time with the SewGrands ... I'm sure you won't be there all the time, so they can have lots of alone-family-time. All the same, I know you will be on a high, even when not with them!

Hope you got your head back on ... we don't want them to grow up calling you the Headless Chicken Grandma! :D Guess we won't see much of you this weekend!! :D

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