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dublb 06-04-2013 07:26 AM

Originally Posted by Anael (Post 6103296)
Just a short message: Isa is going to hospital tomorrow to have the procedure done. I don't know if they do it tomorrow or the day after.

GG, we live about a 15 minutes drive away, so close! Isa showed her personality right from the beginning :)

Off to a meeting I go!

We'll be prayin' for Isa tamarrow!

oksewglad 06-04-2013 07:55 AM

What a trip, Bev, I'm tired just reading it! Glad the MB finally got there--tracking said it was to be there 5-28. It left Iowa on the 26th and meandered across to Texas for over a week. Lucky it didn't get swept up in a tornado, right?

Rainy day today--bummer. Guess I will clean--bigger bummer. Sis from ND coming Monday for an overnight; then sis from PA is whizzing through on Friday. Always tell DH he doesn't deal with my family often--but in large doses when they do come!!:D

Or maybe I will work on something for my Quilt Buddy. Their kids are hosting a surprise 50th for her and DH--Trying to come up with a design with 50 different fabrics. Any ideas?

Best of luck to Isa tomorrow.

janRN 06-04-2013 07:58 AM

Anael, will be thinking about Isa. And per another thread: NO, I will not show you The Box That Will Never Be Opened. At the rate I'm filling it, I'm going to need to build a storage shed in the yard. It will be The Shed That Will Never Be Opened LOL!

Bev, sounds like you had a great time (except for the car trouble.) What a great present you gave yourself to be able to spend all that time with friends and family. Glad everyone is home safe.

I made myself a promise that I would get one of my Quilts for Rosie quilted this week. I've practice, followed videos, read books, etc., and I've come to the conclusion that I am not an FMQer. I did fine on my Viking with the feed dogs down and just stitching over lines. But the Sweet 16 doesn't have feed dogs and I'm the one (supposedly) in control of speed. Well, I feel out of control--lines are jerky, I miss the drawn lines, and it looks like ****. I have 4 out of 12 blocks done and I'm determined to finish it. Sorry for the hissy fit but I'm so wanting to do FMQ and have it look nice. Oh well, I can add this quilt to The Box.

gardnergal970 06-04-2013 08:45 AM

JanRN....someone's trash is someone else's treasure. Send me your box and I'll pass it on to those who do chariety quilts. I'm sure they will use them up! Maybe you even know a group in your area that does that. Fresh starts....even in the box that never sees the light of day....can be a very good thing!

carriem 06-04-2013 09:56 AM

Anael--Praying for Isa's surgery.

Bev--sounds like other than the car trouble that you had a nice time. Thanks for sharing.

OK--for the 50 fabrics quilt, you could do a D9P using a charm pack (40 fabrics) plus 10 more fabrics. Not sure if you are looking to make a quilt or something smaller. If they are having a party, the 10 extra fabrics could be more solid and used for signature blocks to be signed at the party.

Jan--you can't put your Rosie quilt in "the box"!! Are you quilting the Christmas one or the batik one? If it is going in your box, let me know and maybe I can send you some fabric in exchange. :) Don't give up completely on the FMQ...maybe pull out some of the blocks in your box to practice some more. I don't have any suggestions as I haven't really attempted FMQ yet. Do you have anyone nearby that can come over and give you one on one help?

oksewglad 06-04-2013 02:24 PM

Good suggestion Carrie--I was thinking about using some black and white fabrics as they have "generic" (aka Holstein) cows--but don't think I have 50 pieces in my stash, plus this is on Sunday and today is Tuesday. My mind was rattling with ideas when I was in the field yesterday. Thought of doing a crazy looking cow outline with said 50 fabrics. Of course could use 50 fabrics of any kind. Also thought of making a EPP triangle quilt. Just found this on Pinterest. I have the book most of these cows come from okay off I go!!!!!


QuiltingNinaSue 06-04-2013 02:53 PM

A version of trip around the world....fifty years of their life...born, childhood, school years., Marriage...family life...farm life....cow outstanding (in the field)...colors start with baby colors and mature with story...up to the present....just my two cents worth...

Dublb, if you download from the net, please email me on how???? Curz stick did not download the first program first??? Need an outline of a guitar...concert...that works with the Deco 340.

mirabelle 06-04-2013 04:12 PM

Anael keeping Isa in my prayers that everything goes well for you.

Bev what a trip you had, I was tired just reading all about your adventures

JanRN, relax and the FMQ will happen.

Now to put the groceries away and make some Pea and Ham soup for DH

janRN 06-04-2013 05:20 PM

OKsewglad, I like QNS's suggestion for your quilt but I'd love to see a cow outline in crazy colors! What a fun quilt that would be.

Carrie, I'm doing my Christmas Rosie. It's only 12 blocks (odd size to fit on back of couch). Thought I'd start with the smaller one and work my way to the larger batik one. Thanks all for your suggestions and encouragement on the FMQ; my friends laugh and tell me I'm too anal to FMQ. I think they're right.

Have an interesting FART on Saturday. We're going to a fabric outlet. Have any of you ever been to one? I checked their website and they show name brand fabrics. Wonder about the quality of the fabric--would it be seconds? I need backing for 2 projects so I hope it's okay. It will be fun no matter what. And then I'll have to FMQ some more projects--oh no!!!! LOL.

QuiltingNinaSue 06-04-2013 06:23 PM

Sounds like everyone had a good day and has made some good plans and good food.

Went back to the closing Ben F store and invested more monies into increasing the stash with neutral of browns and blues and grays...just a couple of pieces that was not neither of those colors....Hope to connect with bf and go on Highway 34 for some Iowa Shop Hop if dd of bf does not go into labor tonight...and we will be on call tomorrow for her to call then. Also found a beginners book on free motion quilting.

This month will tell us how many hens and drakes there are in the 9 little brown ducks; the tails will curl up if they are a drake and the bill tends to be yellow or almost so instead of black/green. We may only have one hen. Time will tell, July 6th they will be four months old. First group of straight run chicken...out of nine, we have five roosters!! In the second group, we may only have one hen out of the nine chicks....so will either sell or dress out the surplus of roosters. Things were quieter in the hen yard with the ducks back in the orchard today.

Anael, my thoughts and prayers are with the SEWGRANDS.

Honchey, have the dgc wore you out? Are you working, too on top of the dgc visit?

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