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Anael 12-20-2012 10:49 AM

Thank you all for your prayers, good thoughts and hugs. The twins are doing well, the boy is 5 days behind on the girl but that's nothing to worry about. So we're all happy and this was the only birthday present I really wanted!

Honchey 12-20-2012 11:18 AM

Hi Everyone, I am listening to the weather channel and I hope all of you are safe in your homes and not on the roads anywhere... Please check in if you are reading this and let us know you're ok....

dublb 12-20-2012 11:36 AM

I'm lucky here no bad weather. :)

dublb 12-20-2012 11:37 AM

Good news for Aneal!:)

JeanieG 12-20-2012 11:51 AM

Sunny but cool here in Southern CA.

Going to make some cookie dough today. I do mine in three stages. I make all the different cookie dough one day, bake them all the next day, and decorate them all the third day. That way, I can put the mixer and flour, sugar, baking soda, etc away after the first day and clean all that mess up. Works out so much better than making that flour/sugar mess every day for a different kind.

Anael, I'm so happy for you and your son/DDIL. What wonderful news that the babies are doing so well. When is their expected birthdate? My nephew and his wife are have a C-Section for their twins on March 30th.

gardnergal970 12-20-2012 01:26 PM

No travel here but my DD and GS will be coming from Nashville tomorrow evening. It's predicted that the snow will be over but still cold and blowing. We're keeping our fingers crossed. Still raining here right now with strong winds.

Anael 12-20-2012 01:35 PM

Jeanie, expected birthdate is April 28th.

janRN 12-20-2012 02:25 PM

Awesome news Anael!! Thanks for the update--I think we all feel like "adopted grandmas" to your little ones!

Jeanie, I want to come to your house and help you bake. I really need to learn how. I like your "3 day system". Mmm-your house is going to smell so good.

No travel here, Anne, except to work tomorrow (damn!). It has been so dark here all day--like 6 o'clock at night all day. And rain--wow--it's raining buckets and supposed to turn to snow around 2am. And yes, Ggal, I'm crotchety--I'm one of those people that hate snow but live in western PA where it's expected to snow all winter. I even have a remote starter on my SUV so I don't have to clear so much snow off (I'm such a princess LOL). Stay warm and safe everyone.

JeanieG 12-20-2012 02:53 PM

I live in a part of Southern CA that is 15 miles from the ocean. I have lived in this area all my life. Yep a native California Girl! It has only snowed one time in all these years. It was in 1949! There was enough snow to cover the ground, and I remember being so excited, until I got my hands in the snow and they hurt like crazy! LOL The mountains surrounding our area get snow often during the winter, so we can see the snow covered hilltops. If we want to "go" to the snow, it is a two hour drive.

QuiltingNinaSue 12-20-2012 04:13 PM

All things came to a halt today; no school, no LQS open, and no plans of going anywhere. Seen a few cars and truck over on US 136 highway (about 1000 yards away from us). Beautiful looking snow until you have to get out in it; high wind blowing and drifting the snow, so the few inches can pile up and cause trouble driving. Experienced drivers only on the roads here and across into the southern tier of counties in Iowa. Yes, its looking like a white Christmas here.

Thanks for the good news, Anael, about your gc to be.

You must tell us, Jeanie, when the twins arrive, too.

"tis the special season to celebrate the birth of one child long ago; and all children are so special. You all give every gk you can reach an extra hug tonight....'cause I cannot reach out and touch our one and only.

OksewGlad, if you have slowed down to tune in to our chatter, your box is due to arrive on Friday. Through a bf, I found a copy of Flip for you to enjoy with all your grand-kids at your house..that is in the box as well as cookies..dh cannot stay away from them when they are around...and I do love to bake...Thanks to everyone who made my season special and took delivery of the 'box'.

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