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Anael 06-22-2013 10:57 PM

I love those fabrics but that's obvious. I love those bright colours :) How do you plan on using them? Random or like a trip around the world? Or rainbow?

I didn't see the big moon last night as it's all cloudy here. Better luck next year :)

mirabelle 06-22-2013 11:49 PM

Anael I hadn't given it a lot of thought but now you have me thinking about layout before I have one block cut:D, I do like the idea of a trip around the world, hmmm will have to get the pad and colouring pencils out and start playing around with colour...

Thank you for that it just might get me enthusiastic about it, stay tuned

Anael 06-23-2013 01:07 AM

1 Attachment(s)
You're welcome :) Can't wait to see what you're going to do!

Here's what's going on in my kitchen :D


gardnergal970 06-23-2013 05:00 AM

Mirabelle....playing with colored pencils is a good way to be creative and rest your shoulder. I don't know how you approach values in color, but the mystery quilt I just got had a list of fabrics by their name and then a scanned picture it that showed their values real plain. A cream I would have pegged as light showed up as a medium. What a lot I have to learn.
Carrie...like the others, your quilt, your choice about the quilting. Looks like you will soon have this one done.
Anael...you are so full of surprises! How long have you been training this bird?
JanRN...the box of orphans arrived yesterday and for the life of me, I'm not sure why most of them wound up in the box in the closet! You do beautiful work! I think I will be sorting through them before anyone else sees them and take my choice first. ....And I found the MB! It was actually on my sewing table but there was an error in it I hadn't seen before so I was sure it was the first block I had done and put aside because it was totally wrong. I have ripped and pinned and will have it back together as it should be and in the mail. Glad I didn't have to make it all over again. It was challenging.

QuiltingNinaSue 06-23-2013 05:26 AM

9 Attachment(s)
GG, lucky person who receives your MB. It is sooo much fun looking for a MB in mail every month, then seeing everyone's posted MB with all that has been received in the MB trail. Gathering up orphan blocks as I clean out the quilt room, deep cleaning, have all the 'scraps' on my table to sort today.

Anael, I am guessing you are training a young raven bird who is enjoying a bit of cat food, perhaps?

I went out for morning chores to keep dh company and took my camera into the garden again. Asian Lilies are in bloom and the bell clematis bush.[ATTACH=CONFIG]420620[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]420621[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]420622[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]420623[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]420624[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]420625[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]420626[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]420627[/ATTACH]Thornless dew berries are in full bloom and putting on green berries and caught my shadow as well. We plant Phlox in the berry row for more color. Yes we garden in raised beds made from free tires from the tire shop. Brandywine tomato plant has a 'different' leaf on its plant:[ATTACH=CONFIG]420628[/ATTACH]

Carrie, I think you have a good eye and can do the quilt the right way. Stippling around the airplane would set it off more, if you want that look; if not, its ok as you are doing it...batting will say quilt within so many inches on it.

Anael 06-23-2013 05:43 AM

QNS, I envy you. You have such a lovely garden and so many beautiful flowers!! Thanks so much for showing!

I didn't train that blackbird, it's sneaking into my kitchen, stealing the cat's food. My killer kitty is watching and doing nothing :D

oksewglad 06-23-2013 08:14 AM

mirabelle, the first bright spot of my day is DD's fabric picks. Not quite 30's colors; a bit more intense and oh so pretty. Can't wait to see the magic you create from this. I think we can all agree that you are the most prolific of the PC group and we "complete" our bucket lists by watching what you finish. Thanks for inspiring all of us.

I'm jealous, QNS, you have sunshine this morning. It's raining again. Last night dumped the rain gauge at 3.2 ". Let's see that's 9 inches in the last 48 hours and guess what--raining again--maybe it will just drizzle. Water going over the road just north of DS and DIL's. Will check out how high water is when DH gets in for dinner. Oh and I'm jealous of the beautiful gardens and flowers. Thanks for sharing. Now as to that thieving bird--killer kitty is not living up to his name, Anael.

Even if prices are high and housing shortage, at this point DH may stay on I of G. Anyone looking for an experienced couple to manage a dairy----might want to check want ads and get our resumes ready! Of course large field of hay is now well washed and some planted fields with standing water. Not the brightest outlook here.

Carrie--the airplane quilt is so one of a kind! When you get this all together you will see how the diagonal lines support the points coming off your center block to draw the eye from the compass out to the edges of the quilt. Love how you manage to get so much done!

GGal glad you found the Missing MB! I have learned to not worry--after looking in all the obvious places, and the places I have been with block in hand, I send up a prayer to St Anthony. And sooner or later it shows up.

Heading to the sewing room. Sewing 5/8" seam allowances is strange somehow! Pants pair #1 done; modifications made on pattern (leg width) now will see how next pair goes. Later folks.

QuiltingNinaSue 06-23-2013 08:24 AM

Thanks, OksewGlad, for sending the rain our way...its raining hard right now, but we needed a good big rain. Had to water the gardens yesterday. I did get out and pick the strawberries before it rained. PM me when you return from the trip and I will send another shipping box of goodies to you. I found yellow cows on a fabric and could not resist it.

Yes, Mirabelle, I enjoyed seeing all the colors...a lot of red and pink there to make a very lovely, bright quilt.

QuiltE 06-23-2013 08:24 AM

MiraB ... those fabrics are going to be lovely together. I'm like Anael, and wondering how you plan to use them in the quilt? Are you going to use white as the mainstay? or? Another effective colorway might be diagonals, of the different colours.

Anael ... cloudy here too last night, so no bright moon beams in my bedroom window! OMG a pet bird .... and your plans are?

GGal ... just as I suspected that JanRNs blocks undeservedly had been hidden away! Wish I was closer and we could have a quilting bee, and turn them into a quilt together ........... and send it back to her! :D How do you plan to use them? Yeaaaaaaaaaaa that your MB has shown up again! :D

QNSue ... *gasp* your lilies are so beautiful!!!!!! Mine are coming into bud nicely, though will never be the spectacle that yours are. Absolutely amazing!!!

CarrieM ... thanks for the pic. Before I saw OKSGlad's comment, I too was thinking of working your quilting design out from your centre compass star to let it show itself off wile the planes fly in the wide blue yonder!!! Then I see stippling in the background of the propellers, to let them puff up a bit. This is going to be such a fun quilt when done ... your friend is bound to be thrilled!

OKSGlad ... my goodness! you must be somewhat drowned out with all that rain. Now wouldn't that be something to stay on Guernsey and work for a spell! You're going to have to model your new clothes for us!!! :D Your G chatter got me surfing to the Ontario and Canadian sites last night ... a neighbour is Cdn Pres and his Dad is 1st VP for the Ontario branch! I'm betting that Dad will be with you in G and son will be home farming!! :D

carriem 06-23-2013 10:01 AM

Thanks for the quilting suggestions! The batting says quilting up to 8" apart, so I am good there. I may add a little more as I add rows and get a better idea of how it looks. I am one who like just a little quilting usually like some of you mentioned. The backing is flannel and I want it to be comfy to cuddle with. I've never done stippling so not sure if this will be the quilt I practice that on...maybe down the road.

Honchey--great to "see" you as always. :) Hope you get to feeling better before your trip for the 4th.

Jeanie--your MB for QE turned out very pretty...it goes well with her other blocks.

Karen--how are you feeling after a little bit of sewing. You didn't over do it did you?? Probably a good thing you have to go check on DS for a couple days to keep you from going too crazy. I know not getting to sew much in the last couple weeks has been frustrating for me, but I haven't been at home so am sure being home makes it that much harder! Nice fabrics your DD chose for her Sylvia quilt.

Jan--thanks for the trivia. DH does really well at TP, but we don't play that often as he isn't a big "board game" type. We used to just read questions to each other. Too cloudy here to see the moon...maybe next time.

OK--sorry you have gotten so much rain...we've had our share but less than 4". Looks like more on it's way though.

Anael--nice your your kitty to share her food. :)

QNS--as usual some beautiful flowers!!!

Ggal--I look forward to seeing how your put Jan's blocks together to make some beautiful quilts.

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