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janRN 06-26-2013 01:38 PM

We had bad storms all night and they're approaching now; my internet is hit or miss so I'll keep this short.

DD-your quilt is beautiful. Using the light sashing gives it a whole different feel. Great job.

All the MB's are awesome. The groupings look so good and the quilts are going to be fantastic.

QE-like what you did and how you did it. Good idea using the fabric as your guide. Wow-I'm impressed!!!

Thunder & lightening--I'm off; hope to talk more later.

dublb 06-26-2013 02:02 PM

I got so much ta do taday.
QE-your first "real" FMQ is great.

I did finish ____________'s MB last night & I mailed it taday. I even paid extra for it ta git there sooner. Gotta change the laundry & then head ta another store. At 105* F I really don't want ta go out there again. It's supposed ta reach 107* in the next few hours. Hmmm maybe I'll just take a nap, & go tamarrow. It's only supposed ta reach 102* tamarrow. It's humid too. The Humidity level is 50% & we are used ta 5%. Yup I'm gonna take a nap. I was up till 4:00 am. 2 hours after I finished that block. My brain just kept quiltin'. LOL

QuiltingNinaSue 06-26-2013 02:07 PM

Mirabelle did herself proud on your block, Honchey.. Beautiful...now show us all four, Honchey, please, pretty please.

QuiltE, you did an excellent job in my eyes.

Stilll 'waiting on my MB, but I know it will be worth the wait....wait.....wait. Come on, Post Office, get it delivered!!

Janie, would love to see all four of your MBs too; this moments of senior I-forgot-what-her-other-MBs-looked-like are growing as our numbers of MB are growing.

It clouded up like rain this morning, but just had a few drops along the way. Yes, dh is suffering short term memory blocks, and this morning he forgot to let the little ducks out; I did check on it before we left, so they did get let out to water and food.

Store owner, Vicki, was very nice, ordered up the Quilter's Dream Horn table for the Bernina 550 (took back the school desk), and will fix the legs on the cabinet for the old 1530, and sent back with me the one for the embroidery machine that does fit right and is put together right.

Dh felt pretty good today and drove halfway up and about halfway home, so that really helped me out on the driving, to rest a bit. Have a good evening everyone; hope your storms will pass on through without any damages. Lucky Carrie has her generator and beautiful MBs.

Honchey 06-26-2013 03:06 PM

4 Attachment(s)
This is the only way for now that I can show you all 4..My 8 yr old camera is giving me hissy fits so I went out and bought a new one this afternoon...the battery is charging as we speak...

JanieW 06-26-2013 04:09 PM

1 Attachment(s)
that's a lovely bunch of blocks we are seeing. We are going to have some unique gorgeous quilts.

QNS, here you go!


QuiltingNinaSue 06-26-2013 04:57 PM

Meet you all in the Virtual RV, so I can 'pet' all those wonderful MBs!! Its really remarkable how they each fit in with the others!! Lots of good 'Eye' candy!!!:thumbup::thumbup::thumbup::thumbup::thumb up:

Tomorrow, I set up my new Embroidery sewing table and machine and start on the 'guitar', one on each of the 120 blocks. I had Vick make a 'shadow' on one side to give it more depth in the picture. I have light, medium and a dark blue to use on it, but each one takes just two colors. Will do a sample first, using the light/dark contrast and see how that looks.

Have to 're-think' how I am going to do the placemats; not satisfied with them. According to the QB lady, Mary, I need the tension set at seven to nine...thought she had said no tension at all , but different story today, so will try that. To thread the Mono thread without seeing the thread itself too well is a real task in its self.

Isn't wonderful that tomorrow will be a NEW day? We are blessed.

QuiltingNinaSue 06-26-2013 04:58 PM

Thanks, Janie, for sharing pictures of your MBs. And Honchey, too. Thanks.

QuiltE 06-26-2013 05:21 PM

Thanks everyone! for all your positive feedback.
Today I bought a "wing needle" to make stencils plus a pounce pad to put those stencil marks on.

JeanieG ... I chalked the first few feathers on, then decided, oh heck, go for it. The design worked nicely for me to follow part of the design like SITD (without a ditch) and used the markings of the print to give me a guideline as to where to stitch.

JanRN ... I am lusting over your high clearance and great visibility of the S16. Oh how I wish I had a sugar daddy to just say, oh here is one! :D

DublB ... our humidity is at 83% and only 20% POP! So I think our humidex is working out pretty much on par with your temps. And no A/C for me! :(

QNSue ... great news on your cabinets. I googled Horn, but see there is more than one Quilter's Dream. Which are you getting? You're going to have everything so nicely organized now with all your machines and tables. You're better than me ... I refuse to use monofilament! :) I have used coloured 100 wt, which comes close, but at least I can SEE it! :D

carriem 06-26-2013 05:55 PM

Karen--that MB for Honchey is very pretty.

QNS--your blocks for Janie are nice too...she has options as both match. :)

Janie--glad you are safe.

QE--great "first real" FMQ. Good idea to use "cheater" fabric to follow. I will have to keep that in mind when I am ready to do FMQ.

Jan--hope you made it through the storms ok. We've had our share the last couple weeks.

Bev--hope you got a good nap and are staying cool. Our temps aren't that hot (high 80s, low-mid 90s), but we always have high humidity during the summer.

Power came back on a little before 8. We went without power a few winters back for 18 hours due to ice on the lines all over the place...after that we got a generator. We were very thankful we heat with wood! The power goes out randomly around here for a couple hours at a time so it has been nice to have.

The river near us is still coming up. They cancelled the "grand stand" events and rides at our county fair due to flooding. The 4-H buildings/exhibits are uphill a little more so as of right now they are still on...judging was today on projects. Some of the animal shows will be moved to another county's fairgrounds. It is too bad as this is the 125th Anniversary so they had some big stuff planned. I know someone who had her quilt in the open show and she said today they were telling people to take things home...the "rules" state "projects are to stay until July 1st" so they really must not expect many to come through other than those there for 4-H.

Just two more days of taking DD to driver's ed classes. She drove her last time this afternoon. Next week DH is taking a week of vacation and the week after that is Day Camp at our church (like Vacation Bible School). Then I will be able to get back into a regular routine at home!!

mercysland* 06-26-2013 06:27 PM

Deranged_Damsel—Loved your Pony Club Quilt. It is simply fascinating to look at and your color choices are

QuiltE—I really enjoyed seeing your quilt again and especially the close-ups. You are so creative!

No new quilt yet, but lots of ideas. Maybe someday. Thanks for asking. :)

Really bad flooding and mudslides about 50 miles from my home. My FedEx courier husband has been attempting to deliver in those areas. You really feel sorry for the family and businesses that are cleaning out or still underwater. It's hard to believe that we were in a drought last year!

Thanks for all of the encouragement about the pain I am experiencing and the acupuncture option. Sad to say that the nurse who advised me to try it, didn't realize that my insurance company won't cover it. Chiropractor--yes; Chriropractor who does acupuncture—no. Oh, well that's the way it goes...back to square one.

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