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QuiltE 07-09-2013 06:25 AM

Hello All!
I'm baaaaack! :)
Terribly HHH all weekend while I was gone.
Then was on the road yesterday, same thing!
Then the Great Flood ... thankfully I was not near Toronto, so of course, didn't have it quite so bad.
While it's stopped the big city full force ... no matter what is said, it is no where near what Alberta has been dealing with, or the horrible train derailment in Quebec.

So, here I am with tea in hand ... and embarking on the catch-up read! :)

JanieW 07-09-2013 06:36 AM

Hi everybody,

I have been MIA but for good reasons this time.

I was expecting friends to come visit for Canada Day but didn't know I had a surprise in store. My son came up with his three kids, the ones I had just been down to help out with a couple of weeks ago. He decided to give my DIL a break so he brought them all up. The little guy was one at the end of Feb and the girls are 9 and 7.

We took the girls to the fireworks. It is frustrating to take kids because we live so far north that it doesn't get dark until at least 11:30 PM. However it was worth it. This year they were extra special as it is our city's centennial. The girls just loved them. They were asleep when their heads hit the pillow.

Now all company is gone and the garden is caught up. I may even get to the sewing room later today if I remember where it is.

Yesterday was our 41 st anniversary. We puttered in the garden, cleaned up and walked through the trails to go out for lunch. Then we went to see the Lone Ranger in the evening, came home, waited for it to get dark and then sat out by the fire until 1:00 am! It was a quiet, but good day.

I love your little guineas. Your comment about being graceful growing old resonated with me as that was something my grandma used to say. Unfortunately her daughter ( my mother ) didn't get the memo. My main goal as I age is to NOT be like my mother. So far so good.:thumbup:

OK can't wait to hear about your trip. We are going back to the UK this Sept. I hope you will post some pictures when you get a chance.

GardnerGal thanks for asking about the flood. We are ok, but Calgary and High River are still in a big mess. There was more heavy rain down there yesterday and it keeps making it worse. It is difficult if not impossible to get flood insurance so there are very many people who will have to start all over again. It's very upsetting.

I hope to catch up with everyone individually soon, but just can't find some computer time for long enough.

I need to get out for my run and then shower and go for groceries. The fridge is very empty.

QuiltE 07-09-2013 07:20 AM

CarrieM ... looks like you've had a "family" holiday while DH has been off. Congratulations to your Grandparents on their Diamond Anniversary.

QNSue ... lots of little ones to look after. You really do need to do a special bird quilt in honour of your following!

MiraB ... OMG on the Good/Bad News saga, and the fears for the long term. Instant results from the cortisone? ITA sometimes it's learning to manage and live with something ... rather than dwell on what might be. I try to do that with my eyes, and pretty much never think much about what is lingering in the background all the time. I'll be here to bolster you up and help you continue on!

JeanieG ... any Happy Hammer sounds?

GGal ... did DH's deep cleaning continue? Typical guy ... out to the power washer! However, with this heat, it's a good project to help cool off with the spray! :D Great new sampler project for you!

Honchey ... Oh dear for the amputation! I've done that ... plus have had vital pieces flip around when trimming, so that I get the clean 1/4" seam ..... but also take off the main piece as well. I get so annoyed at myself when that happens. Yes! have a drink!!! :D Thanks for sending the rest of the MB months. No, I am not an over-achiever as you hinted, though should the occasion strike .......I'm prepared!!! :D

DDamsel ... hope that you are enjoying your "retreat" and getting lots of pampering from Ma and Pa! :D ........... which likely means some sewing time too? Any cooler yet?

JanRN ... so what are the great FART plans for August? An extended trip, perhaps?

JanRN and Anael ... heck, forget wrinkles, how about a magic tool to make extra pounds to disappear! :D

Anael ... And so, another new "habit" develops! Next thing you'll not have time to sew! Is that a new pic of the SewGrands as your avatar pic? Would you please show us a larger view? How are you making out with your new "wheels"? Bet Mick is intrigued!

OKSGlad ... Dog Tired is good ... and overloaded with grand memories of the incredible journey!! Look forward to hearing some of the highlights. Hope that ILean did not follow you to Guernsey, nor waiting for you or MrOKSGlad when you returned. Rest Up, Dear Friend!

JanieW ... confused here? Did you have your friends as well as DS+Grands? Or had the friends conspired with DS so that you thought it was friends coming to be replaced by DS? FUN time to take the kids to the fireworks. HAPPY 41st! Looks like you had a pleasant day ... and then a UK "honeymoon" soon to come! :D

Me? ... Now back to reality and WORK! UGH! It was a nice get-away, though the HHH made one feel like a wet noodle! Yes, some fabrics followed me home, though nothing incredible, or any main project. I was a little disappointed in the Hop ... seemed more like business as usual, than anything special. No Hop gifts. No Quickie Corners. No Hop Specials. And honestly, the whole thing seemed to lack enthusiasm. Yes, there is a draw for all that make it to all ten shops, but I have no clue what the draw items are, or how many. They featured an exclusive batik line, with one block per shop at $4.99 (amount of fabric really did not give us value for the $$) and the completer kit is $130. Plus still need to buy backing. I wasn't so sure I really liked the quilt, though I did like the fabrics, so have bought the blocks, and will do my own thing, without the completer kit.

One thing for you ladies to watch for is a new line from Robert Kaufman ... realistic wildlife (bears, etc) yardage, some coordinating fabrics ... and a couple of panels. The panels look more like paintings once quilted up. Incredible!! And no, I did not buy any! :)

QuiltingNinaSue 07-09-2013 11:52 AM

GG:.http://quiltinggallery.com/2013/05/3...-requirements/. Looks interesting, but I bet you could substitute fabric, although I love the bright colors.

OK, glad to hear you are back and I hope resting a bit before you try to 'get' back in the groove. And we all want to hear of the highlights and pictures.

DD it was nice to hear from you; also Janie, and QuiltE. All have been missed, at least by me. Happy Anniversary, Janie. May you enjoy your trip to UK, and do something all of us would want you to do and report back for us. Floods in the North Country, and drought here. Lawns have big cracks in them. It rained on me in Centerville for about 10 minutes, but back home, 19 to 20 miles South, no rain at all. Went up to get dh his 'pills' and came home to see the kitchen faucet running water down the drain for ??? length of time. Big water bill coming up after this month of watering the garden and flowers and filling the duck's two pools....how else can they play water pool??:D

Honchey 07-09-2013 12:04 PM

Well, Tonite is BINGO nite...I need to win more than what I won last week to pay for my FART today... 60% off one store...40% off another store.... and just several 1/4 yds of Batiks at another store... will lay the fabric out on the guest bed when DH is not watching and take a photo...DH played Golf while I played with the fabric...

It's good to hear from all of you and what's been happening in your lives....

My hip hasn't been bothering me like it did before...I still will have PT when I go back...Have to strenghten my legs so the hips work better...It looks like I'm wobbling when I am hurting when I walk.. I've been spending time in the pool..that's also very helpful.....Almost time to go...wish me luck guys!!!!"D

janRN 07-09-2013 12:32 PM

It's good to have all riders back on the PC trail. What a busy summer everyone is having. OK when you rest up a bit, please tell us about your trip. QE even tho the Shop Hops were disappointing still sounds like you had a productive trip. Janie fireworks just aren't the same without kids along to watch with you; and happy, happy anniversary. Our 44th is coming up and I look around at some friends and they're on their 2 or 3rd DH--aren't we lucky?

So sorry for our Canadian friends. First those devastating floods and now this train disaster. Lots of positive thoughts being sent that way. We live in an area that all trains traveling the East coast pass through. There are disaster plans available but you never think something like that will happen.

Ggal, I checked that site. I like that the blocks vary in size. I started my own BOW. I started Carol Doak's 50 Fabulous PP Stars. I think Anael is doing this on QB. I needed to settle on a specific project with a goal so I don't start 30 different things and don't finish any of them. Yinz have to hold me accountable or I'll veer off to another project.

Anne, Bingo & Farts. What more could a girl ask for???? Good luck tonight.

Mirab, sorry about your doc's report. I take a couple of Ibuprofen before I even start sewing; I can't imagine working with the pain you're having. Try shorter sewing sessions--no marathons!

Big storms heading this way again. Had golf ball sized hail the other night; I was worried my newly repaired car may end up in the body shop again but thankfully not. Have a good evening all.

Honchey 07-09-2013 01:05 PM

Oh Mirabelle...2 years...can you come to the USA and have it done here??? I guess we don't realize how lucky we are here...just schedule it & have it done...Why such a long wait???

grannyQ 07-09-2013 01:26 PM

Originally Posted by Honchey (Post 6164873)
Hi, I just finished the July MB... Would you ladies like to have the rest of the list ?... I finished it...Some of you overachievers I know would like to have the list...Let me know...

Yes i would like the list for the other blocks, that way i can work on them when i am able to.

grannyQ 07-09-2013 01:36 PM

Update on DS, he was able to come home Sunday pm. very sore, tired and hurts a lot. He told us last night that he say the white light and the pearly gates. The doctor told us he worked with him 2 hours following the surgery, and had to use a heart and lung machine twice and extra strong medicine to keep him alive. I probably won't do much for a while but try to help him & DIL whenever we can. Lots of reading posts. We celebrated DH birthday on the 4th in the ICU unit waiting room. We would not leave there until everything was under control,he was told that he was lucky he was still alive for the surgery. Thank you everyone for your prayers. They really mean a lot to our family.

JeanieG 07-09-2013 02:48 PM

Originally Posted by Honchey (Post 6168396)
Oh Mirabelle...2 years...can you come to the USA and have it done here??? I guess we don't realize how lucky we are here...just schedule it & have it done...Why such a long wait???

My thoughts exactly Anne! I cannot understand a two year wait, that makes no sense at all. Why do you have to wait so long Mirabelle????

GrannyQ - prayers coming your way for you son. What a scary time for all of you!

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