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QuiltingNinaSue 07-12-2013 07:46 PM

Gee, thanks, QuiltE. Wonder how I wandered off...MF does look like fun. Aim for Accuracy...So which one are we doing or some of us may do, Honchey? Must be a link from the the page that sent me on the journey onward...

Honchey 07-12-2013 08:03 PM

well, I don't think there should be a separate thread for the DJ that several of you want to do...There definitely is one that is very current and is very like our thread here...the only difference is that they have stayed with DJ exclusively....I don't see a problem with any doing it here within our group...The same for the QOTS new rectangular blocks...We all show the different projects that we're working on so this would be more of the same but now with 2 different themes + the MB's...If you want we could have a separate thread for the QOTS...less confusion and it would be open to members here on the Board and keep the DJ and our MB's within this thread....Let me know what you think by email please...
Give me an idea of when you want to start either of the "new trips" ..

Honchey 07-13-2013 04:44 AM

Last week we had alot of rain and all the wires & cables are underground ...the torrential rain last night filled the ditches and it looks like I have a creek by the road in front of the house...I was told this could be a factor as to why my neighbor lost her internet...when that happens I can't get online...so if you don'thear from me you'll know why...

I have 2 votes so far for a new thread for the QOTS blocks....being there are 6 sections to this one block...I think one a month is the way to go...please let me know how you feel about that....I know that most of you have other projects in the works...and...soon enough the holidays will be upon us...

QuiltE 07-13-2013 05:55 AM

Good Morning Y'all!
and a bright and beautiful an low-humidity day, it is!

Honchey ... And so, another area is flooded! When will this rain STOP?
Will send a separate email, as requested!

QuiltingNinaSue 07-13-2013 06:36 AM

Thanks to everyone for helping me out one more time; seems that I can confuse myself and everyone around me, specially since I am on meds. Two more days of it and I am done taking the meds.

Frankly, I am with the majority on our next road we take; have patterns, willing to travel. This group has really taught me a lot, and I have enjoyed the journey. I did send a private email.

Mirabelle, found out the patterns were saved, so have a full house of the set. Thanks.

Honchey 07-13-2013 07:01 AM

so far we have an agreement on the next "trip" which will be the QOTS "Flowers all Around" blocks..... 2 a month seems to be the way to go with this...
The DJ will be kept in the background of this thread and you'll show your blocks as you get them done...no scheduling of blocks....I may even get back into it...:) I think September would be a good time to bring the DJ into our "campfire"....

We do have to decide when to start the QOTS "Flower"....There are 4 block patterns on the site so far...so let me know when you want to start it...I do have to get approval from Patrice. and we do need to start the new thread at least a month before the "Kickoff"...

QuiltingNinaSue 07-13-2013 07:27 AM

May I have the site for the QOTS "flower" so I am on the same page, please. Will try to avoid confusion that way. thanks

Honchey 07-13-2013 07:37 AM

Nina, www.quiltingonthesquare.com ...then go to BOM..scroll down to the bottom..the current block for July is posted...click on the free blocks caption below it... there you will see all four posted so far...

I'm going offline now for the afternoon...I have some charity sewing to do for Monday's meeting.... See Y'all Later...

carriem 07-13-2013 08:08 AM

Honchey--2 a month and when do we start? Since there are only 4 out so far are we going to wait until more are available before starting?

Honchey 07-13-2013 09:09 AM

Carriem, we will have a another thread for the new "trip"..it will be open to all who want to come along with us...I have to wait for Patrice for approval.. The "kick off" should be a month after the new thread is posted to give all time to gather what they need for the journey....We, as a group, have not yet decided when that will be...need more discussion about it... we will continue here with what we are doing now...adding the DJ as a background filler for those who want to do it....

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