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gardnergal970 07-18-2013 04:42 AM

Dubib....it looks like you could get 3 FWs if you get there early enough. Have fun!
Janie....I too don't like crowds but I do love to see those cowboys ride. I watch it on TV whenever I can. Thanks for the invitation!
QuiltE...I like Jan's idea of an Irish chain, particualarly if you used colors from the focus fabric. It will make a nice lap quilt. By the time evening came, Ocean Waves, was hot air too. I'm going to be more careful today and go to the library if need be to make sure I cool off good. It's so humid that sweating doesn't even do its job!!!
QNS....:thumbdown: Bummer that your cabinet wasn't ready to pick up. This will give you some time to help DH with his quilting stuff and the entire room will shine.
carrie...you're probably home by now and out in the club house. My question about the SYE is how the blocks are set together since the background is only on two sides. I'm thinking about using a floral background and letting the hexagons "float"
Jeanie...paint by the weekend? Glad that things are finally moving along for the redo. It's nice that you can take a FMQing class. Sometimes that's all it takes to step outside our comfort zone and develop new skills.
JanRN...have fun on the FART. I need to go to the LQS and pick up a pattern from a class I missed so I will look around but I'm saving up for a shop hop next Friday. Thirty stores come to an exposition hall and set up their wares. Saves on gas and there is immediate ability to comparison shop. I've never been there before but have heard really good reports.
Have you all seen the Craftsy class by Carol Doaks on paper piecing? If it goes on sale for over half off these next couple of days, I might enroll. I still have trouble where the pieces all meet in the middle.
Stay cool and safe everyone!

QuiltE 07-18-2013 05:19 AM

We are thinking alike JanRN and GGal... I had thought about Irish Chains, but was trying to skip away from that as they seem to have become a fall back for me and time to get onto something different! :) Not saying I won't go there though, as I do like it and it does seem to kind of fit the floral print.

Also thought of the Double Rose Trellis I have done before ... but then, went duh! that'd never work for QAYG

JanRN ... the good thing about your FART ... a/c in your car and a/c in the stores! I stayed away longer yesterday than I intended, just for that reason!!!!! I really was quite comfy in my car with the a/c cranked right up there!!!! :D:D:D You'll have to impress your neighbour and her dog with this vital knowledge! :D

GGal ... darn those Ocean Waves for bringing warm salty and sultry air to you. I have a small fan that I can set near me at the sewing machine, and it keeps a gentle breeze going. However, when the air is warm, it loses its "good". So, I'll suffer along with you! Like you, I am curious what the final setting for SYE will be. I'm guessing a horizontal sashing strip to give that float. We must think alike as I have been thinking of a small floral for the wing pieces too.

Saw your note about PPing and matching. Here's what I do .....
....... I stab pins in matching strategic points that you know are supposed to line up. As many as possible, and sometimes an extra one in an open space (where there is no official match) just to help hold all in place a little better. They go in straight thru both pieces all the way down the seamline. Leave them standing straight and at right angles like fence posts. While they stand straight, then do the normal stab thru in and out with more pins. Leave all the fence posts in til all the in and out ones are in place. I use lots! Then take out all the fence posts and sew. Guess what? since I started doing that, I seldom have mis-matches.

Try it and see if it works for you, GGal! :) Others too!
It'll seem awkward at first, but once you've done it a few times, it'll seem so natural!
And let me know, how it goes for you

carriem 07-18-2013 06:04 AM

Back from my appt for about half an hour now...had to get something to eat and ice my shoulder before sitting down to the computer. Well, PT says she thinks it is tendonitis in the rotatory cuff. Doesn't think there is any tear since I still have mobility without extreme pain. She got things loosened up and did some ultrasound; gave me a couple exercises to do and I see her twice next week....both appts after 9am. :)

OK--congrats on the 4-H HoF invite.

Janie--were you able to get some sewing done? A week out of the sewing room seems like a long time. The last couple weeks I just go out to the clubhouse and look at stuff even when I can't sew (trying to give shoulder a break)...am I pitiful or what?

QNS--bummer about your tables. I know you were really looking forward to getting everything set up...hopefully they will arrive sooner than later!!

Jeanie--good progress after just one day...that has to be encouraging.

Bev--looks like some nice stuff at the sale. Can't wait to see what you go home with.

QE--Your FMQ looks good to me! Keep it up. No ideas on the blocks, but will keep thinking on it.

Karen--have fun at your meeting and with DD.

Jan--have a great FART. Hope you can find a few more batiks that are "just right".

Ggal--I started doing QE's method for pinning while doing PC and it made a big difference. Yes takes a little longer, but worth it!

I feel for those of you without a/c...it has been pretty warm all week (80 by 8am). I am thankful that we not only have it in the house but I have a window unit in the clubhouse too.

I got my DJ book and CD yesterday. Loaded the CD, but need to do the lessons to figure out how to do it for this quilt. I've played around with EQ4 a little bit (friend let me borrow it), but haven't used it enough to remember how to do all the different things.

Honchey 07-18-2013 07:02 AM

Have to catch-up on reading the posts....I need a vacation from that loooooong drive....we stopped quite a few times and everytime I got out of the car I had a hard time straightening up...I looked like a bent over pretzel..:D
The kids came over last night and couldn't wait to wrestle with DH on the floor....
Carriem....take it easy on that shoulder...don't undue what the therapists did to help...
I'll be restarting PT next week...I start work tomorrow.. 2 days this weekend then the next 2 weekends..I'm glad they're several days inbetween..
I have a few little projects I can work on while there....nothing too complicated...
It's good to hear from everyone....I would like to know what Putting a TOAD in the oven means??? I skimmed oversome of the posts and JanieW mentioned that... Are there giant Toads in Alberta, Ca that are edible?:D
On that note...I have to go thru 3 weeks of mail...see you later...H.

Anael 07-18-2013 07:29 AM

This one is for all of you who have a slow cooker. I know QuiltE does :) :)
It's from a free ebook Death by Chocolate :D

Triple Chocolate Mess

Cooking Time: 4 hr
Serves: 10

1 (18.25-ounce) package chocolate cake mix
1 (4-serving-size) package instant chocolate pudding
1 pint sour cream
3/4 cup vegetable oil
1 cup water
4 eggs
1 cup chocolate chips

1. Coat a 3-quart slow cooker with cooking spray.
2. In a large bowl, combine all ingredients; mix well until smooth. Pour into slow cooker.
3. Cook on low 4 to 5 hours, or until set in center. Remove cooker from base and let cool 30 minutes.

I tried to paste the picture but it didn't work.

QuiltingNinaSue 07-18-2013 07:46 AM

You forgot the chocolate syrup!! Racing to the RV to grab my piece!! and Ice Cream Soda!!

Maxine says: https://profile-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hprof...64914050_s.jpg[h=5]MAXINE
[/h][h=5]It's so hot out I've got my AC cranked up all the way to bankruptcy.

It's a laugh every morning reading Maxine on my face book. Good way to start the morning. Everything else is down hill this morning.

Did not rest much last night; had problems breathing, finally at 2:45, I took a pill for relief. Not worth much today. Good thing I am retired; some days its just tired.


Anael 07-18-2013 07:59 AM

LOL QNS you can add anything you like :)

It's quite warm here too and next week will be worse :(

I will have company tonight so I better get ready and tidy the place up a bit ;)

Honchey 07-18-2013 09:11 AM

Anael, What's this mess supposed to look like when it's done? How do you get it out...Do you flip the cooker over to get it out??? Can you use a 5 qt cooker for this recipe??? Maybe I should go to the website.... I'm going...

JanieW 07-18-2013 09:18 AM


this is Toad in the Hole.

I vary it a bit as I cut the sausages into bite size.


As far as I know no real toads have been harmed to make this recipe! :D

Anael 07-18-2013 09:25 AM

Honchey, here's the link to the website: http://www.mrfood.com/
I have no idea how to get it out........eating maybe?? :D :D

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