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dublb 09-25-2013 04:19 PM

OMGosh I'm so tired! When I first got ta the old house taday I worked on scrubbin' under the kitchen sink again while my DF wiped out the stove. I had turned it on ta self clean but ya have ta wipe the ashes when it's done. Then I mopped the floor o' the inset that the stove & refrigerator go in. We pushed 'em in when the floor was dry. :) I was gonna mop the rest o' the floor but decided not ta do that till I had vacuumed the popcorn ceiling. I used ta do that chore about 3 or 4 years but haven't done since I was so sick & my DGDad died. Both happened in '05. Everything has happened since then. Anyway I started vacuumin' that ceilin'. The kitchen, dinnin' area, & den are one big room (so is the ceilin'!) I got 3/4's o' it done. My neck is killin' me! While I did that my DF washed the panelin' in the den & the built in bookshelves. Dh & both DSon's came & took the evaporative air cooler out o' one o' the windows. It was in bad shape so they tossed it. Well we are home now & restin'.

carriem 09-25-2013 04:27 PM

QE--short version is that I went to North Carolina (14+ hrs away) to see my sister and her family (went with Dad and two younger kids)...left last Friday at about 6am. We hit a couple quilt shops on the way down and a few more on the way home...got home tonight at 5:30pm. Long trip in a short time, but all-in-all fun. :) More details later...need to catch up, rest a bit and finish unpacking.

QuiltE 09-25-2013 05:38 PM

Anael and Bram ... {{{HUGS}}} to you both!

JeanieG ... Thanks for the link. Taste of Home recipes have always been winners for me! Just might be something I will make for Thanksgiving dinner with my "adopted"family! Must be beyond yummy!

QNSue ... Nov 1st will be here before you know it!!

DublB ... what a day ... remember what I said about Molly? :D

CarrieM ... a fast trip by the sounds of it. Good thing that Dad and your kids are good sports about LQS stops!!! :D Now back to the normal at-home pace for you! Is it this weekend you head off to your retreat?

GGal ... are you in on this retreat?

carriem 09-25-2013 05:54 PM

This Friday is the day I go see the orthopedic surgeon for my shoulder (not sure if you read about that appt before you left last). My retreat starts on Oct 17th and goes til the 20th....so a couple weeks yet!

Nope I don't have a retreat with Ggal this year, although she would be welcome anytime!!! As would the rest of you. :)

QuiltingNinaSue 09-25-2013 07:15 PM

I am so excited, I got a letter in the mail from a girl friend of the family some 20-24 years ago, that lives down by Herman, Mo....have tried several times to get her address or telephone number and finally using www.spokeo.com I got her location and sent her a short letter. Did not know if she would every read it or a stranger, but she got it and answered my letter. She says maybe we can get together in the Spring. Worst thing that happened to her, was her Mother disappeared on a camping trip while camping with her sister and family, some eleven years ago. No leads on what happened to her at all. (GF) daughter is grown up, married and widowed at the young age of 24. I remember going to the St. Louis Zoo, and the daughter (age of 18 months) screaming at the top of her lungs all the way back to Jefferson City, Mo...the trip seemed like a lifetime on the road.:mad:

So Murphy's gone from here, which is wonderful. Now if DD can re-work her Dad's computer that will not access the internet since last night, times will get back to normal run of the mill; just maybe.

Carrie so happy you had a wonderful trip with the family and got to stop at quilt shops. Now tell us more about your loot!:D

mirabelle 09-25-2013 10:10 PM

I have 5 minutes to play on the computer and then I have to get back to "it". Tuesday was a wasted day as I had to drive to the city and pick up DH, he is home early. Wednesday was spent cleaning out my pantry and a little bit of sewing. Today I have driven to Patchwork, got home at 12 had a coffee and then went grocery shopping. Now I loathe shopping in the afternoon, I like being there when the door open in the morning and home before it gets too hot. Back home and I have cooked all the dog food, have a Chicken Broth on the stove now as DH is having a colonoscopy on Friday so clear liquids for him:thumbdown:. I feel like I have accomplished nothing in the past 3 days.. DH can walk to the hospital tomorrow but I have to pick him up in the car as he is not allowed to cross the road following anaesthetic, we just have to cross the road and we are the second house from the corner.

Very observant QuiltE, the little strip you can just see is my 4 inch stars, I needed a distraction the other day so started making the Quarter Square Triangles and sewing 2 rows together to see what they look like. I made a rule with this quilt and that was to not purchase any fabric for it, that includes backing and borders so I hope I have enough for what I want to do with it. I have about 120 scrappy little stars made. Will take a pic tomorrow but first I will have to take everything off my design wall as no peeking allowed:o

I have 1 more block to applique, DD has 2 left to do and then I can start cutting the sashing and connecting strips.

Bring on Saturday cause I plan on not coming out of my sewing room all day. Now I must go and pack all the dog food in the freezer, spoilt dog, this week he has chicken sausages, meatballs and chicken wings on his menu:D

dublb 09-26-2013 02:48 AM

Well I'm up early. :( After vacuumin' the ceilin' I got ta bed early so am up early. Still only 7 hours o' sleep. I guess that's better'n 5 or 6. Right? I did "sit" on ice before I went ta bed as ta keep my back from wakin' me up. Well it wasn't my back it was my shoulder. LOL I guess it didn't like me holdin' that vacuum hose over my head for all that time. I sat out back on the patio w/ DH before he started gittin' ready for work. He is usually up this early. I might head back ta bed once he has headed out.

QuiltingNinaSue 09-26-2013 03:17 AM

Me, too. Dublb. Cannot breathe. Allergies. Much to do today; most of it I will do sitting down. Slicing apples this morning.

Mirabelle, I feel for your Mr. M...had that done four times in Texas over 16 years and here last April. Better than colon cancer....

Working on the second SYE block and it went all the wrong ways yesterday...better hopes for trying it again and will see what happens.

Everyone have a good one. I took an allergy pill. Nice there is a pill for that and then I can smile through the running nose and eyes.:o

gardnergal970 09-26-2013 04:44 AM

Carrie...welcome home! Glad you had some sister time too.
Dubib....it sounds like you're getting down to the finish line with the old house. Glad you've had good help.
QNS....get to feeling better. Glad you found your cane.
Mirabelle....I too saw the stars. I haven't been successful with my scrappy quilt yet. There is always something more interesting to sew and in the meantime, my scrap bag is getting fuller. Do you cut your scraps right away into the size you will use?
The best news is that I got my MB from Dubib yesterday. I really like it. I also finished the Marching Elephants quilt for my DGG?. Two finishes in two days!!!! Pictures will come soon. I don't know how to upload them from my iPad so it means using my laptop and it is very slow. Needs some technical attention. Now just to figure out the next UFO/WIP to tackle. Empty project boxes are appealing to me!

deranged_damsel 09-26-2013 04:52 AM

Good morning ladies! WOW everyone is so busy! thanks for more recipes :D :D :D

QuiltE it is so good to SEE you!!! I have been looking at PP Hexagon patterns and thinking of you and WHAT project you may be working on out on the road????

the wind has been blowing for days, there is so much sand in the air it has aggravated my sinus infection.... SIGH! I will have to go out and see if my tomato plants dies last night. it has turned cold! time to turn the heater on and weatherize.

Halloween. this is the first year my kids are in school, and I guess holidays are a HUGE production... this is SO different for us, we dont really DO OVERDOING it. so we are talking ALOT with the kids finding out what they want to do and the best plan of action. SIGH... we will see!

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