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mirabelle 10-17-2013 11:20 PM

Oksewglad I already had the stars and quarters square triangles pieced so not that much work to sew together 3 rows. I quilted 3 more blocks on my Tweet quilt today and sorted out the half made charity quilt which is now all pieced and borders on. Might try and get it basted tomorrow and start quilting it.

QuiltE 10-18-2013 03:58 AM

Dear Miss October ... My apologies as I totally forgot to mail your MB and dispatched it yesterday. I guess making it early messed me up, as it was too early then to mail and then it got set aside. So, we can always hope that the snails move quickly this time, and you do not need to develop too much patience! I hope! I hope!

Which also means ... Dear Anael ... oops, forgot in September and now October, but will send you pics today! I guess a little late for Inspector's approval, though you also might tell me to start again and send another! :D

Thanks Dear Friends!! ... I allowed myself a slow-pace day yesterday. Did some sewing. Did some resting. Went to the post office. This morning, I'm feeling pretty good, but still a little queasy down below! Wish me luck today, as I "have" an out-of-office meeting. YIKES!

OKSGlad ... we've had some frostings here too. Last night though it was a downpour of liquid. Hope the Church work did not give Ilean an invitation to visit. Ahem ..... I saw/heard that comment!!!! *giggle*

Oh yes, Honchey ... we want to see a Mini Delight! Remember though, it was OKSGlad who started THAT!!!!!!! And not a Certain Canuck! :D So do I see a new S16-like machine in your future? Have FUN on Saturday and I will look forward to hearing what the mouse does, when the cat is away!!!! :) About your Mini Kaleido ... there are so many different kaleido patterns, so not sure which one you are doing. It sounds like you are PPing, so my experience has been, it does not matter which direction the fabric lands (bias, straight or anything but!) that's the joy of PPing, as it stabilizes and avoids any stretch. I trim and press after every seam, to make sure I get the seam opened up flat.

GGal ... two great finishes!!! I'm curious, that after doing A4A, what skills did you feel they helped you sharpen in order to A4A? And where has it made the most difference for you in this quilt and others you have been working on. I hope you will share, to help us all learn more as to how to A4A. Are you going to quilt both? or send out?

Anael ... do hope that you were able to get comfortable and have a good night's sleep, and are feeling a little better today. I am so sad for Wee Bram :( {{{{HUGS}}}} to both of you!!

JanRN ... xxxxfingers crossedxxxx for a re-invigorated S16 and for you two to have a good weekend together. Here's to much success on your FART Birthday Celebrations!!!!!! DJ fabric acquisition at that discount would be wonderful. Oh, what a visual.......... that should make the international news, for sure!!!!!!!! :D:D:D:D

MiraB ... sounds like your patchwork ladies are getting more frustrating all the time! gggrrrrr!!! Have never heard of the log cabin reversible QAYG. I'm intrigued! Smart Lady you are for your extra McD donations! :D I started to laugh as you gave us your weather report ....... and have to ask ... have you ever seen frosting? OMG ... your stars are looking more and more beautiful with every showing!

JeanieG ... good to have you back with us. That's a pretty good deal if you only have to host once every 2 yrs! I didn't realize there were that many in your group.

Have a great day Ladies ... talk to you all, later!

gardnergal970 10-18-2013 04:55 AM

QuiltE..my piecing has been improving over the past couple of years but this exercise with accuracy on the front burner, not just something sewn together, made me much more concerned about results. When points were chopped off, I learned it only took a little effort to rip and resew. I've never done 1/2 square triangles using the larger square, sewing on the diagonal, and then trimming. I've always used templates. I revisited using the June Tailor strip cutter and was much more successful. I used Eleanor Burns ruler for flying geese and don't plan to ever use templates again. To sum it up, the extra thought and effort it took to do it right got results I'm proud of. I will never be anal so there will be some chopped points in the future just because "it's good enough" but at least now I am certain that I can do better. BTW, Michelle will be doing another Quilt Along in January which I probably will do. Mid November she will show the quilt with fabric requirements. This one will have some PP and appliqué so more skills to address.
i do need to give credit to Bonnie Hunter for the sashing idea in my scrappy quilt. She had a quilt with that technique on her blog which I like so I tried it.
I didn't get to my SYE yesterday but my scrap bins got much needed attention. At least two quilts waiting for a pattern. Have a good day all!

QuiltE 10-18-2013 05:11 AM

GGal ... What a wonderful learning quilt for you! When I started back sewing a few years ago, I went with familiar and used an Eleanor Burns book. It was actually more detailed than any of my old ones (didn't have them anymore) ... and she basically had you sew two pieces together and measure. Add another and measure. That really got me back into good habits at the start. I did all the blocks in that book, then onwards to another Eleanor book ... not quite as detailed, but I kept to that style as I had discovered how everything pieced together perfectly and laid flat and square with minimal trimming ..... if I got that blasted 1/4" seam right! Gradually, it came easier to do. I learned the HST diagonal method when I did a Carpenter's Star in a course, when I started back quilting the time before (that was 14 yrs ago!), then life happened, and I had that 7 yr gap! I oversize them and trim to the size to A4A! I've never done templates for anything ... several different geese methods, though Eleanor's ruler makes it pretty straight forward. And even if I use the other methods, I still use her ruler for trimming. Chopped points will be soon in your past ... the few times it happens now, it will stick out at you with a sore thumb and guess what, I think you just might get some of JanRNs and my anality! :) (even though you say not ... we'll see!) :D:D:D

Anael 10-18-2013 06:15 AM

Originally Posted by janRN (Post 6354396)
Have a good evening everyone. Keep your fingers crossed that we hire someone soon so I can re-retire. Otherwise I'm going to be spotted running naked through the neighborhood singing Jimi Hendrix tunes!!!

You can have my hair to make the picture complete :D :D :D They called my Jimmy Hendrix when I was young!

I'm running a fever now, called the hospital but lucky me, I took some painkillers so the fever went down and I don't have to go to the ER. Otherwise I would have had to go and I would have been admitted.
I'm still very cold but not as miserable as last night.

Bram lost weight again, that's the only news I have.

QuiltE, I did see your email but didn't have a look yet. I will today and tell you what I think :D

QuiltingNinaSue 10-18-2013 06:23 AM

Back to the sewing room to try pattern number two for the October MB 'cause there cannot be a failure to produce a block for the waiting one to receive it. So sore and tired this morning and my knee is killing me.

Dh decided to 'move' the poultry to the front side...West Side....from the East Side by moving their houses first, then try to convince the 'birds' to trot into their new location with ease. Three hours later, the guineas had flown up into the Wisteria bushes and trees and several hens also 'hid' out in the darkness...two guineas came into the garage for the night. Don't think they will ease into their new location tonight either.:mad: They may be the smartest animal on the farm, but they don't lead or follow very well. LOL!!:D Never mind how many times I have told him to only move their houses with them inside, so once they come out in the new location, they will go back there without any problems. I am very glad I did not fall in the darkness of the night and do more damage to my knee; abusing it with all that walking was enough for a week or two.

Have a good day, and enjoy a very special moment!:o

JanieW 10-18-2013 07:01 AM

Oh so much pleasant chatter from everyone, it cheers me up.

I am still unwell, coughing up a lung on a regular basis. It is amazing that this can last so long and that this puny little body can produce so much gunk.

Sounds like you had quite the adventure, QNS. Sorry to hear that your knee is so painful. I hope you get relief soon.

Mirabelle , you have inspired me to get at some UFOs. You are so productive and your work is so good. I have a friend who sews like mad, churns them out quickly but they are not well made.

You can add me to the anal list, QuiltE !! ;) I try to let things be good enough, but they end up getting redone. Sigh.

GGal, I loved your quilts, too. I am a scrappy lover and yours was really gorgeous.

Today I promised to pick my grandson up from school this afternoon and bring him back here til after supper. He loves to get a day with us without his twin brothers. So I hope to get some work done on my controlled scrappy blue/yellow/white double Irish Chain before I go get him. This will be the third winter for this one so it's time to get her done. I won't be machine sewing much for a while as I expect I will be down with my other kids for a month or more to help out when my DIL has her surgery. That will be a good time to get done lots of hand sewing on the preemies' binding.

Off to the cave to piece some Irish Chain. Have a good one everybody. May all our aches and pains and illness disappear!

Honchey 10-18-2013 07:13 AM

QNS...sounds like this month is a "Trick or Treat" in more ways than one...I have to redo the center of my MB 'cause I forgot to insert the center when I drew it up in EQ7...It looked kind of funny cause the middle was so BIG..I said to myself maybe it will look smaller after the other pieces go around it...NO, No, No!...it didn't...

QuiltingNinaSue 10-18-2013 11:54 AM

Well, I tried again and sent the block off to Anael for her opinion. Cannot say that it was as successful as I would like, guess my eye is not seeing the true measurement right now. Simple enough pattern, but it came up short....hope the surgery will fix my vision very quickly. Fingers crossed. My apologizes to the receiver of the MB...will re-place it at a later date.

mirabelle 10-18-2013 03:53 PM

QuiltE I have never never never seen snow, would love to though. DH says we have lived in the tropics toooooo long to ever venture into snow country:D:D:D:D plus I would have to buy a winter wardrobe, don't even own any boots:D
I managed to get the charity quilt basted last night so I am off to the cave to quilt it today, just straight lines.

Hope everyone is feeling a little better today, if not be nice to yourself and rest and get well soon

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