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QuiltingNinaSue 02-02-2014 11:37 AM

QuiltE, still looking for suggestions before doing any more blocks on TW...and yes, I have the January DJ kits which I posted pictures of and hope to begin soon....ten days before February kits will be mailed to me, so that gives me some time...time does fly. I highly value suggestions from this group, and feel good about everyone of them.

Thanks, Carrie, for your kind words. Hope your headache gets better soon.

JeanieG 02-02-2014 11:38 AM

Gardnergal - yes even though we live 10 miles from the coast, our rainfall so far this year is .88". The whole of last year our rainfall was 3.49". Our normal rainfall is around 12" a year. Our lakes are really low - 50 to 60% full, so it is looking bad for this year if we don't get some significant rainfall.

Looks like everyone is making great progress on their projects. I have almost caught up on my 50 Fab Stars blocks. I've got three rows sewn on my Celtic Solstice Quilt, and picked out the fabrics for my last MB.

Anael 02-02-2014 11:55 AM

QuiltE, to be honest I don't remember what my goals were for January but I'm sure I didn't do what I was supposed to. I will have to find the post again but not now.
Will think about the new goals :)

Honchey 02-02-2014 01:23 PM

Didn't mean to ignore your 54/40 block QNS,,I really like the red print in the center...You've been very busy with all your projects and they're all GREAT!!!

QuiltingNinaSue 02-02-2014 07:36 PM

Today was a lousy day for quilting; I finally gave up and quit for the day because of errors upon errors and nothing was working out today. Tomorrow is an new day...probably shop tomorrow with the new storm coming in on Tuesday dumping snow on us through Wednesday. and colder the rest of the week. Its a blessing I can sew in the quilting room and not worry about it. One day at a time...one hour at a time if necessary.

Thanks for your feed back, Honchey, on the TW block.

mirabelle 02-02-2014 07:44 PM

1 Attachment(s)
ok I will be first with my January goals.
Keep up to date with BOM/BOW's - check got them all done phew;)
Cut and sew the centre panel for Darkness - well I got it all cut:D

February goals
4 x 50 Star blocks - finished
8 x Sylvia Blocks - only 2 more to go (and 1 is appliqued:mad:)
8 x Dear Jane blocks - only 4 to go
1 x Spike blocks, hasn't been posted on the website yet

And the mess you see WILL be turned into the centre panel for Darkness

Then next on my list is my DH's quilt, will post pics of my embroidered blocks as soon as he goes back to work...

mirabelle 02-02-2014 07:47 PM

QNS take a deep breath, sometimes it is good to just walk away, it will still be there tomorrow. We need to meet in the RV for some baked goodies, hot coffee, hot chocolate and ice tea. Time for a group hug:thumbup:

Anael 02-02-2014 11:34 PM

These were my January goals:
- finishing the Medallion Quilt - needs FMQ and binding not finished
- making my Sylvia blocks for this month finished
- making a few (don't know how many) Jane blocks I made a few, don't know how many
- celebrating the twins's first birthday :) :) :) :) :) done!!!

mirabelle 02-03-2014 02:51 AM

Well done Anael, you got the most important item done !!!! and you WILL finish the Medallion quilt, good luck.

Now what are your February goals ?????

dublb 02-03-2014 03:07 AM

Well it looks like this wi fi here at the hospital is doin great here on the QB, finally. I couldn't git on earlier in the evenin'. I still can't reply ta any e-mails nor git on my other forum. I spent 4 hours playin mindless games while waitin' for my e-mail ta come up. I was able ta read most o' 'em but couldn't open any links nor reply ta any o' 'em.
I have been leavin my laptop her at the hospital durrin the day 'cause there isn'ta time w/o some family here in the room & it's very heavy. That's what I git for wantin' such a big screen ta see everybody's quilts!
DGM is doin' better they have been battelin' keepin' her blood pressure down. They have been here ta git her up both day before yesterday & yesterday. :) She is ta go ta rehab tamarrow. :)
The weather here has been so strange! Last weekend it was veeeeery cold. Temps in the teens. Burrrrr! Wed Mornin is was 15*F at it's lowest but got up ta 50*F in the afternoon. Then Thurs & Fri it was just belos 80*! (?) That's hot! Sat it was a comfortable 68*. Sunday mornin' at about midnight there was lightnin' & suddenly sleet! It sleeeted all the rest o' the night! I had ta use my handquiltin' hoop ta scrape the windsheild. (Yes I have a brand new ice scraper & it was at home in a very "safe" place. LOL) I left the hospital at about 7:30 in th'mornin'. When I got home DH was fixin' breakfast. :) As I went ta bed it had started snowin'. After I got up in the afternoon it was all thawin' out. Now it's freezin' again. Bleck! DM & I discussed it & I don't want her ta git out till it thaws out which it's supposed ta do at around 10:00. Highs for tamarrow will be in the upper 40's & lows after that in the upper 30's. "This is W TX weather, if ya don't like it wait 15 min.s, it'll change." was what my DDad always said!
As for my Jan goals;
They will be done in the next couple o' days!
*The cancer "dot" blocks need just a few touch ups & in the mail they will go.
*The ladybug blocks I have for a swap are all done except sewin' the buttons on for the black spots. I hope ta git those bought tamarrow & they will also be mailed out asap!
I will mail both o' those priority mail so they wont be as late. :)
I have seen everybody lovely MB's & other quilts. Ya'll are so very talented!
Well I think I'm gonna wander down the hall & see if I can find some peanuts in the vendin' machine "cause DGM is sound asleep right now.

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