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QuiltE 07-16-2014 03:35 PM

Thanks for the info JeanieG ... will make some notes! Gosh what a lot of different products to need for the one purse. Good for you for the innovation and using the strips you had. I'm sure you will have many envious of your purse ... and maybe asking you to make them one too? :)

QuiltingNinaSue 07-17-2014 07:14 AM

Every one must have a busy life with garden or family, etc., fair time...

Not much chatter here now. House work is going to claim my time, at least this morning, before I can work in the QR. Neighbor dropped by last night to thank me for the fabric I gave her for her seventeen year old MS granddaughter who she was teaching to sew. DGD loved the fabric....all in her favorite colors. Nice to encouirage the youth into quilting.

CrazyRedhead Quilting has announced her warehouse sale July 25 to the 26 with fabric from 3.99 to 9.99 in Newton, Iowa. Tempting. She carries wonderful lines of fabric. But its two hours there...almost...and no driver yet...so it may not happen. Whatever will be, will be.

You all have a wonderful day.:p

works4me 07-17-2014 07:54 AM

Hello all,

mirabelle - no pins on the floor for me either. I have hardwood so that helps a lot and 2 very curious kitties means I search for anything that falls before tender tootsies can find it for me.
Your workspace is so organized. Mine combines a quilting/sewing room with glass etching, knitting, cross stitching and a computer room. Overall, it is quite organized.
Your companion is really sweet. Smart, too, to tuck into the closet for a nap.

carriem - I hope you find a solution to the headaches soon. I get the occasional migraine and can't imagine living with them daily. I'll send good vibes your way.

JeanieG - the purse looks wonderful. Makes me think I should be getting to mine sooner rather than later. I want to laminate the fabric so should do some experimenting first. Or I might just dive right in. That's more my style. :)

QuiltE 07-18-2014 11:34 AM

W4Me ... yes, you need to get that Hearse Purse made! "D

dublb 07-18-2014 06:20 PM

Hey Ya'll. I have been so busy w/my DD in town. She leaves tamarrow. Taday we drove all over town again. It seems ta be the thing we do. LOL There are a lotta places that she wants ta go & do when she is in town. One o' the things we did taday was we went ta a thrift store. The owner is named Beverly also. We play w/other customers minds when I walk in, as she says "Hi Beverly" & I say "Hi Beverly" back. LOL I found another cute li'le "childs" hand crank sewin' machine. It's a cute red one. When we got home DD told DH that I bought another sewin' machine & he about passed out. When I showed it ta him he sighed & said that it was OK. I then showed him the roaster that I got at a garage sale for $10. His DM used ta have one & there is still a stand for it. He has no idea whatever happened ta the actual roaster & has wanted one ever since he cleaned out his parents house. He's happy w/me now.
We also took DGD ta git her ears pierced. She made "company" at her dance school & all the dancers need ta look alike so she has ta have her ears pierced. Well she threw such a fit at the beauty shop that we went ta my DF/hairdresser's house ta do it. DD had ta hold her down for the first one & she sat very still for the second one. It wasn't near as bad as she thought it was gonna be.
DD & the kids go home tamarrow.

JeanieG 07-18-2014 06:28 PM

Oh what adventures you have dublb! My friend and I had our ears pierced at the local May Co. store, as they were doing them for free! That was in the early 70's, and they used a sterilized (I assume) needle and pushed it into a cork in the back (LOL). It was a real science back then - no guns.

I'm so glad you had a wonderful time with your DD and DGK. You will miss then when they are gone.

QuiltingNinaSue 07-21-2014 05:56 AM

Monday morning and its predicted to be very 'hot' today and tomorrow. Our AC/furnace has died after nine years...of building our home...now we learn it was a 'cheap' and 'cheaper' unit...a different dealer is coming today...Lennox or Geo will be our choice if we can deal for the right $. There goes my $ for any quilting fabric or notions...but I would rather be cool this summer with hot weather hitting us.

Good news is my feet have quit swelling up; and I am 'seeing' better without my reading glasses. Good weather for sewing in the QR. Every one have a good day and stay 'cool'.

carriem 07-21-2014 06:07 AM

I figured I better give everyone an update...I am feeling better. Down to just one pill a day for the next two days, then will be off the meds that caused me to get dizzy. So far my migraines have just been "headaches" while going off the meds. I am going to try some vitamins/supplements for a few weeks before starting any new meds. I try to go off everything for a month or two every couple years just to get everything out of my system...in hopes that when I go back on something it will work. Ggal sent me an article a while back so I am trying some of the suggestions from that.

I am off work today and tomorrow. DH and I are going out to lunch today (he took the day off also). Then I plan to do a little sewing this afternoon.

Good news on the eye sight QNS. I hope they can get your a/c up and running quickly!

Honchey 07-21-2014 09:46 AM

1 Attachment(s)
I made a little house but it turned out wrong...The roof is too short widthwise and it's facing the wrong way...back to the drawing board....I will trim it then put a border around it to bring it back to size...I am cleaning up my sewing room today...we're leaving for NJ tomorrow morning...

Carriem, My Brother in law just had a nerve in his neck "burned" and so far no more headaches..He tried everything there was out there.....this was the last resort....

Take care everyone.. see you in a couple of days..

QNS, taking care of a new house that is simple in design & minimal décor' is easier than and older home that has 46 yrs of "stuff"...

QuiltingNinaSue 07-22-2014 04:43 AM

Honchey, have a good trip North to NJ. We moved to Texas in 1985 and back in 2005 with more stuff than the largest U-Haul would carry, so we had to make the second trip a bit later. Yes, we have 'stuff' to store here, so dh built shelves in every room to hold it. And still have boxes in outside storage as well.

It is HOT today. No AC yet, praying hard that the financing will go through today...otherwise no relief in sight. Galled very bad in sensitive places yesterday and today will be worse. AC guy is on the stand-by to move as quickly as possible once the $ come through. No go on the Geo yesterday, we are too old to think about the gold nuggets that that one costs, so today the standard Lennox will go through.

Keep Cool.....I want a tub full of ice cubes!

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