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janRN 07-22-2014 05:11 PM

Just checking in and hoping everyone is well. QNS, I can't stand the heat and feel bad that your a/c is dead. I'd be in that tub of ice.

Working extra days, filling in for vacations but will have most of August off when doc goes away for 2 wks. I can get caught up on things and maybe clean my house. (Nah--I'd just have to do it again before Christmas LOL).

I'm still making some Christmas items, I've never started thinking of gifts this early in the year. I usually wait until Dec 1. QNS, there's an idea--work with Christmas fabrics and think snow!

Take care everyone.

QuiltingNinaSue 07-22-2014 05:33 PM

Good idea, JanRN, but the sewing room is too hot to work in. I am bathing about every five minutes, putting my towel into the freezer and that lasts another two minutes...cooling off my hot body. Good news is that my feet are not swelling up. LOL no fat toes. $ came through; waiting on electric, water, and phone companies to mark their route across the back yard, proving no digger has to worry about digging in the front yard. Tomorrow is supposed to be a bit cooler; but our cement slab has now warmed up...be great in the winter time, but not in the summer. Told the salesman I wanted it done yesterday. Hope and pray they can do all the work this week. Bumper hair crop will finally get cut tomorrow. Relief to my hot head.:)

QuiltingNinaSue 07-23-2014 04:07 AM

Blessed by cool sixty six degrees this morning! Love it. Everyone have a very good day.

Honchey 07-24-2014 05:31 AM

Thanks QNS for the cooler weather that arrived overnite.... It's so refreshing....I'll be doing some shopping later today.. going to pick up a few Row by Row patterns....Maybe some fabric to go with them :)

Jan, it's never too early to make Christmas gifts...some have all their shopping done by June!!!
I, too, can't stand the heat.. I'd rather stay in during the day and go out in the evening...

Dublb, I had my ears pierced when I was 15.. my neighbor nurse used ice to numb & a potato behind the lobe!!..She let me use her ruby & diamond earrings for my 9th grade graduation... I rarely wear jewelry and the holes closed up 2 yrs ago...now I have a hard time finding clasp earrings...

The day's awasting away and it's time to get up & go.. see you all later..

QuiltingNinaSue 07-24-2014 06:23 AM

Tomorrow will be in the 90s here, but they will be here early in the morning digging to install the Geo-Thermal system of cooling and heating. Salesman ass't area management gentleman, Zack, will be here to help out and push it through as top priority since we have no AC. Will let you all know if it lowers our electric bill...this company has been highly successful in this area with their Water Furnaces.

Yesterday, a cool wind was out of the Northeast and keep us under 78 degrees in the house. Did not get into the sewing room, but maybe today and tomorrow I will get some time in there. The farm North and East of us mowed their hay field and that helped to get more air in from outside. I was there at the window cheering them onward. Got a short, short haircut yesterday...almost a like a GI...not quite...its longer on top side than they wear it. Cool.

No Iowa Shop is doing the Row by Row, and the Mo Shops are just too far away for me to do it. Besides, I have enough UFOs to last twenty years down the road...how many of us will still be quilting in our nineties?

dublb 07-24-2014 07:08 PM

Well Sue I want ta be quiltin' in my 90's! :)
I got sleepy real early for me last night, 9:30. :) Low & behold, if ya go ta bed early ya git up early! I woke all by myself at 5:30 th'smornin'!
I got a lotta stuff done! I fixed myself a 3 egg omelet for breakfast then I have done 5 loads o' laundry, wiped down the bathrooms (all 3 o' 'em,) made myself egg drop soup for lunch, played on my embroidery machine & have 90% o' what I wanted ta do for a crazy block done. (I am thinkin' about gittin' a sun design & puttin' it on it.) I sat & shredded a trash bag full o' stuff. I still have a ton o' stuff ta shred but had ta stop & give my back a rest. Went ta my DM's house & looked at a sample o' laminate wood floorin' that she wants ta put in her house. I really liked it! my DGM had lost controle o' her bladder & bowels the last few months o' her life so now DM needs new floorin' real bad! I'm gittin' sleepy again th'sevenin' & maybe I can go ta bed early again. :)

QuiltingNinaSue 07-25-2014 05:17 AM

Rain moved in and its cool sixties here. The diggers arrived at six forty five and are on the job doing their thing to dig in the water lines....the slab holds its secrets on how deep the water lines are in and the big decision this morning hinges on that....hope we have found out enough info for them. Fingers crossed. Have a good day today where you are.

Dublb, think you have done your day's work....take a nap or two.

dublb 07-25-2014 02:36 PM

Taday was just as busy! I got up at 7:30. Woke up all by myself. :) I went out front & planted a few potatoes that had gone ta seed instead o' goin' rotten. :) I know it's purdy late ta do it, but I might have a few small potatoes ta serve in white sauce for Thanksgivin'. There were 2 sweet potatoes also. I planted those under the Oak tree as they have some o' the most beautiful vines. I probability won't git any actual sweet potatoes from those.
At 10:30 DGnephew came ta read again & stayed till lunch & his Uncle Mike made him a grilled cheese sandwich. After I took him home I went & picked up my 2 yro DGSon. We played at my house till 3:30. Once I took him home his DM asked me ta stay at there house & watch the 1 yro while she took the 2 yro ta the DR. I was only ther0 for 30 min's till his DDad (my #1DSon) came home. I'm home, crashed in my chair now.

QuiltingNinaSue 07-26-2014 04:10 AM

Day is starting out hot and will go to *very hot* today and no air or AC yet... Monday or Tuesday the inside unit will be put into action. Praying the cool breeze will continue for most of the day!

Honchey 07-26-2014 07:57 AM

It's spitting outside today and we'll be getting hot, hot weather next week..

MY older grandson (9) & his mom will be visiting us in NC next month so we're off again around the middle of next month.. This will be their first visit so it will be exciting for him...

Not much going on in the sewing room....lots of thought in my head tho...just plodding along...

I guess everyone is busy? :)

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