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JeanieG 08-28-2014 10:38 AM

Yeah Jan! Well crap - I had a half page written, but using this laptop, I hit something and swoosh - it is all gone! How frustrating! Oh well, I was just rambling anyway.

QuiltingNinaSue 08-29-2014 03:31 PM

Must be going around, JeanieG, 'cause my reply disappeared somewhere over the rainbow.

Quilt Pro keeps sending me these special offers and I keep on trying them out. Downloaded 100 basic quilting patterns of different sizes at bargain price today and it looks fabulous....now no excuse not to do that with my sewing machine.

Everyone have a fabulous weekend....Labor Day...enjoy!

I am canning in the kitchen....tomatoes, making grape jam, and picking green beans....and whatever else needs to be done.

Honchey 08-30-2014 08:53 AM

7 Attachment(s)
Stopped by the LQS where everything in the store has been on sale this past week..good time to go for scraps...had fun rolling them up...close to 6 yards total for 2 bags @ $3 per. might go back for more on Tuesday.. ran short of scraps from the Amish Twist my friend made (gifted the bits to me & are now mini Dresden blades) and found more of the same scraps so now I can finish them. Yay!!! Pics of the GK's at the beach & his birthday...

Oh, the Prince having his breakfast!!! He was with us for 5 days before his brother arrived..

oksewglad 08-30-2014 10:49 AM

Nice fabrics--even better kids! Don't you just love them?

QuiltingNinaSue 08-30-2014 05:49 PM

Honchey; Great fabric, wow, there is a lot of them for the money.

And your DGS look great. Bet you had fun with the younger one for a week ...then had more fun with the two of them.

A dozen grape jelly pint jars are ready for ten minutes in a boiling vat to finish the processing...one more pan to cook and run through the squeezeO and make more jelly....less sugar kind of Sure-Jell...it takes 3 cups instead of the 7 cups sugar in the regular kind. And tastes as good or better than the sweeter kind. Of course, the 3 boxes bouight this morning was not enough to finish, so dh will get more in U.early Sunday morn and off I can go on the next batch. Then it will followed by more tomatoes, followed by the green beans. No rest for the wicked, they say. Busy hands never have time to cause any trouble...:) it keeps a smile on the face...

Honchey 08-31-2014 07:49 AM

Yay, we had beautiful weather for several days and now I will have to close the windows and Put the ac's on..it's going to be terribly hot & humid then rain for the next few days..my bones are aching already...

Hamburgers for Dunch today with the family then some cutting & sewing today..found a pattern that I can do with the stamps & candies that is ultra easy...I like easy...impatient waiting for the swaps I participated in.
Hope all of you have a great holiday weekend doing what you like to do...

janRN 08-31-2014 09:36 AM

Very cute kiddos, Anne; and what fun you must have had. We're getting lots of rain, too, and you are so right about the joint pain. I ache where I didn't know I have joints.

Have one more block to make for Carrie's 50 Fab Star Blocks--yay me!! But, I've run into some kind of "creative mind freeze"--I can't pick out 3 fabrics that go together. After 49 blocks! Oh well, it's a good day to spend on the couch watching baseball--go Pirates! Happy Labor Day, ladies.

oksewglad 08-31-2014 12:23 PM

It's been muggy here, not real hot, but so sticky. Spending time cutting into my scraps I know I will never use. Cutting 5" strips from bigger pieces; 2 1/2 " strips or squares; 2" strips or squares and then all the small pieces get trimmed for the small cut bins.

Good day to stay indoors don't you think? Yesterday spent most of the day in the office with some bookwork. Tomorrow the tomatoes will be calling again.

Have a good one:)

carriem 08-31-2014 03:48 PM

Today has a been a busy one...church this morning, work at the hotel from 11-3:30, then home to go swimming in the river with my family. Tonight we are going to fireworks in a nearby town (got postponed in July because the football field where they shoot them off from was flooded). My nephew is here this weekend...he loved the swimming and is looking forward to tonight too. :) DH has vacation next week, well actually a "stay-cation"...we won't go anywhere, well other than out to lunch and antiquing one day. Most of it will be spent working around the house/yard...oh and he says "lots of naps".

dublb 08-31-2014 06:57 PM

DH & I went ta Brady & he replaced the kitchen faucet. Now the sink fills right up instead o' takin' 10 min.s ta do so. :) We are home even though he has tamarrow & the next day off. Dove season starts tamarrow. We will be at the lease before sun up. :) I'm not a very good shot & usually use up 3 boxes o' shells ta bring in 7 dove. LOL DH usually is about a 50% shooter. Mercy those dove have more moves than ya'd ever believe. One year while #1DSon was in high school he commented that one o' his teachers had told him that there wasn't any real 90* angles in nature. He was tellin' us that right he had shot at a dove that did a 90* turn. Loops 'd loops, swerves, curves, swirls ect....man they could teach me a thing or 2 about FMQ! Dove huntin' is really my favorite kind o' huntin'. :)

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