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dublb 09-10-2014 05:40 PM

DH & I went a week w/o walkin'. He fell down the stairs in Brady. Then about the time he was over that he got a stomach bug. I got back in my old sleepin' habits. This week I'm back ta bein' very tired. I can hardly function taday. I'm gonna have ta head ta bed in a few min's.

janRN 09-11-2014 04:56 AM

Good morning. Hope everyone is well. Very rainy and cool weather on the way.

How's this for ironic: MrJanRn played in a golf tournament Monday. At the dinner afterwards they drew names for door prizes--he won three: a large basket of gourmet chocolate, a case of some kind of beer that I've never heard of, and a hand made quilted table runner with placemats. Yes, the quilter's husband won the quilted item. It's cute--Penn State fabric (the sponsor of the tournament) with napkins, picnic silverware, glasses. I didn't ask him who won the golf tournament--I wanted to know who the quilter is that made this LOL.

Honchey 09-11-2014 05:13 AM

Hi Everyone, Returned home yesterday afternoon after spending 3 days with my sister...didn't do very much except get my haircut & cleaned up a White brand Jeans machine for Dsis...She'll be taking it to Virginia so she can hem lots of pants for her son & Gkids.. I didn't have to do much to it..who ever had it kept it well oiled...it just smelled from tobacco smoke & some dust...
I sent all of you an email I thought was very cute..I hope you don't mind...
I'm starting to get the sniffles..I think I'll take some zinc for the next couple of days...

D_D, hope everything works out for you...

I made bread & butter pickles quite a few years ago and entered them at the county fair & got Honorable Mention ..It was the only time I made them!!

Today I'll be working on my flannel quilt..I WILL put the walking foot on the machine this time...I don't feel like switching out the machines.

Have a good day all of you..H.

Honchey 09-11-2014 05:16 AM

Jan, don't you just love surprises?? but 3 of them ??? How nice...

QuiltingNinaSue 09-11-2014 05:50 AM

Good for you Honchey; so glad JanRN thought of you. I loved the little message you sent; it brought a smile to my face this morning.

Its cool here; may have to put the heat on instead of the A/C. Peaches and Apples awaiting on me in the kitchen. Guess that is why I wanted an orchard and planted it when we first moved in. In denial of how old I feel this morning...did not know it would slow me down this much...or my limit on what to take on for its always been "I CAN" and not I don't know if I can ....and not yet to the "I cannot" stage because everyone knows cannots never do anything. Very seldom have I ever been bored in my life...always something I CAN do. Now to test the will power of getting it done today. Everyone have a good day.;)

dublb 09-11-2014 09:36 AM

I haven't made apple butter in about 10 years. My family has been pesterin' me ta make some. I have told each one that asks ta buy the apples & pick a day & I'll help 'em ta make some. So far no takers. Oh they all agree but never buy the apples. LOL Apple trees don't grow well here & if ya one o' any size it'll only make tiny apples. The other day I was thinkin' that if I could git my hands on some crab apples that I could try some crab apple butter.

PS I make a mean peach jam also. :)

dublb 09-11-2014 09:47 AM

I just remembered that I haven't shown ya'll this li'le gem.
I made it for a DF & it measures about 24" X 24".

Honchey 09-11-2014 10:36 AM

Hi Dublb, Glad to see you're up and about!!! from what I understand it takes a lot of apples and a long time to cook??? there are tons of apples around here..We have about 5 commercial growers in our county...

I remember going to the cellar of one of my great aunts to get Jars of each jam. to make stove top apple pies..that was a lot of fun..you would butter white bread ,put it in the middle of 2 discs that were connected to handles.spoon the jam on one side, place the other slice on top, close it, trim the edges, then place on the gas grate to toast it then flip it over & toast the other side until it was cooked...gosh, they were sooogood...we always made a mess..thank goodness my older sister was there to supervise...we could have burned the house down!!

QuiltingNinaSue 09-11-2014 03:28 PM

It was a good day here; 18 half pints of peach jam...limited sugar . 14 pints of gala apples ready to process in the morning. Apples were from our orchard. We also have a couple of crab apple trees with apples, but they are small.

New quilt store opening in the area...will see it tomorrow.

dublb 09-12-2014 10:23 AM

I just love the limited sugar peach Jam. It tastes more like peaches & less like jelly. Yes crab apples are small. Ya have ta take the stems off & cut 'em in half. Take the seads out then put 'em in the blender. It takes a bunch more ta make anythin' w/'em. I made a jam w/e'm once but have been thinkin' they'd make better butter than Jam. I haven't had a crab apple tree in ages!
A new LQS!!!!! FUN!!!!! :)

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