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JeanieG 03-24-2011 04:33 PM

Originally Posted by Evie

Originally Posted by Honchey
Hi, Is there a placement chart for the blocks? or are we on our own for this? Anne

Oh, please say we're on our own! Not all my blocks will look good next to another so I'll have to play with them and place them to their best advantage, whatever that turns out to be. :)

I put my lap quilt up on my display wall and took a photo. Then I just left it here for a few days, also had the photo as a desktop picture on my computer, so it was in front of me a lot. I would look at the desktop photo, or display wall and move the blocks around. Take another photo and do the same until I liked the way it looked. Worked for me!

QuiltingNinaSue 03-25-2011 11:21 AM

In the Farmer's wife sampler quilt book on page 127 is a picture of the blocks by the number...that is the one I am going by in arrangement of blocks. Love my sashing and corner stones. Maybe we could post "a preview" with one of our blocks some time soon??

janRN 03-25-2011 01:16 PM

I just realized we're 66% done!! Wow!!

QNS I like the idea of posting a "preview". I loved the ones shown so far. Just wish I could decide on my sashing color so I could get started

Question: (I know, another one, hate to be a pest) do the blocks have to be set sideways or on a diagonal? (I'm sure there's a proper name for the setting but I can't think of it). I've never set blocks this way and I'm nervous about getting cornerstones, sashing, and blocks to all line up. I have enough trouble when I set them in straight across rows. Thanks again for your help--you've all been so gracious about answering my many questions I'm going to have to buy you all dinner.

JeanieG 03-25-2011 03:16 PM

Originally Posted by janRN
I just realized we're 66% done!! Wow!!

QNS I like the idea of posting a "preview". I loved the ones shown so far. Just wish I could decide on my sashing color so I could get started

Question: (I know, another one, hate to be a pest) do the blocks have to be set sideways or on a diagonal? (I'm sure there's a proper name for the setting but I can't think of it). I've never set blocks this way and I'm nervous about getting cornerstones, sashing, and blocks to all line up. I have enough trouble when I set them in straight across rows. Thanks again for your help--you've all been so gracious about answering my many questions I'm going to have to buy you all dinner.

I have not done diagonal settings, or cornerstones, so this is a real first for me!

I have had trouble with my diagonal settings. I had 4 of my basket type blocks end up facing the wrong direction. I thought I had them correct, but when I finished the row, they were not! I am in the process of taking those apart and fixing them! Ugh!!! Some of the other blocks are not facing correctly according to the book, but they are not obvious to the casual looker, so I'm leaving them. No one will know but you and me!

Just be real careful when joining those blocks together!

QuiltingNinaSue 03-26-2011 05:47 AM

Blocks are set on "point", starting with the upper left corner. I cut my sashings (group one) at 6 1/2 inches; second group I measured off 6 1/2 inches and sewed a strip for the corner stone, then cut the strip to put on the top and bottom of the block....I hope this makes sense to the rest of you...or maybe someone else could explain it better? Maybe If I sent a photo?? What do you think??

janRN 03-26-2011 07:36 AM

Jeannie thank you-I didn't think of a "wrong" way to place things. I have my blocks on the wall but straight across so they face in the "right" direction. OMG one more thing to worry about LOL!!
QNS: thank you, too. I think I understand--"on point"-that's the words I couldn't think of. Would you mind posting a picture? I'm not sure what is group one then group 2-I looked in the book and everything looks slanted. That's where I have the problem-spatially I can't "get it".
Thank you thank you-I know I'm a pest but you can't believe how much I've learned from everyone doing this project. Love you all!!

Honchey 03-26-2011 08:16 AM

Originally Posted by QuiltingNinaSue
Blocks are set on "point", starting with the upper left corner. I cut my sashings (group one) at 6 1/2 inches; second group I measured off 6 1/2 inches and sewed a strip for the corner stone, then cut the strip to put on the top and bottom of the block....I hope this makes sense to the rest of you...or maybe someone else could explain it better? Maybe If I sent a photo?? What do you think??

I think I'm going to open a thread about Placements and Sashings which will include photos, hints and discussion about them. What do you think??

Abigail's Mimi 03-26-2011 10:20 AM

Yes I would like to see photos and sashings and placement of block.

JeanieG 03-26-2011 10:53 AM

Originally Posted by Honchey

Originally Posted by QuiltingNinaSue
Blocks are set on "point", starting with the upper left corner. I cut my sashings (group one) at 6 1/2 inches; second group I measured off 6 1/2 inches and sewed a strip for the corner stone, then cut the strip to put on the top and bottom of the block....I hope this makes sense to the rest of you...or maybe someone else could explain it better? Maybe If I sent a photo?? What do you think??

I think I'm going to open a thread about Placements and Sashings which will include photos, hints and discussion about them. What do you think??

Yes, I think that would be most helpful to everyone. I saw a video or tutorial on doing this "somewhere", and the most helpful was putting the sashing strips on the side and bottom of each square. I had envisioned having to run the sashing the length of the whole row rather than doing each square separately. It helped immensely to work square by square. (I hope that makes sense???)

QuiltingNinaSue 03-26-2011 12:36 PM

I like what I call "assembly line" sewing, taking one block or portion of block and sewing through the whole pile..I will add the 6 1/2 stashing to each block on both sides, then add the cornerstone (to the strip, doing a selage to selage cut of 6 1/2 inches plus the cornernerstone width sewn on the stashing for top and bottom cut) on the tops and bottoms of each block as I add them to the right position on the layout. much like one does with borders on a quilt.

Yes, I would love to see the first corner of everyone's work...on point or square. I love the stasing colors I have seen, and all pretty blocks are going to be wonderful in quilts.

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