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Dedemac 02-18-2014 06:24 PM

1 Attachment(s)
I'm all caught up at least with my sewing. Now need to get the house work done. Two days before DH is back so I have lots of time. Here are my blocks, I'm still trying to use up scraps so some of these fabrics are making a return appearance in this mystery.


lawsonmugs 02-18-2014 07:56 PM

Pretty DedeMac. Aren't they all so beautiful and different looking. Glad we don't have to pick a favorite one.

Anoka Quilter 02-18-2014 09:02 PM

Originally Posted by sustraley (Post 6581867)
Glad you have the wonderful quilts. Neither my grandmother or my mom did any kind of crafty stuff. I always wished I had a quilt that was made from a relative to pass down to the next generation. This is why I started quilting three years ago. My kids and grandkids will have a hay day when I pass away. SOOOO many quilts to deal with. I have also started knitting. Always wanted to make baby blanket for grandkids. I am starting the tradition. Hope my family treasures things I have made like you treasure yours. Thanks for sharing.

When my mother had to move into the nursing home I brought home the two cedar chests that were in the house. M goal is to fill them and then pass them onto my son and grandson packed full of all kind of goodies. So far they are empty, but I am hoping to add a couple items into them this year.

MaryColgan 02-19-2014 05:27 AM

My moms/mom did a LOT of needlecraft, but, mom never wanted to learn. She taught me to sew *early* so I could do my own and not bother her with it. I never imagined myself a quilter - just seemed too long and tedious of a process. Garments (and later cloth dolls) seemed like 'do-able' projects. I learned some quilting techniques so I could make doll quilts - but, so far, I've made more 'people' quilts than I have the doll quilts! My kids/grandkids will have a *headache* dealing with all the 'stuff' I've collected over the years. Oh, well... I intend to go 'out' sewing on *something*, so, I have to keep my stash - not getting rid of a thing! I *might* NEED it, you know. ;-) Since I'm the only girl with 5 brothers - all the neat 'family things' have seemed to land at my house... yes, I feel *very* happy to have them!

IBQLTN 02-19-2014 07:58 AM

Originally Posted by Gretchen (Post 6582934)
I'm afraid if we did have a "like" button for posts that mine would be worn out by now! Although I have not started working on my mystery project yet I have been tagging along for all the beautiful scenery! So far I have fallen in love with each of the projects being posted!! Keep it up! Keep me inspired!!!!!

I'm hanging out in the observation car as well ... the best of both worlds! It's almost as good as working in a quilt shop ... help select pattern/fabric then wait while someone else does the work!

I actually am saving the instructions though. One day when my "time ship" comes into port I might be able to sew again! Right now the inventory (of time) is very low!:D

paintmejudy 02-19-2014 08:19 AM

MaryColgan, you hit the nail on the head!! That's exactly how I want to go out too. I used to say I want to drop the last nickle in the slot machine as I slip under those pearly gates. Now my priorities have changed. LOL

Love all the block combinations that are being shown, and enjoying the guessing as to how this train ride will end up.:D

SunlitenSmiles 02-19-2014 08:46 AM


I know how this train ride will end up ...... with happy travelers and joyfilled memories ... just like the first 5.5 rides.

paintmejudy 02-19-2014 08:51 AM

Awww sunlite, thank you so much! You are sweet to say that. But I have just as much fin on these trips as you do.

lawsonmugs 02-19-2014 08:54 AM

This has been a fun ride. I'm glad so many have posted pictures. It makes for better scenery

haylillan 02-19-2014 09:59 AM

i love these train rides its just like waiting for christmas so exciting

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