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Dedemac 02-20-2014 08:27 AM

:cool:I promise to be good, If she wants to give it to someone else that's alright. :)

But can I have some of the scraps so I can make a little one? Please please please....:o:(:eek::)

I have started to do crumb squares, I admit I have a fabric problem:D, not one about buying just about throwing away small pieces. It's got to be almost thread before it hits the trash.

Love the green and what looks like warmth thru the windows of the train, we are going to get hit with 4 to 8 more inches of the white **&*(&^*#% this afternoon, I don't want to get off the train. I left decaff Irish cream coffee in the dining car. Scones are almost gone we need more please.

sdeaaz 02-20-2014 09:35 AM

I love crumbing... be sure and post your photos....

Originally Posted by Dedemac (Post 6585973)
:cool:I promise to be good, If she wants to give it to someone else that's alright. :)

But can I have some of the scraps so I can make a little one? Please please please....:o:(:eek::)

I have started to do crumb squares, I admit I have a fabric problem:D, not one about buying just about throwing away small pieces. It's got to be almost thread before it hits the trash.

Love the green and what looks like warmth thru the windows of the train, we are going to get hit with 4 to 8 more inches of the white **&*(&^*#% this afternoon, I don't want to get off the train. I left decaff Irish cream coffee in the dining car. Scones are almost gone we need more please.

SunlitenSmiles 02-20-2014 10:52 AM

http://col.stb01.s-msn.com/i/A7/24D9...5DCC60A7B4.jpgoff topic, I know, sorry, could not resist...Hockey players have cute sense of humor.
Canada and USA have a game in the Olympics. Something while we ,just breath, till Friday.

roserips 02-20-2014 01:17 PM

2 Attachment(s)
Finished my Blocks and finally got a picture while discovering that I have someone else's camera. Went to Quilt camp with grand daughters this past weekend it was so much fun.

paulswalia 02-20-2014 02:09 PM

Monday, Monday So good to me Monday, Monday It was all I hoped it would be Oh Monday morning Monday morning couldn't guarantee That Monday evening You would still be here with me ............oh, wait, wrong day........Friday, Friday, Be good to me! Friday, Friday, please be all I hope you will be, on Friday Morning, Friday Morning I need a guarantee that Friday evening you will have instructions for me.........(sorry, I have the flu and nothing else to do).

Emma S 02-20-2014 04:27 PM

Paulswalia: Uh..you may be running a fever, such as in delirious. Ugh flu, sorry to hear you caught the bug. Hope you feel better soon! Man its been a long week, I suspect we're going to get a big chunk of information tomorrow. Can hardly wait!

AlvaStitcher 02-20-2014 05:51 PM

I started late but have caught up on this train ride. Just a clue as to the weather here in Florida. Into mid 80's today! Heavenly! See what you have to look forward to.
Here is a pic of my blocks. I have too much OCD in me to not try to match up some of the block colors. Thought about putting the blocks in a paper bag and then just sew together what came out, but COULDN'T DO IT!! Anyone else like me? Anyhow here they are…..Oops, pic not loading. Hmmmmm. It is awful to be sooooo computer illiterate!

AlvaStitcher 02-20-2014 05:55 PM

Well, can't get the pic to work. So I think I will go and make some raspberry/chocolate bars and leave them in the dining car for dessert tonight.

AlvaStitcher 02-20-2014 06:18 PM

Don't know if I have been locked out from posting a pic after trying a few times to do so or what but I can't get the insert image button to do anything. Suggestions?

coopah 02-20-2014 06:27 PM

You are so gracious, Sulabug! I'd never have thought of those florals...they'd been tucked away for sooooooo long.
Yes, come have some tacos with me...just about out of sour cream, though. :-) Everyone's welcome to help us eat these.
Have to say my mind is just brimming with information for a presentation from Susan K. Cleveland at our guild. Go if you have a chance to hear her. Entrtaining and informative!
And now to wait until tomorrow. They are to be 8.5 finished?
Tomorrow, tomorrow, I love ya tomorrow, you're only a day away!! :thumbup: YAY for tomorrow! :thumbup: And Judy, our fearless leader! :thumbup: And to all of us adventurers on this mystery train! :thumbup: (I get wacky after 8 PM)

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