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dotcomdtcm 02-20-2014 06:52 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Let's take this train to Florida! Here are my 3 sets awaiting the next clue.

paulswalia 02-20-2014 06:57 PM

Originally Posted by AlvaStitcher (Post 6586888)
Well, can't get the pic to work. So I think I will go and make some raspberry/chocolate bars and leave them in the dining car for dessert tonight.

Make sure you resize the photos before you load them and don't preview your post or you will lose them. If you need more help, let us know.

AngeliaNR 02-20-2014 07:39 PM

dotcom--those fruits are beautiful!

Pam H 02-20-2014 07:46 PM

Sure glad I am on the train and not at my house where we, I mean they, are getting a foot of snow with blizzard conditions.

mimiknoxtaylor 02-20-2014 08:01 PM

2 Attachment(s)
Yeah! I'm back on the train! Riding on the back of the caboose is a little frightening. While I was going through my squares I found a baggie with a bunch of fallish squares that I had just waiting to be put together so I stitched them up too. Then when the banter began about the 13, I just used up the strips that were extra so I have 16 blocks of each set.
Now I'm ready for Friday.

Quiltaddiction 02-21-2014 02:36 AM

Wow every ones pic are so pretty. I like all of yours Dotcomtcm very pretty. It's Friday night here in Sydney so I won't see the clue until Saturday morning and I leave on vacation for two weeks Saturday afternoon. So I won't get to do anymore to mine until I get back Wah!!!!! Can't wait to see the reveal. I definitely will make another set when I get back. Thanks Judy great mystery I've got absolutely no idea where it's going. Love your mysteries.

paintmejudy 02-21-2014 06:25 AM

5 Attachment(s)

This is a lot for one week, I know, but if you don’t finish, next week isn’t as much sewing you will all be finished around the same time, I think. If not, no problem, take as much time as you need.

So, now it will be revealed how you are going to use an unlikely count of 13 blocks. Remember, all I ever said in the first posting was that you would make a topper of about 42”. And there is a bit of a twist coming next week. Some of you guessed setting triangles, and yes, there are. A few of you may cringe, but I have given detailed directions with pictures to help you if you are not familiar with this process. But at least there are NOT any Y-seams.

Start by cutting triangles from fabric B. You will keep your triangles in two different piles is because you want to eliminate bias edges on the sides and tops. (Set remaining fabric B aside for next week.)

First, cut a WOF 12-1/2” wide. From this piece, cut two 12-1/2” squares. Cut each square diagonally twice to make 4 triangles. Keep these triangles in one pile. These will be for the top, bottom and sides and will be referenced to in the pictures as SETTING triangles.

From the rest of the 12-1/2” WOF strip, cut two 6-1/2” square from the rest of the fabric. Set aside leftover B fabric. Stack the two 6-1/2” squares and cut in half making 4 CORNER setting triangles. Keep in separate stack, marked “corner”.

Ok, part of the mystery will now be revealed.

Lay out the blocks as you wish, along with the setting and corner triangles, as shown in the picture using corner triangles and side triangles in their proper place. This topper needs to be sewn into strips on the diagonal as I have done or you will have to mke Y seams. And I hate Y-seams!. The important thing to watch is that the edge of the triangle and the edge of the block line up and are even, with the point extending a ways beyond the block. Then press seams of the rows, having them alternate so will nestle together when sewn: press the first row, for example, with seams pressed one way. Press the seams in the next row the opposite direction. Sew rows together, Press. You will have a square approximately 33-1/2”. This measurement is not critical, and may vary a small amount depending on your sewing machine. But all the blocks need to be consistent in size.

I will make a separate posting of a charity quilt made larger than your topper.

retiredteacher09 02-21-2014 06:28 AM

SNOW DAY! About 9 inches of the stuff and the 6th day the school district has closed so far this year. The other days were because of the cold/windchill factors. I can't remember this many days off since I was in high school in the late 60's. I have a friend that stayed overnight so she would be closer to work today but we both can be lazy for a while since our substitute jobs were cancelled.

Now that the next clue has been posted, I better get up and go snowblow my driveway. The thoughts of working on this next step this afternoon should keep me warm and full of apprehension! I've never set triangles and haven't used them much either. I guess I will be learning something new! :). 9 degrees and windy here!


paintmejudy 02-21-2014 06:37 AM

1 Attachment(s)
I had said I made charity quilts from this pattern, and here is one I made. I forgot to take a picture after I bound and turned in the first couple I made, this is one I need to trim and bind. The are about 40" x 55 or 56", can't remember.

As you can see, if you are making bigger quyilts, you will just lay out on the floor until you get the size you need, When it is big enough, see how many setting triangles you need and cut the same way as you read in the Week 4 instructions.

dotcomdtcm 02-21-2014 06:38 AM

My tip: I have started using liquid starch for all triangles. Very stiff fabric and no stretching on the diagonals.
I buy a gallon of it at the grocery. Can't wait to get started!

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