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gramquilter2 02-21-2014 06:58 AM

I am ready to start this part of the process. Your directions and pictures are very clear and easy to understand. Thanks so much.

haylillan 02-21-2014 07:14 AM

thanks judy looks great should be easy

paintmejudy 02-21-2014 07:15 AM

You are welcome, Gram.

And to those who startch, be careful not to distort the fabric when you press. If it distorts before you cut the squares, it will pull in the first time you wash it. Same with pressing with starch after cutting.

Can't wait to see how your toppers are going to turn out. There has been such a fabulous variety of patterns and colors, and all are going to be gorgeous. Hope you all will post pix when this step is done. Happy sewing!

Emma S 02-21-2014 08:01 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Judy: Love the way this mystery is going! Rethinking my B fabric to calm my quilt down a little. Have to decide, have it up on my design wall the original choice is beginning to grow on me. How to decide. any input would be appreciated.

paintmejudy 02-21-2014 08:43 AM

Judy: Love the way this mystery is going! Rethinking my B fabric to calm my quilt down a little. Have to decide, have it up on my design wall the original choice is beginning to grow on me. How to decide. any input would be appreciated.
When I saw your B choice, and told everyone they could wait until week 4 to pick it, I was pretty sure you would change it. I agree with what you said, but I can't really tell the colors so can't offer any suggestion on B. Or you could audition to see if your sashing fabric would work.

Emma S 02-21-2014 09:07 AM

Judy: The sashing color was my first thought but I really don't have enough to do all the triangles. I'm kind of thinking about really zapping it with say the bright blue. As you may have quessed I never met a color I didn't like. My design wall kind of looks like a rainbow threw up on it.

Anoka Quilter 02-21-2014 09:11 AM

I love Susan Cleveland, she is a fellow Minnesotan you know. I actually took one of her paint stick workshops a few years ago and truly enjoyed it. Now taking about that project reminds me that it is a UFO that I need to finish.

What was her presentation on?

Anoka Quilter 02-21-2014 09:14 AM

Originally Posted by Pam H (Post 6587103)
Sure glad I am on the train and not at my house where we, I mean they, are getting a foot of snow with blizzard conditions.

I am Minnesota and we definitely got snow. DH is still out snow blowing and out mailbox is now officially buried.

gramquilter2 02-21-2014 09:24 AM

2 Attachment(s)
The first picture of one corner has more of the true batik colors and the 2nd one are the blocks sewn and ears trimmed off but the colors darkened on this pic. Your directions were great and it went together fast. Two more sets to finish! Hope everyone is having as much fun as I am. Waiting PATIENTLY for next Friday!!

SunlitenSmiles 02-21-2014 09:27 AM

Originally Posted by Anoka Quilter (Post 6587983)
I am Minnesota and we definitely got snow. DH is still out snow blowing and out mailbox is now officially buried.

maybe snow was the reason the internet was developed ;) so there would be unburied mailboxes
ok, corny, I know ...but that was my thought when I read your post ... it is Friday, ok - will stay at the sewing machine and out of trouble.

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