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Trippgal 02-21-2014 09:27 AM

Looking forward to working on this in a couple more days. And now I am looking to make one for grandma. Grandma She has a 100th coming up march 28 and this would look great in her studio.

Trippgal 02-21-2014 09:28 AM

This is stunning! Just absolutely beautiful.

Originally Posted by gramquilter2 (Post 6588011)
The first picture of one corner has more of the true batik colors and the 2nd one are the blocks sewn and ears trimmed off but the colors darkened on this pic. Your directions were great and it went together fast. Two more sets to finish! Hope everyone is having as much fun as I am. Waiting PATIENTLY for next Friday!!

AlvaStitcher 02-21-2014 09:43 AM

Gramquilter2, the topper will be just bee-you-ti-ful!!! And yes I do not how to spell. HAHA Love the colors.

I'll try to post my pic again Sigh, still not working.

roserips 02-21-2014 09:57 AM

Grammquilter2 Love your topper you must have gotten up really early to be done already!

pbadder 02-21-2014 09:57 AM

Originally Posted by AlvaStitcher (Post 6588041)
Gramquilter2, the topper will be just bee-you-ti-ful!!! And yes I do not how to spell. HAHA Love the colors.

I'll try to post my pic again Sigh, still not working.

I had trouble posting my pictures at first. Here's what I do first you post in your pictures, than you resize them to at least 365 pixels, than you can click on communities here, than on albums click on create album. Name it whatever you want. Than click on upload pictures, click on browse find your picture you want to put in album. Once you do that upload picture it will let you upload as many as you want. Once you have all your pictures you want to upload close the box you uploaded from and it will show your pictures in your album, very important click on the SAVE button to save them in your album. Almost done now you click on which picture you want to post here on the Site. Okay now there will be a BB posted under your picture highlight that and copy. Okay now you come back here and on your post click paste ( you will see the BB that you copied) Start writing your words you want to say just after the BB. When you are done and click on post quick reply your picture will show up in your final posting. I hope this will help you posting your pictures here on the site. Good Luck

Emma S 02-21-2014 10:00 AM

Wow! Gram your batiks go together so beautifully! Judy: Love this design. Found more of the sashing fabric. See overspending does pay off. Alva: If you tell us where you are getting hung up in posting your pictures we can help. The most frequent problem with most first time posters is their file size is to large (to many pixels). Most computers come with some kind of photo software so you can reduce the pixels.

Elisabrat 02-21-2014 10:03 AM

wow love your fruits Dotcom! what a beautiful table mat that will be!

Anoka Quilter 02-21-2014 10:07 AM

Originally Posted by retiredteacher09 (Post 6587669)
SNOW DAY! About 9 inches of the stuff and the 6th day the school district has closed so far this year.

Connie, I am on the other side of the metro, in Oak Grove and I swear that we have 12 inches of that fluffy white stuff. I am one of the lucky ones at my work and have access to work from home, so even though I am snowed in I am still busy working away at the day job and didn't have to make the hour drive into the office.

pbadder 02-21-2014 10:07 AM

http://www.quiltingboard.com/members...936-463655.JPGOkay here is what my first set will look like. I haven't sewn them together yet as I might change some of the blocks around.

Emma S 02-21-2014 10:09 AM

PBadder: Really great. Just glows. I want to know were you and Gram sitting at your machines when Judy gave todays clue?

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