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-   -   Mystery quilt train ride #6 - welcome aboard (https://www.quiltingboard.com/blocks-month-week-f9/mystery-quilt-train-ride-6-welcome-aboard-t240020.html)

Anoka Quilter 02-23-2014 02:35 PM

Originally Posted by whitepine (Post 6591522)
Hopefully I can catch up before the last clue. else is just getting started.

Whitepine, I was also way behind on the clues, due to vacation, and I got totally caught up on Friday as I was snowed in. Now I am anxiously waiting for Friday, and the next clue.

Barbie 02-23-2014 08:08 PM

I finished putting the rows and setting triangles on today. It will be a long wait for the next clue. Will try to post a picture. I am liking what I am seeing.

Oksewnsew 02-23-2014 09:37 PM

1 Attachment(s)
I totally had a me-sew day today...yeaaaaa. I set the pieces together and have the topper ready for the next step.. Guess I'll work on another project while I wait for the next step..I am really very happy with how this has turned out, definitely will be making another one or 2, for gifts. Here it is complete to this point..

wanda lou 02-23-2014 10:39 PM

very pretty.

Daisy Dew 02-24-2014 05:29 AM

Well everyone I'm just green with envy!!! Would you know it, my best stay at home friend had to go to the shop for a maintenance - so sad but I'd put it off too long. She's suppose to be released to come home later this week. (fingers & toes crossed)

I just love love love all your pics! Judy you are the best!!

All is not lost, I have spent hours in my little fabric den sorting & cutting. I figure I've got scraps for 25-30 LOL but hey - that didn't stop me from planning my next fabric shopping trip!

Rained here all day yesterday and doesn't look real promising today - what happened to that "sunshine state"? So, oh well, it's back to the cutting table.

Ya'll have a great time cutting & sewing and keep those great pictures coming in - they are all just terrific

You're the best,

jaba 02-24-2014 06:45 AM

Love the "rainbow" batiks! May have to steal that idea.
sdeaaz, that was only a little peek, come on over....I have plenty to share. I have a quilt shop with thousands of yards I'd share.

RJ 02-24-2014 07:13 AM

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This is the 3rd train ride I have been on----enjoyed them all---this time I asked my friend to join in on the fun....this is what We have done so far...

sarahelloyd 02-24-2014 07:36 AM

because I have only got a small dining table, I am thinking of making mine oblong not square. Can anyone tell me whether this will affect the final part of the pattern! I have arrived at that point of deciding?? Any suggestions would be appreciated I would hate to sew it oblong and then find the other bits don't fit!!!

paintmejudy 02-24-2014 07:38 AM

Wavewatcher, OK and RJ -- beautiful topprtd.

RJ, did you amd your friend work on these together, or alone? Just asking becuse they are both so different. Love them both.

sustraley 02-24-2014 07:48 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Judy-love this train ride. Here is my version. All the toppers I have seen on here are just beautiful. Friday will be exciting but also sad. Our trip will be coming to an end. Thanks so much Judy. I have done all your mysteries and love them all.

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