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Dedemac 02-24-2014 02:35 PM

Originally Posted by SunlitenSmiles (Post 6593628)
This is what I am calling a learning quilt for my DGGD, Julia. My hope is that she will learn the word/name for all in at least one language and maybe two..... the yellow 'A' fabric has small butterflys and the 'B' fabric print is wood woven basket....the squares are all vegetable, fruit or flower. Judy this is so great, sure that I will make several. Now that I see the picture posted I am laughing, it is actually sewn and ironed, but you would never know it because the breeze is picking up the edges.


Sunlite I used to have that board your topper is on. Had to change when I started to use the rotary cutter. Your colors are wonderful!

Originally Posted by Emma S (Post 6593548)
Had a problem uploading.

Emma, That is one large table :D:D:D

PokerDiva 02-24-2014 02:55 PM

Judy, I have done all your mysteries except one. They are all great. Keep up the good work.

gramquilter2 02-24-2014 02:55 PM

paintmejudy, I have only done the last 2 and really have loved doing both of them. I do really like the one we are working on now and plan to make everyone one of these for Christmas.

createfourpaws 02-24-2014 03:07 PM

I started with mystery 4, and have enjoyed them all.

SunlitenSmiles 02-24-2014 03:11 PM


Wow, that is like asking which is your favorite Grandchild.

Well as the song goes, I will say "Love the one your with"

whitepine 02-24-2014 03:46 PM

I've done #1,4,5,6. I liked the first one because it was my first mystery and it totally surprised me. This is too hard to answer because each trip was different and because it depended on how my choice of fabrics worked. I'm thinking I like this one best, but I really liked #2 & 3 (even though I didn't do them) because of the neat patterns. Sorry, Judy, no good answers. I just love having a group to sew with and so appreciate all your work and hosting.

I am really loving the "garden" quilts on this trip. I'm going to start collecting fruit and flowers and do another one. I like how it could feature any subject type of quilt.

lawsonmugs 02-24-2014 03:50 PM

Ladies your toppers are just gorgeous. Love them all. Mine are about half way done. I'll post also when it's together. This has been alot of fun and it is my first mystery project. Thanks Judy. Mary

Cindy60545 02-24-2014 04:27 PM

Sulabug, I like that floral! Wowser! Can't wait to see it finished.

Judy, I think I came on board at #2. The way you do the mysteries make it so much fun to do that they're like Lay's potato chips, you can't have just one! Favorite? I can't choose!

I should have mine ready to post tomorrow night, if everything goes right! Had to finish up on the WIP so it would move over to give room on the design board for this one. You'll probably see them both.

RJ 02-24-2014 06:40 PM

Originally Posted by paintmejudy (Post 6593174)
Wavewatcher, OK and RJ -- beautiful topprtd.

RJ, did you amd your friend work on these together, or alone? Just asking becuse they are both so different. Love them both.

We worked on them together----she is an avid "brights" user and I made her get out of her comfort zone......and she likes is----she made me do an all bright quilt a while ago---and I ended up liking it too LOL

haylillan 02-24-2014 06:45 PM

judy ive went on all rides except #1 i like #2 carpenter star i think because of the fabric chosen

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