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nursie76 10-11-2012 09:10 PM

I am finishing up one quilt (for our bed cause DH says he's tired of not having one for us), and my eldest DD's wedding quilt to start (she got married 2 weeks ago!). BUT, I will follow along. Thanks!

cad_queen_2000 10-11-2012 10:14 PM

Can't wait. I enjoyed the last ride very much (my first mystery). I will definitely be waiting at the station with my ticket clutched in hand, looking forward to the tater soup and maragritas. mmmmm-mmmmmm goooooood

sustraley 10-12-2012 03:14 AM

Glad paintmejudy is feeling well enough to get another one of her wonderful mystery quilts a go. For newbies, I have only been quilting a couple of years. These mysteries are sooo much fun and easy to do. Everyone here will help you through it if you have questions. Once you try this, you will be hooked. You work at your own speed. You don't sign up. If you want to try it and not post anything that is fine too. The hardest part is like any other project---picking out fabric. On the last one, I took the suggestion of someone else who was doing batiks. I am so glad I did. I love how mine turned out. So if you are unsure, take the plunge. You won't be sorry. The good thing is you can even go back and do the first two mysteries if you want also. Everything is still on this board. Thanks again Judy. Ok I am done trying to sell this. :D

ShiAnnF 10-12-2012 03:15 AM

Geeeez it looks like the caboose is full. I was going to bring the drinks too. They would have been good with all the cookies that will be there. Do not know how the quilt will turn out with all the booze, oops I mean drinks. Have to go and look for another car to get into. This will be my first mystery quilt. I have been quilting for 3 years, and on my second quilt, not too fast just fussy.

ShiAnnF 10-12-2012 03:19 AM

I meant not to slow just fussy.
O. K. I AM SLOW you might say I am a part time quilter.

SunlitenSmiles 10-12-2012 04:16 AM

the caboose is big and we stash stuff there and the design walls are there from the last two trips, waiting for new use.......but there is also a great club car, dining car, gym, observation deck with great natural light and scenery, there are even flat cars (with hand rails) for when we go past rivers with rapids and want to strech our legs and see the sights.

Saturday morning Judy will list the fabric requirements and we pull from our stash and post pictures of our possible choices and 'snack' .......basically that is what happens, there may be hints or not. There may be start of cutting directions or not......new information every Saturday morning and lots of sharing all week.....lots of relaxing fun!!!

Thank You again, Judy .......... This is really fun !!!!!

Nanachar 10-12-2012 04:24 AM

Soooo exciting! I also would like to jump on board....Although I have quilted for many years, this is my very first Mystery Quilt. And, the food and drink sounds outrageous! Please save room for me in the Club Car....I will put together a pan of Tiramisu. I am thrilled to find out that all of these desserts are calorie free, they really are, aren't they?

sewNso 10-12-2012 10:53 AM

i'm going to jump on board. even tho i can barely fit on board. so many other projects in hand. jane, 50 stars, last yrs BOM stars waiting to be sit together. house, waiting to be set together. and DD's birthday quilt--due last week. can't think what else. working on them all. where's the wine and cheese? maybe i'll bring some.

paintmejudy 10-12-2012 11:22 AM

Ooooooo 'tater soup ..... yummy. I love winter foods. And winter drinks, too -- I think I will bring a huge crock pot of hot toddy for an opening toast to begin our journey tomorrow morning.

SewNso, the engineer has agreed to add an extra club car and an extra sleeping car, so we can accomodate all the gals who want to climb on board.

And now, a little something to whet your appetite. I always have a finished project before I post the first clue, to make sure it all works together the way my brain envisioned it. And I must say, I absolutely love the way it turned out, looks better than I thought it would! So, all I can hope is that you will love your mystery quilt as much as I love mine. And I am going to make another sometime after the first of the year.

These mysteries are a lot of work, but a lot of fun for me to create. And your comments and the fun you have along the way make it all worth while. So, thank you for participating!

PokerDiva 10-12-2012 11:27 AM

NO!!! Thank you Judy......

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