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COYOTEMAGIC 11-20-2011 09:27 AM

Oh man!! Sounds like you had tons of fun!! I had to keep my squirt bottle handy to keep the fur crew off my cutting table!! We here all the stories of people getting their own finger sewn, it's going to be Lucy or Ingles that get their paw caught under the needle. Ingles will launch himself across the room and land on my sewing table. Gotta get sewing today so I can figure out how many more I've got to cut!

Sadiemae 11-20-2011 09:37 AM

That would be soooo much fun having someone to make a quilt with.

I don't have cats to watch, but since my Molly has had sore teeth I have to watch her. Twice she has jumped on me and then on the ironing board. I am so afraid she is going to get burned on the iron. Hopefully now that she is feeling better she will be happy in her chair.

JeanieG 11-20-2011 10:08 AM

LOL - I know what you all mean! My cat is always right where I don't want him to be. If I am quilting, he comes and lays on the quilt so I cannot move it! What a pain - but I love him anyway!

catmcclure 11-20-2011 10:42 AM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by COYOTEMAGIC (Post 4696635)
I think this is going to be lots of fun ya'll. I've got to run and see if I can pick up a smaller cutter tomorrow. All those little triangles are hard to cut with a large cutter. I don't have the rulers either been cutting the triangles with a little square ruler with 45* marks. Takes a few minutes to get going but if you can get a rythm they roll right one off.

It's much easier to sew 8" squares as in the attached jpeg. Sew on the dashed lines and cut on the straight lines. Gives you 16 QSTs of the size needed for this pattern.

grandme26 11-20-2011 10:54 AM

I sew with a friend but she does not want to do this. So she comes over and sews her projects and I do mine and we laugh, and cry and have a good time. I doubt that I see her this week except for Thanksgiving, it is suppose to rain a couple of days and she will not get out in the rain.

grandme26 11-20-2011 10:59 AM

Originally Posted by catmcclure (Post 4702043)
It's much easier to sew 8" squares as in the attached jpeg. Sew on the dashed lines and cut on the straight lines. Gives you 16 QSTs of the size needed for this pattern.

I just might try your method. Thank you

COYOTEMAGIC 11-20-2011 12:14 PM

Originally Posted by catmcclure (Post 4702043)
It's much easier to sew 8" squares as in the attached jpeg. Sew on the dashed lines and cut on the straight lines. Gives you 16 QSTs of the size needed for this pattern.

Cool Beans!!!

Sadiemae 11-20-2011 01:26 PM

I had to go to town and buy some laundry soap. I decided to stop and look around JoAnn's. They had the ruler for cutting these little triangles. I know I shouldn't have, but I splurged and spent $4 with a coupon. I just made one square for a trial run. It is the perfect size, no trimming, so I have changed my mind and I now love this ruler!!!

COYOTEMAGIC 11-20-2011 03:30 PM

Originally Posted by Sadiemae (Post 4702531)
I had to go to town and buy some laundry soap. I decided to stop and look around JoAnn's. They had the ruler for cutting these little triangles. I know I shouldn't have, but I splurged and spent $4 with a coupon. I just made one square for a trial run. It is the perfect size, no trimming, so I have changed my mind and I now love this ruler!!!

:thumbup: I really like them too. zip zip done! I picked up a little 28mm cutter when I picked up mine. Sooooooo much better than the 65mm I was trying to cut them with too!

lizzy 11-20-2011 04:21 PM

This sounds like so much fun. I certainly have a tub full of strips, etc., to use and in the right colors. Thanks.

JeanieG 11-20-2011 05:06 PM

Originally Posted by lizzy (Post 4703161)
This sounds like so much fun. I certainly have a tub full of strips, etc., to use and in the right colors. Thanks.

Oh I hope you join us lizzy. Bonnie's mystery quilts are so much fun. I just go with whatever colors Bonnie is using, then I know it will come out beautiful. You have a week to complete each section she assigns. Some weeks are more challenging than others. But her instructions are really clear and she gives examples of how things should be done.

brookemarie19 11-20-2011 05:14 PM

Well, I didnt get any sewing today (had to take my DD to go see Breaking Dawn for her report card reward), but plan to get busy tomorrow. I also bought one of those rolling carts for scrapbooking, but am going to use that for my scraps. Will look much nicer when I need to get stuff... and not drop some on my head lol!

I know what you guys mean about sewing alone. My mother lives with me now and she sews with me when she's not too tired from working, but it sure would be nice to have sewing buddies come over to sew together. I am so glad I found this site... Don't know if I would have stuck with the quilting if I didn't have friends with the same interests.

COYOTEMAGIC 11-20-2011 06:29 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Was working hard on my triangles when the "Quilt Police" show up!


Sadiemae 11-20-2011 06:30 PM

Quilt Police or Quilt helper???

JeanieG 11-20-2011 07:20 PM

Originally Posted by Sadiemae (Post 4703760)
Quilt Police or Quilt helper???

Pain in the rear is what I call mine! Always laying all over my fabric.

christinetindell 11-20-2011 07:55 PM

I'm still finishing up Roll Cotton Boll Roll from last year, but I think I will print all the instructions for this one and work on it when I get a few more UFO's under my belt. I just can't take on another project right now. Her quilts are huge, so if you don't want to make a queen size, cut everything in half. That's what I did with RCBR from last year and it is going to be a generous lap sized quilt.

mackandblues 11-20-2011 09:38 PM

I've started this mystery - so excited because it will be my 2nd Bonnie Hunter quilt and first mystery!!!

I'm using her colors and started cutting and sewing yesterday. I don't have alot of scraps so I'm cutting mine from yardage and fat quarters. I didn't have many blacks so I bought a bunch of yardage from Thousandsofbolts.com and then hit up JoAnns on Saturday to pick up a couple more. I love to have lots of variety in scrap quilts. I had made Roll Roll Cotton Boll and that needed like 800 HSTs of red and neutral so I've got a system set up to make sure I get the most variety.

So what I do is cut a black and neutral strip together then separate the QSTs. Then once I've cut several different strips, I put each in little piles. Then I take one of the neutral piles of triangles (all one fabric) and then sew a triangle to each of the different black fabric triangles I've cut. So if I have 3 different neutrals and black strips cut - then I have 3x3x3 = 9 different QSTs sewn together. Then I make a ton of those and then iron. Then when I'm ready to sew them into the hourglass units, I can grab almost any two and not have to repeat fabrics.

Hope that helps somebody :) Okay at last count I've got like 30 hour glass units made, lots of triangles cut, and lots of strips cut. I'll post pictures of some of my stuff in the picture thread tomorrow. Seeing everyone's posts and pictures keeps me motivated so I hope I inspire someone else too.

COYOTEMAGIC 11-20-2011 09:51 PM

Yeah she said this one is a bit smalled than she usually does.

Luna kitty is one of 5 I do battle with, plus 2 dogs but those want to be up under my chair. I keep a squirt bottle close by. They can be on my cutting table when I'm not using it as it is by the window. They use it as a launchpad to get to the upper reaches of their kitty condo. They are getting better, now I just pick up the bottle and they jump for cover. They only get the squirt if they don't keep moving off

gmcsewer 11-21-2011 07:21 AM

I want to follow this quilt and may participate. 224 1/4 triangles is quite a start for this.

Emma S 11-21-2011 08:12 AM

TaDa! Completed 100 QST last night!

yayaquilts 11-21-2011 08:52 AM

emma s-good job. I have all my blacks cut into squares and almost all my neutrals-just need a few more. But I'm camping all week at the beach with family for the Thanksgiving holiday (we always camp and have an old fashioned Thanksgiving dinner outside), so won't finish cutting or doing any sewing till after this week, darn!

coyotemagic-used to have a kitty who got in the middle of my sewing-miss her. My grandkiddos (one 4 yrs, one 19 mon) loved your pic-so keep posting more (of your quilt police) so I can show them.

brookemarie19 11-21-2011 10:38 AM

Woo Hoo!! I have 150 pairs cut and sewn now! I might actually get this done before the next clue lol That is just sooo unlike me lol

Sadiemae 11-21-2011 10:44 AM

Congratulations Brooke! 2/3rd of the way there!!!

COYOTEMAGIC 11-21-2011 01:26 PM

Originally Posted by catmcclure (Post 4702043)
It's much easier to sew 8" squares as in the attached jpeg. Sew on the dashed lines and cut on the straight lines. Gives you 16 QSTs of the size needed for this pattern.

I'm going to use this to sew a bunch of them too. I've already got a bunch of the a little triangles cut. I'm using up a lot of my scraps and don't have may that are bigger than about inches.

COYOTEMAGIC 11-21-2011 01:47 PM

Sorry guys, I'm playing catch up today. For those who don't know I've been a Breast Cancer warrior for the last 3 years. The lasting effects of chemo make some days almost unbearable with neuropathy pain. On my good days, I quilt and do outside of the house things with my husband. (I drive very little now, can't feel the break peddle!)

On top of this, we are in the process of loosing our home. I'm the 99% that doesn't have adequate health coverage. I worked for the state on NC for nearly 18years before I was diagnosed and forced to go onto disability because of complications. Sometimes you have to decide between chemo treatments, house and car payment or if you are going to eat. A can of Chicken Noodle soup from the dollar store has been dinner on serveral occassions.

I tell you these things not so you feel sorry for me, but so that you understand why sometimes, I'm not on here making a lot of posts. I'm thankful that Sadiemae is keeping up with everything!! I'm a fighter and not planning on letting cancer get the better anytime soon. It's taken my brother, my grandmother and severeal other loved ones, I'll be damned if it's going to get me!! The house thing will work it's way out one way or another. As long as I have my husband and my FurBabies, I'm happy.

To end this rambling post, Thank you everyone for understanding if I'm not here right away to repond to the things you post. I do read every word as soon as I can.

yayaquilts 11-21-2011 02:54 PM

brooke marie-wow! you go girl!! wish I could be sewing mine. My hubby and family give me a hard time when I'm inside the motorhome sewing, knitting or on the computer, even when it's cold outside. It's cold and damp in the shade at the beach!! We got poured on last night but luckily it cleared today.

coyotemagic: you go girl too!! hang in there-I'll keep you in my prayers. Praying you have more great days and no bad days so you can sew and quilt as much as you want to!!

Have fun sewing quilters here quilting along. I'll play catch up next week!!!

kydeb 11-21-2011 06:05 PM

YEAH!! I have all of the units plus 25 to 30 extras sewn together - I got carried away. I still need to iron them but I'm saving that job for tomorrow. I've never done one of Bonnie's mystery quilts. I can hardly wait for Friday's new clue!!

Debbie in KY

JeanieG 11-21-2011 08:59 PM

Originally Posted by kydeb (Post 4707673)
YEAH!! I have all of the units plus 25 to 30 extras sewn together - I got carried away. I still need to iron them but I'm saving that job for tomorrow. I've never done one of Bonnie's mystery quilts. I can hardly wait for Friday's new clue!!

Debbie in KY

WTG Debbie - I'm still sewing the QST. But I have the sewn ones pressed. I'm about 3/4 of the way through, then begin sewing them together into the squares. I hope I'll be done by Friday!

SheriR 11-21-2011 09:10 PM

I can't start this until next week and I fear I'll be to far behind to catch up..... And I looked at my scrappy stash and although it's large, it is such a mix I don't know how to make it work with this mystery quilt. I'll think on it during the holiday and maybe I'll get a brilliant plan.

That said.....

Coyote you are an inspiration to me here and more so now. Please stay strong and possitive. The Lord works in mysterious ways. <3

COYOTEMAGIC 11-21-2011 09:35 PM

I'm sure you can catch up. I'm not even half way there yet. I have lots of scraps, but not a lot of one particular scrap. Most are cut into 2.5 in strips that were used for somethingelse. I took it easy today pairing up my pink triangles with the turquoise so I can just zip them into the machine. Also finger pressed the fir st half of the triangles and put them together with their partners ready to be sewn.

candi 11-22-2011 05:44 AM

Cindi, you keep your chin up and keep going, I'll be praying for you and cheering you on.

Wow, girls some of you are almost there, woo hoo!

Sheri, I am in the same boat, won't get home until next week and will be choosing fabrics and going from there. You won't get behind unless you let yourself get behind, lol, this is what my mother would tell me :D

JeanLowe 11-22-2011 06:56 AM

Love it. Can't wait to get started.

JudyG 11-22-2011 07:08 AM

Cindi, you are an inspiration to us all. You go girl!

Sheri, you and Candi and I will all be working on these little things at the same time. I won't be home til the end of this week and won't be able to work on this til next week. We can keep each other company.

It's inspiring to see how much some of you have gotten done already.

JeanieG 11-22-2011 10:11 AM

I bet you gals can just start with Clue 2, then pick up Clue 1 as we go along. Some weeks the amount that needs to be done is not as intensive as Clue 1 is. And also, we probably will not use the Clue 1 units right away. She tended to just give us "parts" of blocks last year in RRCB, then toward the end of the mystery you put the sections together to make blocks.

I hope your "good" days are more frequent than those "bad" days Cindi! Hang in there, good thoughts and prayers are going your way!

Sadiemae 11-22-2011 10:18 AM

Don't worry if you are behind because you can't start yet. What Bonnie has always recommended is that if you can't do all of a step--just do a few of each step, so that you aren't really behind-and then you can catch up with the rest of the number you need for each step as time allows.

yayaquilts 11-22-2011 11:30 AM

Originally Posted by JudyG (Post 4709272)
Sheri, you and Candi and I will all be working on these little things at the same time. I won't be home til the end of this week and won't be able to work on this til next week. We can keep each other company.

It's inspiring to see how much some of you have gotten done already.

I'll be with you girls, too, keeping company with you, as I can't do any more cutting or any sewing till next week, and only after I clean the motorhome and the house that is overdue for a good cleaning. I do tend to leave the cleaning to the last minute, as I would much rather sew and quilt !!

SheriR 11-22-2011 11:57 AM

That sounds good, us late starters can stick together lol. I'm still not sure how to use my scraps. I have massive amounts...but not of that many colors. I could do like pink/teal/brown/creams but like I said no massive amounts. Like my brown stack is yards not alot of scraps. So would I care if there were many HST all the same. I'd still be using stash. Which is the point, right? I have red and blue too but no black. My only two DArKs are browns and blues. Mysteries are scary. I think I'm over thinking it... And I started weeks ago when I first saw the post about this project....

Sadiemae 11-22-2011 12:09 PM

SheriR, I don't have blacks, so I am using browns. You don't have to use scraps, there are a lot of people on her blog and on her yahoo group who use fat quarters, etc... Just have fun!

SheriR 11-22-2011 01:07 PM

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Let me do some background here. This past summer I "acquired" my 86 year old mother-in-law's 50 years stash. The intent is to use it to make her grandchildren(23) quilts from grandma. So I would REALLY like to use this project as one of her quilts, so I don't want to purchase a stitch. Just use what I have of hers. Here's what I pulled from my cupboards. pinks/teal/brown/creamishes....It wont let me upload my pink/teal....

SheriR 11-22-2011 01:14 PM

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There are the pinks/teals.... sorry for two posts

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