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JeanieG 12-18-2020 09:36 AM

Carrie - So sorry you are still suffering with your thumb. I hope the 2nd doctor can give you some additional help. I had a real problem with my hands (I could not close them but about half way - arthritis problem), but going to a hand physical therapist really helped. This is all this therapist does! She has her own practice, and I cannot believe the number of people in her place. She has two long tables and about 3 assistants. She has numerous manipulatives she uses, as well as heat and cold therapies. Plus hand massage. I also had to do exercises at home.

I would be out of luck if I had to rely on my husband to cook anything! You guys are lucky if you have a guy that will help you cook!!!

carriem 12-18-2020 09:43 AM

Jeanie, the first doctor gave me a couple exercises to do and said if I wanted after 4-6 weeks I could go see a PT, but she didn't mention a special hand therapist...something I will definitely ask about! I am willing to put the work in, just need direction!

givio 12-18-2020 10:42 AM

Yes, therapists can be so helpful. After I had surgery I couldn't raise my arms over my head and the therapist helped me so much. She gave me sheets of instructions with pictures for exercises and I kept at it.

Some ideas are helpful if you do them everyday. For example, I didn't want to necessarily do an exercise, but I did want to have hot tea. So, I put my microwave on top of my refrigerator. That way every time I wanted to use it, I had to lift my arm up. Another thing I did was always put things in the trunk of my car rather than on the seat. I have a hatchback Ford Focus. The hatch goes up automatically to open, and at first I couldn't reach it at all to close it. I used a hook tool to bring it down. But I resolutely kept putting stuff in the trunk and trying every time to close it before I used the hook. If you can find some practical way to do your therapy exercises it's so beneficial.

JeanieG 12-18-2020 01:02 PM

Originally Posted by carriem (Post 8444064)
Jeanie, the first doctor gave me a couple exercises to do and said if I wanted after 4-6 weeks I could go see a PT, but she didn't mention a special hand therapist...something I will definitely ask about! I am willing to put the work in, just need direction!

This gal has two offices in nearby cities. I could not believe the number of different type of hand injuries/problems that she was treating! You might google Hand Physical Therapy Specialist in your area, but your Doctor should know a good one. My doctor recommended the PT office he was associated with, but I had already used my gal before, so requested to see her. He said: "Yes, Mimi does a wonderful job!"

dublb 12-19-2020 04:41 AM

OH Carrie! I'm so sorry that your thumbs are so troublesome. HUGGS. I also think that PT can give ya some relief. At least enough that ya can use your hands. It is important that ya keep 'em moving.

carriem 12-21-2020 05:41 PM

Well this doctor thinks it is carpal tunnel presenting a little differently than usual so I have to have more testing done. With the holidays they can't get me in until Jan 6th. The test (EMG) should pinpoint if it that for sure or not. Anyone had carpal tunnel surgery? Just wondering if I'll be able to sew within a couple weeks after or not or if it is a long healing time.

dublb 12-21-2020 09:25 PM

I didn't have the surgery. They put me in a wrist brace &, for me, that did the trick. Every once in a while it starts acting up & I pull out the brace.

dublb 01-06-2021 07:15 PM

OK Carrie, Did ya have the test? I hope ya got the results & have a good game plan in place.

carriem 01-06-2021 07:54 PM

Hi Bev---thanks for following up. Yes the test was this morning. It came back negative for carpal tunnel so now I wait for the surgeon's office to call to see what his plan is...hopefully tomorrow. I am thinking requesting a hand therapy specialist...not ready to get a 3rd cortisone injection in yet a different spot--something he mentioned at my appt a couple weeks ago because he thinks if I am in early stages of carpal tunnel it may not show on the test they did today, but if the injection took away the pain we would know for sure that it is what he thinks it is.

You mentioned a splint...I have worn two different kinds over the last several months...just at night and all day long. I have also done some exercises on my own, had chiro adjustments, x-rays, and an MRI. The doctor today that did the test kind of said under his breath something about arthritis...I think because he was just doing the test he didn't want to diagnose me so said he would send the results to the surgeon's office. I actually have to see the doctor who did the test for something else next week (I have gone to him for dry needling and pain in my elbow in the past) so will ask his opinion when he knows he won't be stepping on the other doctor's toes...I can say this is what the surgeon said/suggests, but I am curious what your options are??

dublb 01-07-2021 07:22 AM

Dry needling helped my back so much. I do hope that ya get some relief soon. HUGGS & Prayers.

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