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-   -   QB Quilt block of the Month for August, 2013 photo's. (https://www.quiltingboard.com/blocks-month-week-f9/qb-quilt-block-month-august-2013-photos-t227003.html)

Roma Bauder 08-13-2013 02:57 PM

Nice blocks there

djmat 08-13-2013 05:42 PM

Love all of the blocks, hope to get mine done this weekend.

thimblebug6000 08-14-2013 04:59 PM

Originally Posted by CAS49OR (Post 6231126)
Yay, I finally got it done. My sewing machine is acting weird, it doesn't seem to be tying, so my seams come undone. I shortened my stitch length to 2.0 and it's a little better.

Love the colours you have chosen.... when I'm doing PP I use the 1.5 setting on my machine.... it's a little slower.... but doesn't rip away when I take the paper off....

CAS49OR 08-15-2013 01:10 PM

Thanks about the colors! I'm having fun with them, hard to plan which to put where. Thank you for the suggestion. So you think my machine is ok, I just don't have small enough stitch?

Originally Posted by thimblebug6000 (Post 6234672)
Love the colours you have chosen.... when I'm doing PP I use the 1.5 setting on my machine.... it's a little slower.... but doesn't rip away when I take the paper off....

Lilrain 08-27-2013 11:51 PM

that is beautiful. have never seen anything like it before and your fabric choices are great

SulaBug 08-28-2013 10:39 AM

Hello Everyone............I see the month of August is about to come to a close, so I hope that everyone has had a good month & still staying with us in making your blocks. I love each & every block that has been shared so far & hope you enjoyed this pattern that I picked for August. I haven't commented on this thread for several days, as my Mother is very ill & is in end stage renal failure. She is very comfortable for now & we are so thankful for that. I am looking forward to the September BOM block pattern & I hope you are too. Have a great day & be thankful for all that you have!!
:D :D :D :D

Roma Bauder 08-28-2013 11:21 AM

Just had my PC all cleaned. I thought I could maybe put on a quilt block ,but NO I still cant post a block

Roma Bauder 08-28-2013 11:30 AM

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[ATTACH=CONFIG]432762[/ATTACH]Well I'll' B' here is a BOM

Roma Bauder 08-28-2013 11:32 AM

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[ATTACH=CONFIG]432765[/ATTACH]Could'nt remember which was the last BOM I did.

SulaBug 08-31-2013 11:07 AM

Roma..............Your blocks have turned out beautiful. I love your color combination & am anxious to see your finished Tallahassee block for August. Thank you so much for sharing with all of us.
:D :D :D :D

jaba 08-31-2013 06:14 PM

Love the red, white and blue. How pretty! Tomorrow, tomorrow new block?????
Sulabug, sorry to hear about your Mother. Hope she is doing a little better and comfortable.

Oksewnsew 08-31-2013 06:22 PM

Boy this has been a long month!! I got the Tallahassee block done early so have had to wait all month for Sept's...haha Please don't make it another paper pieced block...lolo They stress me out so much..:( but I'll getter done..lol

SulaBug 09-01-2013 11:59 AM

Is anyone else looking for the for September's 2013 BOM block direction's?:D I know that I am anxiously waiting to know what it will be this month. Fun,fun!! :D
:D :D :D :D

sewmerry 09-01-2013 12:03 PM

Waiting and wondering..... where is it?

jaba 09-01-2013 01:08 PM

Been looking all day, but then thought with the holiday, whom ever has this month may be on a long weekend. We shall see.

Lyn Hut 09-01-2013 01:52 PM

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Hi Everyone
I have had my block ready from the first week in August but got tied up with work so I have just had time to post it. Now waiting for Septembers block.


SulaBug 09-02-2013 10:37 AM

Originally Posted by Lyn Hut (Post 6268186)
Hi Everyone
I have had my block ready from the first week in August but got tied up with work so I have just had time to post it. Now waiting for Septembers block.


Lyn...........I love how your August's 2013 Tallahassee block has turned out. What a great job you have done making it, too!! :D I hope you have found the new block that has been posted for September. Thank you for sharing with all of us.
:D :D :D :D

CajunBear 09-02-2013 10:53 AM

You did great job Jean!


CAS49OR 09-02-2013 12:16 PM

Oksewnsue, I love your owl quilt/avatar!

Oksewnsew 09-02-2013 01:07 PM

Thanks. I made that for my Dr...she had a baby boy several wks ago, gave it to her on her last day to work. I thot it turned out really good..


Originally Posted by CAS49OR (Post 6270054)
Oksewnsue, I love your owl quilt/avatar!

czpainter40 09-04-2013 06:49 AM

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I must have used the wrong size pattern because mine came out 12inch but i have only one set oh well i will be the odd ball on this one i guess, I will have to try the smaller size so i can have the four sections but this what i have so far. lol silly me....

SulaBug 09-04-2013 08:26 PM

Originally Posted by czpainter40 (Post 6273268)
I must have used the wrong size pattern because mine came out 12inch but i have only one set oh well i will be the odd ball on this one i guess, I will have to try the smaller size so i can have the four sections but this what i have so far. lol silly me....

czpainter40.............Your block turned out really amazing, it is just beautiful & I really like your fabric placement. Isn't it something how changing the fabric layout can make the pattern look totally different? Nice work!!
:D :D :D :D

CajunBear 09-12-2013 11:54 AM

I hate this block! lol It's got the best of me! I've been slow to make it and every time I sit down to do so, there is something wrong with what I do. Now I thought I am almost done have all the pieces and now get down to 3 and the blocks were on that printed sheet that I didn't select actual size! lol It's larger thankfully as I have no more of this center fabric but I can use it. I thought there was only one now I just found out there are 2 more! lol But I am determined to see the last of it! lol Pray for me as I do need it! lol


Oksewnsew 09-12-2013 01:46 PM

CZ, I made mine the 'big way' too. I like the looks of the larger pcs..

Cajun, so just make the larger version.. I made the 4 blk one, but like the bigger one better. I can't imagine YOU having problems, guess we all have a block that will stump us, I've sure had mine..lolo


judy363905 09-13-2013 03:36 PM

Originally Posted by CajunBear (Post 6289664)
I hate this block! lol It's got the best of me! I've been slow to make it and every time I sit down to do so, there is something wrong with what I do. Now I thought I am almost done have all the pieces and now get down to 3 and the blocks were on that printed sheet that I didn't select actual size! lol It's larger thankfully as I have no more of this center fabric but I can use it. I thought there was only one now I just found out there are 2 more! lol But I am determined to see the last of it! lol Pray for me as I do need it! lol

Cajun. Block of the month is meant to be fun... Relax you can do it....hope this is the encouragement you need to complete :)
Judy in Phx, AZ

djmat 09-18-2013 08:20 PM

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80 pieces, ugh, sure hope my DD appreciates it. I'm not very fond of it myself.
oh, well, on to September, hope I can get caught up.

klgreene 09-19-2013 08:06 AM

Originally Posted by djmat (Post 6302112)
80 pieces, ugh, sure hope my DD appreciates it. I'm not very fond of it myself.
oh, well, on to September, hope I can get caught up.

djmat I really like what you've done here. This is the first block that shows the center stand out so nicely. I had to go back to see if this was the same block. Amazing the placement of color shows an entirely new secondary design. Nice job.

CajunBear 09-19-2013 09:41 AM

Cajun's August & September's Penance
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LOL! For someone that is experience in Paper-Piecing this block has been a thorn in my side for almost 2 months! Everything I did I had to rip out and redo, then I got it so I could put the last section together and 3 of the blocks were larger than the 1 that was correct size. So I had to reprint and set my printer to print Actual size. I know this of course but some how didn't do it for all blocks.

Then I've got 3 of the 4 sections together after a lot of ripping and resewing! Ready to put last together and it goes well.....NOT....put it together wrong! lol I almost trashed it. Came very close but I just can't do that no matter how much ripping I do!

Oh almost forgot, it was together and good. Then I realized that my theme is black on white, white on black with touch of color. There was no color...frantic I picked up my Fabric Crayons after consulting with Jean...added that touch of color. Whew!

So here it is in all it's glory! Hope to never have to make another one! lol


PS. It was not the block, the ole devil has been after me for two months. I have spent more time repenting on my knees due to his pressure. But I the Lord and I have prevailed, need a new bottle of Anointing Oil though!

jaba 09-19-2013 09:53 AM

Well your coloring job looks perfect!! Glad you broke the hold that the "devil" had on you. Can't say I like the block and would do it again but I must have been in good hands with some state because it went together okay but mercy it took a whole lot of time. :D

Roma Bauder 09-20-2013 03:53 PM

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CajunBear 09-21-2013 08:26 AM


Originally Posted by jaba (Post 6303007)
Well your coloring job looks perfect!! Glad you broke the hold that the "devil" had on you. Can't say I like the block and would do it again but I must have been in good hands with some state because it went together okay but mercy it took a whole lot of time. :D

LOL you made my day Jaba!


jaba 09-21-2013 12:10 PM

I aim to please :) you just made mine too!!

djmat 09-24-2013 04:10 PM

Cajun Bear, love your block! Thanks for the "coloring" tip, wow, nice recovery!
klgreene, glad my August block is done, probably never do it again, whew. Glad you like it!

Jenniky 10-24-2013 03:19 PM

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Here is my version of the Tallahasse Square. Its really really busy... LOL :D:D:D

Roma Bauder 10-25-2013 11:53 AM

that is sure an old post. wonder what is going on?

ladyredhawk 12-16-2013 02:40 PM

very beautiful

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