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paintmejudy 12-29-2012 01:26 PM

Ok, Florence you get the prize to be announced at a later date! :D

Way to go, girl, can't believe you got this done so fast.

PokerDiva 12-29-2012 01:35 PM

Wow, I never win anything. Even if it really isn't anything, I am glad I won. LOL.

Quiltaddiction 12-29-2012 02:10 PM

I'm in TY Judy. I finished mystery #3 and went back and checked out #2 its on my to do list. I think I'll use charms as well and decide on A & B I'll go to spotlight this arvo and see if anything grabs me (not literally lol). Thanks again All Aboard!!!

Sauki1 12-29-2012 02:38 PM

I think it's funny that as I read the first clue to this scrappy train ride, I am actually riding a real life train back home. Visited for the holidays and I have tons of charm squares just itchin' to be used up. :)

I'll bring some Tangelo jam, since my husband decided to buy a bushel for just the two of us! (gasp)

sewNso 12-29-2012 04:17 PM

Sauki, how's the actual train ride? did you get a sleeper, etc. comfortable seats? bathrooms? noisy? i have meant to just go someplace for having done it. thx for the imput. anyone else taken a train trip?

Elisabrat 12-29-2012 05:58 PM

ok I am cutting away have 30 of each so far from my oddest scraps and will surely make it through the other oddballs before I sneak into the precuts. that is too easy lol unless I go for a bigger quilt. I have to say I am having a small corrinary doing this guys. THEY DONT MATCH argh! its like oh hell no your not adding that to that pile oh nope nope no ducks no other fabric with novelty nope nope and oh no vwbugs? not happening... so what is wrong with me? am I alone here on the panic attack? this is like me taking a bungy jump thing not in this lifetime.. so pat my back would you and tell me it wont look like barf when I am done? knees are shaking.. help!

hopetoquilt 12-29-2012 06:09 PM

Running, running, sprinting, just jumped on the train. Hanging onto the caboose with one hand (and holding onto about 7 UFOs to quilt and 10 other projects to start in the other hand...).

It's all good. I am in. I will start tomorrow when I get home. I definitely have the scrappy fabrics to use but need to decide on A and B. I will pick those later. This should be quick and fun.

Belfrybat 12-29-2012 06:19 PM

1 Attachment(s)
I can't believe I'm done with step one already! Of course, I put #3 train on hold as I'm either going to have to make all new blocks from the last set or play frog. I do love scrappy and not matching is just fine with me -- I have serious concerns about my ability to match anyway. I have a bunch of the 2.5" ones cut out, but forgot how many, so will check the instructions later. Will decide on colour A & B when I see where we are going with this.
Oh, forgot to add I have mulled wine in the club car. The chicken and dumplings were delish -- thanks to whoever bought them. And YES I would like the carrot marmelade recipe.

paintmejudy 12-29-2012 06:19 PM

Elisa, just take a few deep breaths and all will be copacetic!

paintmejudy 12-29-2012 06:20 PM

Way to go Belfry!

Belfrybat 12-29-2012 06:28 PM

JUDY - can this be made into an in-between size? Obviously I have no idea where this is heading, but I wondered if nine 9 patches would make up for the quilt? With other changes, naturally. Or would it be better to put a larger border on the small size? Trying to get to about a 48" x 60-65".

VickiM 12-29-2012 06:32 PM

Originally Posted by Julielhs (Post 5747650)
I'm working on the 3rd train ride today, but I think I will use the 4 1/2" squares are leaders and work on both:)

That's exactly what I have planned to do...can finish the 3rd mystery & work on this at the same time. Craftshows & Xmas got in the way of finishing the 3rd & so I need to play catch up. Have to work on them both inbetween getting about 8-10 quilts quilted...some are donations & some for the booth (1st craftshow of the year is in Feb.). I love these mystery trains! Thank you Judy!!!:)

adamae 12-29-2012 06:32 PM

Joining the my first mystery train ride with chili in the diner....now on the way to meditate in my assigned seat with colors dancing through my head.
Am excited about the challenge of thiis ride.

francie yuhas 12-29-2012 07:10 PM

OK! I have the blocks done and tucked away where it's likely I'll find them in a week. DH had a spazz...you're not starting another one,before you have the other ones finished,are you? He's an accountant and never starts some new thing til the first is done. Oh well,I'm off to the club car for some hot chocolate with a thimbleful of coconut rum.

happylab 12-29-2012 08:02 PM

Count me in. This is my 1st train ride, so I'll try to follow along. But until then off to my scrap bin to find my scraps.

marytoddliz 12-29-2012 08:21 PM

francie, maybe you better double that thimble full of rum! My Hubby thinks I should work on one project at a time, finish it and then start another... with fabric I already have! What is the fun in that! I am going to get all my UFP's done this year, but that does not mean I can't start a new batch!

I like this train ride so far Judy! it looks so fun! I finished both train ride one and two... Three is still in pieces, but I have to start a new project and I love using up my 4.5 in squares! I try to cut all scraps into blocks and put them in baggies so they are ready as needed... So I think I will make at least a double sized one this time!

Elisa, just shut your eyes and grab! It will be beautiful!

I will start this one tomorrow!

SulaBug 12-30-2012 12:26 AM

Hi Judy...........I am so in, too!! :D I do have a question for you though. I have a large amount of 4" squares already cut. Would these work out just as well, as your 4 1/2" squares? I sure hope so, as I have two blocks sewed together already!! I will wait to hear from you before making any more of them. This is going to be so fun & I am so excited.
:D :D :D :D

Quiltaddiction 12-30-2012 02:06 AM

I went to spotlight and got blue and yellow as my A & B and will mix and match he charm packs I have. Only working a half day tomorrow and a public holiday on Tuesday so lots of quilting coming up.:thumbup:

sustraley 12-30-2012 03:44 AM

All you first time train riders--you wil be so happy you did this. Judy's mystrey quilts are awesome. I have done each one and always look forward to the next one. Welcome!!

lovelyl 12-30-2012 05:55 AM

I will bring a nice assortment of teas and some English muffins!

coopah 12-30-2012 06:28 AM

Originally Posted by lovelyl (Post 5749396)
I will bring a nice assortment of teas and some English muffins!

Oh, LovelyL, you just broke my heart. I can't go on this ride, but am lurking and will dearly miss those teas and muffins. Maybe I can meet the train at a stop with some scones and Southern Belle tea. You'll like it!

carrot 12-30-2012 06:34 AM

Well good morning ladies!!! I am jumping on the train with the rest of you. This will be my very first train ride and looking forward to the ride:D Our local hospital sent out a plea for some hospice quilts so I will be doing the larger size. I leave on the 11th for a 4 day quilt retreat. If I get my cutting done by then I can sew it together at the retreat. Hope to have pictures to show all of you on the 17th !!!

lovelyl 12-30-2012 06:50 AM

Originally Posted by coopah (Post 5749456)
Oh, LovelyL, you just broke my heart. I can't go on this ride, but am lurking and will dearly miss those teas and muffins. Maybe I can meet the train at a stop with some scones and Southern Belle tea. You'll like it!

Coopah - Meet you at the stop closest to your home! We will send pics along the way, also!

paintmejudy 12-30-2012 06:55 AM

Belfry - you will need borders to get to the size you are looking to make.

Adamae, happytab and carrot -- welcome to our new passengers on the Mystery Train

Francie, we all sympathize -- and none of us OCDers can understand those who need to finish A before starting B :D

Sulabug, welcome back. As to the 4" squares, can't see why not, but you will have to adjust everything else as you go along. Don't cut anything until you get to that week's clue, and I think you will be able to figure out how to cut the other pieces as we go along.

Sustraley -- thank you thankyou, you are so sweet.

OOOOOO coopah - what happened - thought you were along for this ride too -- we will miss you.

happyjunker 12-30-2012 06:56 AM

Brand Spankin' New Here...
Hi all! Belfrybat posted about his challenge on another board. I've never done any type of mystery quilt, or quilt along, so I was intrigued! This sounds so exciting! I was looking for another sewing/quilting forum to frequent, and I do believe I've found a dandy! I look forward meeting, talking and quilting along with you! Thank you for having me! I'm excited to see what this challenge will create. Tracy.

Aurora 12-30-2012 06:58 AM

Just my luck, I have lots of 3 1/2" blocks, I am sure I can use those, it just won't be as large. So I am off to cut some 4 1/2" strips and some 4 1/2" blocks out of larger scraps. Count me in, I have some great scraps and I just picked up a new supply of fabric on Friday. I know what I will be doing today.

Oh by the way, I have a new bottle of Cabernet Savignon, some dark chocolate from The Alps in Fishkill, NY, and a pot of homemade vegetable soup on the stove. Good thing I finished that Fat Quarter Bag UFO, it will definitely hold all my fabric and the above provisions.

See you all on board!

Elisabrat 12-30-2012 07:10 AM

Aurora any left overs for breakfast/ I mean if you ate all the soup fine just a glass of cab with dark chocolates oh that sounds like making these scraps match much better. I even contemplated dontlaugh guys making one patch all red squares one all blues at least they are color matched lol.. I will go for it and just sew them. I love the look of scrap quilts but well gotta jump in sometime and try new things. It willbe lovely. especially after I have cabernet and coffee with coconut rum. oh boy yes it will. making cheeter cheese danish this morning. super easy and super not low cal but well who needs to count calories when your burning billions making 4.5 inch squares right? right. finishing this cup of coffee and will be sewing those puppies together shortly!

paintmejudy 12-30-2012 07:18 AM

happyjunker, welcome, we always have a good time here.

Aurora, welcome. And your foodie choices will fit right in!!!

Elisa, you need to just close your eyes and grab those scraps! We need you to be more adventurous, don't we? Come on, gals, tell her how much fun scrappy can be. And how beautiful!

Aurora 12-30-2012 07:25 AM


Soup is still cooking. Coffee and coconut rum, I just purchased a travel first aid kit, will throw it in my bag as well. Sounds like we might have a use for a bandage or two.

I know what I will be doing this afternoon. I have no fires to put out for a change.

Pam H 12-30-2012 07:28 AM

I am envious of all of you who cut your scraps into squares as you go along. I spent 2 hours last night cutting out squares and now have 35. Looks like I might have to cut into my regular stash to get enough different blocks.

Daisy Dew 12-30-2012 07:40 AM

My daddy was an engineer on the old Rock Island Line so I can't miss this trip! All Aboard - clickity clack - what fun. Thanks for the ticket!

labeelady 12-30-2012 07:43 AM

Originally Posted by sewNso (Post 5748382)
anyone else taken a train trip?

I've taken several recently. I prefer a sleeper, because the meals come with it, plus you get a flat place to sleep. We rode coach on one trip and I immediately called Amtrak when we arrived at our hotel to change to a sleeper for the return trip. I lucked out and got the last one!

And yes, I think I'll do this scrappy mystery. I have a lot of 5" squares I cut recently and will be busily trimming them at the guild's sew-in this afternoon.

Aurora 12-30-2012 07:59 AM

Originally Posted by Pam H (Post 5749634)
I am envious of all of you who cut your scraps into squares as you go along. I spent 2 hours last night cutting out squares and now have 35. Looks like I might have to cut into my regular stash to get enough different blocks.


I will be cutting strips from my stash as well, only some of it will be leftovers from previous projects. I do have some great Tequila, New Year's, and Mardi Gras yardage that I plan to use to add some bling to the three or four other scrap projects I have planned.

Truth is, if you just cut a few strips from several fabrics (maybe some you aren't so crazy about any longer), you will have a nice scrap collection to work with; and, you can purchase replacement fabric because you used some of your stash. Total win, win situation.

francie yuhas 12-30-2012 08:00 AM

It's fun to meet you'all. I have never done a scrap quilt before: this a good chance to work on reducing my big sack of batiks leftovers...BTW, is there any chocolate left?

Belfrybat 12-30-2012 08:01 AM

Originally Posted by happyjunker (Post 5749533)
Hi all! Belfrybat posted about his challenge on another board. I've never done any type of mystery quilt, or quilt along, so I was intrigued! This sounds so exciting! I was looking for another sewing/quilting forum to frequent, and I do believe I've found a dandy! I look forward meeting, talking and quilting along with you! Thank you for having me! I'm excited to see what this challenge will create. Tracy.

You found us! Welcome, sit back (or not) and enjoy the ride. I just put out some breakfast tacos in the club car, so come back and meet this crazy but wonderful group of quilters.

paintmejudy 12-30-2012 08:05 AM

If you have 35 different fabrics cut and only need 54, you won't notice duplicates if you spread them out over the 6 9-patch blocks.

Originally Posted by Pam H (Post 5749634)
I am envious of all of you who cut your scraps into squares as you go along. I spent 2 hours last night cutting out squares and now have 35. Looks like I might have to cut into my regular stash to get enough different blocks.

Aurora 12-30-2012 08:07 AM

Originally Posted by francie yuhas (Post 5749723)
It's fun to meet you'all. I have never done a scrap quilt before: this a good chance to work on reducing my big sack of batiks leftovers...BTW, is there any chocolate left?

There is chocolate left, as it isn't on the train as yet. I am still cooking the vegetable soup. Anyone up for cornbread?

Daisy Dew 12-30-2012 08:08 AM

Originally Posted by bibliostone (Post 5747551)
To "bookmark", you can click on Thread Tools (above the 1st post on a page, on the right) and then "Subscribe". You will be notified each time someone adds a post.

Thanks - I didn't know how to do it either - had my ticket but didn't know what track to wait on!

sewNso 12-30-2012 08:22 AM

i am just addicted to judy's 3rd mystery pattern. i just picked up, like my 3rd quilt from the quilters. i do one set of colored blocks, lay them out, then usually tweak the 2nd to co ordinate. this last one was 4 blocks by 4 blocks, then the diagonal border and then another 5" border. i think the final measurement was 94 X 94.
and i am sure this one will be ever bit as good. i made myself work on 'jane' blocks yesterday. before i started this one. welcome aboard everyone, i'm sure you will enjoy the ride.

pocoellie 12-30-2012 08:24 AM

This is my first train ride, I don't have any food, candy or drink to bring, since I absolutely HATE to cook. LOL I'm not making any promises on getting it done, since I have about 20 other projects going at the same time, but will certainly try to keep up.

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