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Anael 04-18-2018 02:23 PM

Wow!!!! Stunning Macebaby, both quilts!
I don't like to do the BH quilts because they're all about the same thing over and over again.

I wish I would finish one quilt before starting the next one. I just told a neighbor today I have too many projects going because I start the next one before finishing something. I need to finish a few, really I do. Funny thing is, the last two quilts I started I already finished......hahaha!

DonnaPea 04-19-2018 06:31 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Anael and Macybaby - something we have in common, beside Sylvia - Omigosh. Here's mine that I finished last year. I love the finished look but agree with you both - I got a little bored with it by the time I was done. That's why I like Sylvia - lots of variety. Loved seeing your beautiful quilts. Nearly Insane is amazing, but not for me. I find too many aspects of life frustrating as they are and don't want to add that to the refuge I find in quilting.


Macybaby 04-19-2018 06:52 AM

It's really fun to see more people how have done (or are doing) the OMG quilt.

But I agree about loving variety. And there are times where I really want to just sit at the machine and sew without having any worries about what color goes where or what step am I doing next. Sure won't get that with the Nearly Insane pattern!

Anael 04-19-2018 07:04 AM

Ohhhhhhhhhh DonnaPea, yours is wonderful. I can only wish.....haha. I have 6 rows done so still a LOT to go!! Maybe I will finish this year, one can always hope :D :D

Judith1005 04-19-2018 07:05 AM

DonnaPea, beautiful quilt. I LOVE the aqua you used for the border. Your new blocks for Sylvia are great. You are going to have such a beautiful and scrappy quilt.

Macybaby, I love that you made your border blocks larger for your quilt. It really makes the quilt look dimensional.

Two similar quilts, spectacular results. I love them both.

Blue Bell 04-19-2018 07:32 AM

Donna, love your scrappy quilt. You border choice really sets off the blocks beautifully.

Teen 04-19-2018 06:50 PM

Karen...thank you! You are half-way done so you should whip the rest out in no time.

Girls....your mini quilt show was fun to see. Gorgeous! Donna....your OMG is amazing..... Macybaby....no doubt you like to challenge yourself. Your quilts are beautiful. And, you will nail the applique technique with your first block. I've been making my applique pieces while I've been traveling. (I'm in Utah this evening and will arrive to our destination tomorrow)

Anael....Geesh....the blocks look crazy difficult to make. The red one is outstanding. I don't know the patterns you guys are referring to but I'll look them up. Probably not for me. I am a no UFO quilt maker so I stay with a quilt until it is binded. That's just me. I have a gazillion projects ready to start but I won't start until I know I can finish them. I took a chance with the SBS with my moving but it was worth it.

On a fun note, i have been corresponding with the designer of the Baltimore Album quilt I'll be starting. She is super excited that I will be starting that soon and asked me to share progress. She loved the pillow I made of one of the blocks. I've never chatted with a pattern designer before so this was fun for me.

talk with you soon!!!

DonnaPea 04-20-2018 04:59 AM

2 Attachment(s)
I'll enjoy watching the Baltimore Album & Nearly Insane quilts coming together, no matter what thread you put them on. Teen, did you say once that you have only been quilting a few years? Am I correct about that? You have come a very far way in a short time!

Here are 2 more SBS blocks I finished during this very busy week. Hope to have some quality time with my sewing machine this weekend.

Anael 04-20-2018 05:39 AM

Nice blocks DonnaPea! I don't think many brides will think of doing I7 this way, great thinking!!

Teen 04-20-2018 05:45 AM

Love your blocks Donna. G2 fabric is awesome. Yes, I only started quilt making in 2016. Never really sewed before then. I had excellent mentors.

Anael 04-20-2018 06:12 AM

Wow Teen, you really mastered the art of sewing and quilting very quickly!!

Anael 04-20-2018 09:38 AM

Originally Posted by Teen (Post 8043877)
Karen...thank you! You are half-way done so you should whip the rest out in no time.

Girls....your mini quilt show was fun to see. Gorgeous! Donna....your OMG is amazing..... Macybaby....no doubt you like to challenge yourself. Your quilts are beautiful. And, you will nail the applique technique with your first block. I've been making my applique pieces while I've been traveling. (I'm in Utah this evening and will arrive to our destination tomorrow)

Anael....Geesh....the blocks look crazy difficult to make. The red one is outstanding. I don't know the patterns you guys are referring to but I'll look them up. Probably not for me. I am a no UFO quilt maker so I stay with a quilt until it is binded. That's just me. I have a gazillion projects ready to start but I won't start until I know I can finish them. I took a chance with the SBS with my moving but it was worth it.

On a fun note, i have been corresponding with the designer of the Baltimore Album quilt I'll be starting. She is super excited that I will be starting that soon and asked me to share progress. She loved the pillow I made of one of the blocks. I've never chatted with a pattern designer before so this was fun for me.

talk with you soon!!!

That's great, sharing your work with the designer!! Will you share your progress with us too? Please? Maybe in the picture thread?

Anael 04-21-2018 11:13 AM

4 Attachment(s)
I went for a ride today. Here are some photos I made, I thought you might want to see a tiny part of my country ;).

Blue Bell 04-21-2018 01:02 PM

I want to more there. So peaceful!

Macybaby 04-21-2018 04:59 PM

very nice! We still have way too much white stuff here. Were there is grass, it's just got a tinge of green. Today's been a gloomy day, hopefully tomorrow will be sunny.

NZquilter 04-21-2018 05:08 PM

I love seeing pictures of the Netherlands, Anael. Thanks for sharing. I am 50% Dutch blood, so even though I've never been to Holland, I pride my heritage. :)

Teen 04-21-2018 05:35 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Gorgeous, Anael. And, very talented photography. Love the last one.....peaceful and serene....

Working on my applique pieces when I can....

Anael 04-21-2018 09:33 PM

Thank you ladies!
I will post more :) I didn't know you were 50% Dutch NZQuilter!

Teen, wonderful!!! I'm going to try appliqué this way very soon :)

Anael 04-21-2018 11:49 PM

5 Attachment(s)
Here are a few from close to home.

DonnaPea 04-23-2018 05:46 AM

7 Attachment(s)
Teen - your applique border is going to be so beautiful. Can't wait to see the finished product. Anael - I enjoyed your pictures, especially the windmill. Sadly, we canceled our upcoming northern Europe cruise, so I will not be seeing your lovely country soon as I had planned. Hopefully we can try again sometime in the future.

I had a very peaceful Saturday and Sunday afternoon in my sewing area, and here's what I was able to complete:


Macybaby 04-23-2018 06:15 AM

Donna - nice blocks, you are making good progress!

Teen - your applique pieces look really nice. I sure hope I can get mine to look that good.

My "insane" book should show up mid week, and then I'll start looking at starting that and the DJ together. Right now I plan on using red for both, with using each red only one time in the DJ, and only one fabric per block. So I'll pull two reds and do two DJ blocks, then use the same reds plus some others to do one Insane block. I think I'll also use a light blue to go with the reds on the Insane blocks. I bought some blue to go with the reds for the 19th Mystery, but changed my mind and went with a navy. So I have over 7 yards of a blue that does look real good with the reds. I'll be going with a light beige for the DJ background.

Anael 04-23-2018 06:57 AM

Wow DonnaPea, you nailed every block!!! Lovely!!!! And you're getting better with each block, did you notice?

Great plan Macebaby! Do you have enough reds for your adventure? If not, I can send you some of mine.

Anael 04-23-2018 08:54 AM

I wonder how Dotty is doing. Has anyone heard from her? She should have had her surgery by now. I hope she's ok!

Macybaby 04-23-2018 09:10 AM

thanks for the offer Anael, but I don't think I'll have any problem needing over 200 different reds. I'm including burgundy to pink and I bet I've got close to 400 different fabrics if I include my fat quarter collection.

when DH and I travel, we like to stop at quilt shops and I like to pick up a yard or two (or five) of assorted fabrics, and I'm always drawn to the reds. Now if it was purple, I'd really need some help.

DottyD 04-23-2018 12:36 PM

Hi Anael,
Thanks so much for asking and yes, I had the op on Friday and came home from hospital yesterday. I am still in some pain, which I expected, but am on a lot of medication and which is making me drowsy.
The operation was successful and I have to do regular physio exercises and I have an appointment to go back in a couple of weeks.
The consultant did a minimally invasive procedure and I can't quite believe the incision is only about 5 inches long - with not too much muscle being cut, so hopefully healing will be quicker.
I have been following the posts on here and you are all doing some beautiful work.
Thanks again for remembering me - it means a lot !!

Anael 04-23-2018 12:57 PM

I'm so glad all went well!!! Isn't it wonderful to be able to move right after surgery?
Hopefully soon you won't need the painkillers anymore, they're not fun :(

So......congrats on the new you!!

Macybaby 04-23-2018 04:08 PM

Glad your surgery went well!

My "nearly insane" book showed up today, so the fun (insanity) can begin!

Anael 04-23-2018 09:03 PM

YEAHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! Please show your blocks!!!

Macybaby 04-24-2018 09:14 AM

I was looking up a block pattern in my 365 Day Challenge binder, and got the idea, instead of going Nearly Insane, to doing a Totally Insane quilt - no 6" block with under 50 pieces to it. I'll just need to swap out some of the "easier" blocks from the NI quilt with some of the harder ones of the 365 quilt.

Anael 04-24-2018 09:29 AM

:D :D :D You're really insane Macebaby :D :D :D

Macybaby 04-24-2018 03:48 PM

Was counting pieces, I think I'll go with "over 30" as that way I don't have many that would need to be modified to fit.

I'm ready to put the binding on my School quilt, with that one out of the way, I can go back to playing with more fun stuff. I really don't like to commit to sewing projects, that way if I don't feel like working on something for a while, there is no pressure. I can put it aside for a month and then get back to it.

Judith1005 04-25-2018 08:34 AM

Wow, you ladies have been very business. With my main sewing machine going down for the count. I have practically been out of business while I shop look and try to find a new machine. I've been able to do a little straight piecing on my Vintage Singer. So, not completely down for the count. I'll find something soon.

Teen, love how your border flowers are coming along.

Anael, your home country is beautiful. It looks so peaceful and the air looks so clean. In the third picture down, what do the signs in the water mean?

Macybaby, I can't wait to see your school quilt finished.

DonnaPea, your on a roll. Your blocks are coming out wonderful. Glad you were able to fit in a little fun time.

DottyD, glad to hear your on the mend. Will say a little prayer for your continued recovery.

Anael 04-25-2018 08:55 AM

Thank you Judith. We do have parts where it's not so quiet and peaceful! I have no idea what those signs mean, no doubt they're for the ships that pass. I went with the ferry to the other side, next time I'll ask - if I remember ;)

Anael 04-25-2018 10:06 AM

I told myself I need to finish a few quilts before I'm allowed to start a new project. So I finished the Fairyland top (still needs borders but I have to purchase fabric). Next on the list is/was the 365 Challenge top. I thought I only needed 2 12" cornerblocks but it turns out I also need 14 light coloured 6" blocks.........arghhhhhhhhhh. That's what I will be doing the next few days or weeks......haha!

Anael 04-25-2018 10:09 AM

[QUOTE=DonnaPea;8045778]Anael - I enjoyed your pictures, especially the windmill. Sadly, we canceled our upcoming northern Europe cruise, so I will not be seeing your lovely country soon as I had planned. Hopefully we can try again sometime in the future.

Sorry DonnaPea you had to cancel your trip. Maybe one day...........

Anael 04-26-2018 02:06 AM

I made a few Sylvia blocks for the 365 challenge haha! I don't feel like making any more of those 365 challenge blocks which take forever to finish. Having to make 2 corner blocks is enough LOL. I also enlarged some 3" blocks and made them 6" finished. I'll be happy when this one is finished too!!

Macybaby 04-26-2018 04:24 AM

I really liked the 365 challenge, I followed along with the first year and made every block. I learned so much doing that, and thought about doing another and that is when I found SBS and decided it would be fun do to that one. From my perspective, SBS is much easier for the peiced blocks, but also has PP and Applique while 365 it totally peiced blocks.

I've decided I need to be a good girl and get caught up on my quilting before I start another top. I have three in progress anyway . . .

I have another one on the LA, and only 7 more out in the shed. That is less than I thought I had out there. I have another 12 in the house, but a few of them are lap size. So that is only 20 and that is less than I thought I had. I really have to stick with the "finished is better than perfect" and stop agonizing about trying to find the "perfect" quilt patterns and just go with something that will look good and get it done.

Anael 04-26-2018 05:38 AM

You mean 20 to be quilted? I like your attitude :) Lots of people would stress out over 'only' 20 quilts hahaha!

I also liked the 365 challenge but now that I thought I had enough blocks made and I'm still 14 short......not so much anymore. But I will finish, not the entire quilt though because it's too large. I now need 9 more light coloured blocks and 2 corner blocks.

Macybaby 04-26-2018 07:13 AM

A year ago, I had 30 tops waiting to be quilted, so this is an improvement for me. Only one of the current group was including in last year's number. I've got that one on the frame now. So I feel pretty good about that.

I'm trying to find quilts that are more challenging so they take longer to make. Though sometimes if they take too long, I put them aside for something simpler. I have a crazy quilt I've been working on for several years now. Once in a while I haul it out and make another 10 blocks. I think I'm around 50 blocks and want 100 total. I should haul that out and work on it more. It's rather "messy" and I end up with stuff spread all over, so it's not easy to work on it just a little bit at a time.


Anael 04-26-2018 07:45 AM

Congrats on the improvement :)

I like your crazy quilt blocks, they don't look that crazy. I guess because of the colours you're using.

I started one last week to get rid of my scraps but put them aside again. Just finished the Fairyland quilttop, now I need to quilt another top. That one really needs to be done as it's for my neighbor who was diagnosed with lung cancer a few weeks ago and no treatment possible. So it's next on the list. I had to wait for the batting which arrived this afternoon.

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