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Teen 07-04-2018 02:15 PM

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Thanks, Dotty......I'll look it up and check it out. Applique is right up my alley. The designer for the Baltimore Album quilt pattern I will start soon signed my book, too. I love that... Those are keepers in our personal libraries for sure.

no way can I do 2 Kingwell patterns at once. It would be a fabric explosion. I'm anal enough that I would be too stressed... Lol.. This is how I keep myself from going crazy. My GTSB fabric organization. More in my fabric cabinet that I haven't cut into too.

Teen 07-04-2018 08:19 PM

Dotty....I like the Dear Hannah blocks....I found the pattern book on Amazon and bought it. Lol! I likely won't make the whole thing like I did SBS but I'll figure it out when I get the book. I'm hoping her instructions are well written for the pieced blocks. Thank you for the suggestion!

Anael 07-04-2018 08:55 PM

:D :D :D I love that saying Teen :D :D :D

Like I said before, I've never been this organized as with the GW! Blocks with sticky notes on them, blocks in ziplock baggies.......;)

Anael 07-05-2018 12:39 AM

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I took another macro photo this morning. I still need a lot of practice.
The flower/buds of a Virginian creeper......I love that name hahaha!


Judith1005 07-05-2018 04:29 AM

Wow Anael, that is an amazing photo. You are an awesome photographer. I for one hope you don't give up your bike rides. All sewing all the time makes for a very dull life.

Teen, I checked out the Dear Hannah books on Amazon. They weren't that bad a price and the used books were an even better price. I just looked though. I have plenty of patterns and inspiration here to keep me busy. I just haven't found a pattern I can't live without yet. (for now.) Maybe that will change when I switch out of this path I'm in right now. I sort of have tunnel vision on only finishing UFO's right now. So have been pulling them out one by one from the bins I have them hiding in. You do have exactly the right idea in keeping only 1 or 2 projects going at one time and finishing them! I am working on walking that path.

Anael 07-05-2018 04:39 AM

Thanks so much Judith!! No I won't give up my bike rides :) I love it too much!!

Hopefully you can stick to the plan, I tried many times but failed just as many times :D Now the only plan I have is finishing one quilt before I can start a new one. Finishing an UFO as well would be even better, I know LOL.

Teen 07-05-2018 08:32 AM

I'm a pattern junkie, Judith, and a dot hoarder. :D I may not get to all my patterns in my lifetime but they are great inspirations.

Activity beyond sewing is important as is other hobbies. I like gardening and flower arranging. I forget to socialize sometimes when I'm quilt driven. :D So, I really have to do more of saying yes with invites... It's gonna hit 114 degrees tomorrow so we are going to the movies to sit in their AC...lol...

No UFO's is a wonderful place to be, trust me. Stay the course ladies...

Blue Bell 07-05-2018 11:16 AM

Teen, 114 degrees!!!??? It is only 91 here today and I can't deal with that. Hope that it will be cooler to where you are moving. Good idea to go to the movies.

Teen 07-05-2018 12:36 PM

Yes, 114 degrees....maybe 115 forecasted. I am 50 miles from Palm Springs and it's expected to be on 117+ tomorrow. It's currently 114 there now. It's 96 here now so the house is shut tight... Ugh! Idaho is much more comfortable but they have a few days in triple digits...they also have a few days in single digit, which I have never experienced... Lol....

Anael 07-05-2018 04:13 PM

Oh my goodness, I can't imagine those temps!! Would be too hot for me.

I'm not a very social person.......I like being on my own.

Teen 07-05-2018 05:39 PM

In don't mind the heat...born and raised here so I'm use to it. At least we don't have the humidity to match it that many experience...my mom gets it in Georgia, which is why I don't travel during summer to see her. Not compatible with my hairdo...lol..

Anael...I love to socialize but I love staying home, too, so it's always a challenge for me. When I do socialize, I'm always glad but I'm super happy when I get home. With my job as a therapist, I tire of socialized yapping...lol...

Anael...forgot to mention that your macro photography rocks!!! Totally frameable...

Anael 07-05-2018 09:05 PM

Teen I was wondering, is screaming obscenities better than whacking fat quarters? :D Or do you do both at the same time? That would be something......hahaha

Thanks for the compliment!

The difference in temps is when it's hot here it is very humid most of the time. This time it isn't though, we haven't had rain in weeks, trenches have dried up, we're adviced to not water the gardens.

Sew_Pink 07-06-2018 02:52 AM

Hi every one.. I am new around here. Is this still going on. I sure hope so. I have not seen thi book yet but I just ordered it yesterday and it should be here in a few days! I am going to start reading and looking around to catch up on things. I hope to make some friends here... Happy quilting!!!

DottyD 07-06-2018 04:38 AM

Yes Sew_Pink - a lot of activity here. I finished my SBS a long time ago - but stay here to enjoy other ladies progress - it is very friendly here !!

Anael 07-06-2018 05:00 AM

HI Sew_Pink!! Welcome in our bridal world :) Yes, we're still here and will be for quite some time. Some ladies will piece with you and some will cheer you on!

:wave::wave: Dotty!

DottyD 07-06-2018 05:17 AM

Hi Anael - waving at you too. Very hot here today again, we really need some rain for my hydrangeas.
Do you ever think of coming over to the UK ?

Anael 07-06-2018 05:48 AM

It's hot and very dry here too, we need rain!!! Lots of it.

Yes, thinking.........but that's as far as I get.....for now and the near future. I've been to London once, a long long time ago. We only went there for a weekend.

DottyD 07-06-2018 06:24 AM

You will have to let me know if you do ever visit. My DH and I came over to Holland many years ago. Stayed in Hedel.

Anael 07-06-2018 06:37 AM

I will, thanks!
Hedel, nice!! Near the Maas :)

Anael 07-06-2018 06:39 AM

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I went for another ride with my macro lens this afternoon. I tossed most of the photos but kept a few. Here's one of them.
It's an overblown thistle (sometimes, specially right out of bed, I look like this.......:D )

DonnaPea 07-06-2018 07:05 AM

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Haven't been on for a few days, with celebrating the 4th of July, then a visit from 2 of my sisters in Florida who passed through on their way to Ohio. Hello, Sew_Pink! Looking forward to piecing along with you. The end is in sight for me - I have less than 30 blocks to go, and I will enjoy watching your blocks progress and sharing with you. Lots of nice, friendly people on this board.

Here's a tip for you and whoever comes after. There are a few PDF's for paper piecing earlier on this board: Ocean Waves, Kansas Troubles, and whatever H-7 is (can't think of it's name and don't have my book handy right now). Here is C-9, Grandmother's Pride, and H-9, Weathervane, that I got from another source.[ATTACH=CONFIG]597306[/ATTACH] As Teen pointed out once, they may need enlarged slightly to measure 6.5". On my printer, that is enlarging 103%, but it will just depend upon the printer & experimenting with it a little. Looking forward to seeing your blocks soon!

DonnaPea 07-06-2018 07:09 AM

Forgot to say - I love your new blocks, Auntjo. You have a great fabric collection.

Anael 07-06-2018 07:21 AM

Hi DonnaPea! Good to see you again.
How many sisters do you have? I don't have sisters, only brothers. I always missed not having a sister, it seems so nice to do things together.
Thanks for posting the links to the PDF files!

Teen 07-06-2018 08:19 AM

Yea, Donna!!! Can you believe it? Only 30 to go....awesome. How exciting...Thanks for the PDF's Donna. I printed them out and stuck in my book should I ever go brain dead and decide to do this again....lol!

Welcome Sew-pink!!! We'll be cheering you on and looking forward to seeing your blocks. We are always curious on color choices so have you decided yet? Scrappy? I finished mine last month and still miss making a few blocks everyday. When I made my blocks, I mixed up easy and challenging so I didn't get discouraged. It seemed to help me stay motivated cuz 140 blocks is ALOT...lol! Have fun on your journey.

Anael....fabulous picture, again. Dang, girl... You didn't ask me but I'm sharing anyway...I have 4 sisters and 2 brothers...I'm the 2nd to the end and appreciate all their screw-ups cuz I had it easy from parents. I think my sibs exhausted them....lol!

Hi, Dotty!!!! How's that precious bundle doing?

Anael 07-06-2018 08:38 AM

Oh so sorry Teen :D :D
That's what I told my mom. I was second and only girl and wasn't allowed to do anything. My youngest brother who's 11 years younger, didn't have all those problems.

DottyD 07-06-2018 09:42 AM

Hi Teen, Little grandson is doing amazingly well thank you - it is very hot here in the UK at the moment and he is just in his nappy ( diaper !!)

Anael 07-06-2018 09:52 AM

Picture Dotty?

Teen 07-06-2018 12:04 PM

So glad to hear, Dotty, about your grandson doing well. It's 115f here....I'm stripped down to my nappy here, too. :shock:

DottyD 07-06-2018 12:19 PM

Ha ha !!!! So funny ! Gosh you are so much hotter at 115f - equal to 88f here. We are just not used to it here in the UK !

Anael 07-06-2018 12:22 PM


auntjo 07-06-2018 04:56 PM

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Hey all. I did a couple more. Then today, I got energetic and began the cutting on a quilt kit I bought for my GD a few years ago. I think I have decided I'm going to make her brother a twin version of the Chain Links quilt, so now that I've decided on one for him, I can begin hers - & possibly a couple more Xmas gifts done... She is 13 and will start HS in September in Southern CA. GS is a couple years behind at 10yo. I moved to central CA from western AZ 5 years ago - lots of triple digit heat from that experience, but I lived w/it for over 18 yrs and my boys love it. Here they moan about the heat when it hits hi 90's - not so much for me yet... Love that we have a new joiner - there may be someone here when I do finally get around to finishing up. I didn't count, but I'm down to where I put the pattern templates in the book and may just go thru in alpha order at this point to finish them up. Anael - love the photos, what a talent!
I4 Anvil
and J10 Follow the Leader

Judith1005 07-06-2018 05:13 PM

Beautiful blocks Aunt Jo.

Teen 07-06-2018 05:28 PM

Hi, auntjo....these turned out great. Still some awesome fabrics coming out of your stash. Looks like you are going to be busy in your sewing cave in the months ahead. Stay cool

on a side note, we lost our AC...

Anael 07-06-2018 08:58 PM

You didn't lose your nappy did you Teen? :P

Lovely blocks auntjo! You will be busy in the near future - and beyond I guess :) Have fun sewing!!
Thanks for the compliments!!

Teen 07-06-2018 09:34 PM

lol...close, tho. :p AC repair coming tomorrow morning. Expecting 101f tomorrow so not as hot but stil HOT...

Anael 07-08-2018 09:18 AM

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I went for another ride today. It was sunny but we also had 3 drops of rain, really, I could almost count them.
Here are some photos.
The starting point, Arnhem

It's good to be a sheep :D :D

Nederrijn. I had to cross it by ferry. I was the only one and the captain asked me 'mam, did you book a private cruise?" HAHAHAHA

The only church in The Netherlands on the wrong side of the embankment!

Teen 07-08-2018 09:27 AM

Hahahaha...private cruise comment hilarious... Your pictures are beautiful. It looks green and lush....hard to believe you are in a drought...though, that river looks pretty low. We had a bit of a weather system yesterday.. Thunder and winds...humid....and 10 drops of rain. Lol. Lasted 30 mins and then we went back to 104 degrees. Our mountains got the rain burst, tho. Today, it will be a chilly 105 degrees....putting on my parka.

Anael 07-08-2018 09:43 AM

Don't forget the diaper :D :D :D

Yes, the water is low everywhere or there isn't any. The course I rode today was mainly near a river so that's why it's still green there. We also had rain, 3 or 4 drops!

Teen 07-08-2018 09:53 AM

Too hot to do laundry so I have run out of nappies. I'm a flower child of the sixties but I had no plans of ever becoming a streaker. :shock:

Anael 07-08-2018 10:11 AM

I'm from the stone age when they wore bearskin........too hot!!! And no, I'm no streaker either :D

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