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Teen 07-08-2018 02:51 PM

Lol.. You are silly...

Anael 07-08-2018 09:14 PM


DonnaPea 07-09-2018 05:36 AM

5 Attachment(s)
Oh, y'all have been having fun. Lovely break in the heat here these days, mid - 80's with a nice breeze. No complaints!

Anael, I just have to ask - how can a church be on the wrong side of an embankment?

Auntjo, love those blocks. Here's a few more I churned out this weekend. 23 to go! Still enjoying them, not tired of them yet, but it's getting a little harder to not have colors in the blocks touching each other. Abandoning that little rule I made for myself, unless it's just too much of the same color adjacent to each other. I had planned to substitute something else for Grace's Friendship (G-6), but decided to give it a shot. It's wasn't particularly hard, but it sure took a long time.


Judith1005 07-09-2018 05:41 AM

DonnaPea, you had a productive holiday weekend. I especially like I3. (Flying geese are another of my favorite blocks.)Your Grace's friendship block came out really good. You added a new skill to your wheel house. Keep up the great work. Can't wait to see more.

Anael 07-09-2018 05:48 AM

Wow DonnaPea, you're zooming along!!! Love your blocks!

Let me try to explain about the church. It once was inside the embankment, with all the village houses. The village flooded a few times and they shifted the embankment towards the village. That's the reason the church is outside of it now. When the river floods the land the people have to go to church by boat ;)

Teen 07-09-2018 08:21 AM

Lovely blocks, Donna. You are so close. Mine fabric colors were simple. I just had to make sure my contrasting yellow balanced out in the quilt. With your scrappy, balancing color is a bit more challenging, I'm sure. it's going to be beautiful. And, your Friendship block turned out great. I love love love the fabric in your Square in Square. So cute and the directional was done perfectly. Well done.

Macybaby 07-10-2018 05:45 AM

You are really making progress Donna!

I had started out not wanting to repeat any fabric in a block other than the background. But I didn't stick to it totally. Some day I'll get to putting the binding on and take some pictures. I'm almost looking forward to fall when life slows down and I can have more time to quilt. I use to love time spent in my garden, but I'm finding myself feeling like it's time taken away from quilting LOL!! I've got to be careful so I don't get so focused on something that I don't enjoy other activities.

Anael 07-10-2018 06:10 AM

LOL We're all the same! I feel exactly like you Cathy ;) So yesterday I've been sewing as temps dropped here. Today it rained for a long time and I did one appliqué block, then I got company. At least I feel like I've done something hahahaha.

Teen 07-10-2018 08:28 AM

Easy to get lost in quilting....I need to clean my house but all you hear is the hum of my machine.

NZquilter 07-11-2018 08:53 AM

Such pretty blocks, DonnaPea!! You must be getting close to the end? It's going to be a stunner when done!

We are settling in nicely into our new home but we still don't have internet service. I hope that gets fixed soon! I'm missing chatting with you all!

The house was built in 1875 and it has so much old charm (I think!:)) I love it. The day after we bought it we pulled out all the old carpet because the sellers would let their dogs into the house and the carpet was gross. But under it was the original hardwood floors is amazing shape! We sanded it and will stain it as soon as we can. We are still unpacking and organizing, but i have my sewing machine already set up, lol!

Anael 07-11-2018 09:10 AM

Hi NZ!!!! Great to see you again!!!!!!! Glad the move went well.
That must have been a nice surprise, finding the original hardwood floors!
Well, the most important thing is working........the sewing machine :D :D

Teen 07-11-2018 05:50 PM

NZ...waving!!!!! So glad you are all together, again! Your new home discovery sounds amazing. That is so cool to live in old historic house and to discover those beautiful floors. You'll need to make those fabric rugs that use 2 1/2" strips and batting. that's on my list for my new farmhouse...So exciting!

DonnaPea 07-12-2018 11:29 AM

Welcome back, NZquilter! Glad the move is behind you and you can start getting settled in. I love old homes, and what a bonus to have original floors that survived the years. Enjoy, and I suggest you reward yourself for all your hard work by sewing an SBS block or 2.

22 more for me to go...

Judith1005 07-12-2018 12:24 PM

Welcome back NZquilter. So happy to hear your settling into your new house. Hard wood floors :shock:! What a great find. I can't wait till you find a little "me" sewing time. I look forward to seeing more R/W/B blocks.

Teen 07-12-2018 01:16 PM

Right on, Donna!!! So close...

Anael 07-13-2018 10:29 AM

Oh wow Donna, just a few more and you're done!!

auntjo 07-14-2018 09:45 AM

1 Attachment(s)
NZ good to hear you're settling in. Sounds like a cool new place. I think I'm at less than 25 blocks left.
Our guild had another "garage sale" meeting in July (along w/their annual Ice Cream social) so I of course picked up quite a few pieces of fabric at prices I'm much more aggreable to paying. Might have some different combinations yet for the next few Sylvia blocks.. H
ave made progress on this years Xmas the past couple weeks.. Quilting done on the Chain Link quilt - now to cut and attach the binding and make a label. Top done on the quilt for my G'd 13 (a kit that caught my eye a few years back for her) - now to come up w/an appropriate back...

DonnaPea 07-15-2018 03:46 PM

6 Attachment(s)
Auntjo - your quilting studio is such an interesting place to view! Here are a few I finished up this weekend. Probably all from me for this week; I head to Washington DC tomorrow for a conference, so no sewing for me for a few days. Have a great week, everyone.


Judith1005 07-15-2018 03:58 PM

Nice job Donna Pea. I hope you enjoy your conference. You can dream of your fabric choices while your away.

Aunt Jo, great quilty hideaway. The quilting on the quilt on the long arm looks beautiful. The colorful one hanging sure reminds me of the retro colors of the 70's. And still looks very sleek and modern.

Teen 07-15-2018 05:41 PM

Auntjo...both quilts are beautiful. Congratulations on finall getting to that quilt kit. I have so many kits, mostly applique projects...no time or motivation yet.

Donna....al blocks look fabulous but I absolutely love the Hunters Star... well done and have a safe trip to DC. Enjoy your conference. Just curious, if able to share, but what is the conference you are attending?

Anael 07-15-2018 11:00 PM

Oh my, so much eye candy!!
Auntjo, lovely quilts!! Congrats on finishing that kit :) Well done!

DonnaPea, more beautiful blocks. I agree with Teen, the Hunters Star is a Star!! Enjoy your conference!

Anael 07-18-2018 09:13 AM

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Look what I found in my back yard today

Teen 07-18-2018 10:07 AM

Oh wow....that is a very cool picture.... He's having a stare down with you.."Back off...this is mine..." Lol...

Anael 07-18-2018 10:16 AM

Hahahaaaa now that you mention it........Lol!!!!
I'm slowly learning how to handle the macro lens.

Teen 07-18-2018 01:09 PM

Obviously, you catch on quick. I love the color of his eyes. I immediately thought about fabric in this color. Lol! We have a sickness, us quilter's. :D

Anael 07-18-2018 02:08 PM

You think? Thank you! It's the only photo I didn't toss out of about 30 I took. I thought it looks like a zig zag was used to hold the strips between the eyes together.....:D :D :D We really are weird people...!!!

DonnaPea 07-19-2018 05:55 AM

Enjoy your conference. Just curious, if able to share, but what is the conference you are attending?[/QUOTE]

I'm employed by the Corporation for National & Community Service, the federal program that runs Americorps & Senior Corps. Good time in DC, eager to get back to my sewing machine this weekend.

Teen 07-19-2018 09:22 AM

So glad you had a good time in DC, Donna. I'm familiar with Americorp.....I've collobarated with them when I counseled at schools in the past. Good people... Enjoy sewing this weekend.....you are so close....

Anael 07-19-2018 09:33 AM

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Here's a photo I took today. It's a six spot burnet sitting on a thistle flower.

Teen 07-19-2018 02:07 PM

Oh...very pretty. Good shot...

DonnaPea 07-20-2018 06:19 AM

2 Attachment(s)
Back at it, only 20 more blocks to go. Enjoyed making these last night. New Mexico was a challenge, and a messy quilt to clean up at the end! All those teeny little paper pieces and lots of threads. Don't think I'll be making that block again.


Anael 07-20-2018 06:25 AM

Hahahaha I remember the mess some blocks made!!! But you did well on both!
Only 20, wow!!!!!!!

Blue Bell 07-20-2018 07:59 AM

Pretty blocks, Donna

Judith1005 07-20-2018 08:37 AM

Great blocks Donna, I love the first one. I just love applique. Your doing a wonderful job. I can see that second blocks was probably a challenge. Look at all those tiny pieces. 20 more, you go girl!!

Teen 07-20-2018 09:17 AM

Beautiful blocks Donna. I disliked New Mexico immensely and was the one block I wished I had done over. Yours turned out fantastic. Keep on going, girl.....

Anael 07-22-2018 03:27 AM

3 Attachment(s)
A few photos from yesterday's ride with my brother.

The first one is a tower without church. In 1648 the church collapsed and was rebuilt. In 1864 the first tower was torn down and rebuilt. The church was demolished in WO II and never rebuilt. The (second) tower is still standing.

Second picture is the entrance of Arcen Castle, built in 1646. With these dates I never know whether the construction was started or finished.

This is the Maas river. As you can see there's still plenty of water unlike in other rivers.

Judith1005 07-22-2018 03:47 AM

Wow, Anael, more great photos. It's amazing the construction skills they had back then. And, the quality of supplies. "Still standing after all those years". That tower, 154 years old. (Give or take) I am amazed by the quality of work. But, then again, people took so much more pride in their work back then. Things were made to stand the test of time.

Anael 07-22-2018 04:05 AM

Thanks. The tower was only torn down because they didn't like the shape anymore, otherwise I'm sure it still would have been there and would have been over 400 years old now. Oh well..........
I always wonder how they did construction work back then!

Teen 07-22-2018 07:19 AM

Neat pic's and stories, Anael. Just seeing the tower, I cannot imagine what the church must of looked like. Looked like you had a pretty day.

giquilt 07-22-2018 07:10 PM

1 Attachment(s)
It has been a while since I posted. But today I pulled out my next UFO. It is Sylvia. I put rows A-I on my design wall. Not enough room for all the rows. [ATTACH=CONFIG]598238[/ATTACH]Today was the 1st time I have seen the blocks together. I do not have much of the background fabric left, but I think 1” strips as sashing will work (0.5” finished). Then put 1.5”-2” for a border and binding. I’m just sewing the blocks in order and not worrying about color. I will be sewing 5 rows together then QAYG. Wish me luck.

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