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  • August 2011 Winner is oldcottontop!

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    Old 08-09-2011, 05:28 AM
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    Jholm~ If you want to see a dietician even if your doc doesn't think you need one. GO, make him write you a referral if you need a refferal to go. Don't let the doctor talk you out of a good resource! I think even people at a "healthy" weight can learn a lot about nutrition from one.

    Well I fell into a funk, and am now trying to work my way out of it. so I've gained back 1,8 lbs of my 2 lb loss! Oh well I know I'll be able to kick butt when school starts back up at the end of the month!

    Keep on keeping on! Another thing to do when sweets tempt you is to make yourself work those calories off BEFORE you eat them. That way you'll either be right on track or you can replace the sweet with the endorphins released by exercising!

    Just curious if any one else uses a balance ball to sit on while watching tv?
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    Old 08-09-2011, 06:27 AM
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    Good morning to all....

    Glassnquilt....congrats on the three pounds lost. Exercise is great. Keep it up.

    Jsnomore....great idea on the meatloaf in muffin pans. You have a dinner all ready to go. We may feel pain shortly after exercise but in a way doesn't the GREAT FEELING feel great?

    Elm...so true about each of us being different and a slow pace is better than no pace...

    :thumbup: on the 93 pounds lost. That is awesome. And you are doing it the wright way...slow but sure. Mix things up a little bit and confuse your body. If your body thinks its going to get this much calories and that much exercise, you metabolism doesn't work as hard, hence the plateau. You will make your goal....

    cookie64....congrats on the 5 lbs lost and good job on forgoing the sweets. Neat idea to give them to the neighbor kids..:lol: :lol:

    Yesterday was a REALLY good day for me. Stayed in my calorie limit and did my exercise. I usually have a 1/2 cup of ice cream before I go to bed, (if I have been good during the day) and last night I indulged myself with a WHOLE cup since I had such a great weigh in that morning. I did figure the extra ice cream into my calorie count.

    Everyone have a wonderful and blessed day.
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    Old 08-09-2011, 07:27 AM
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    Thanks to everyone for all of the support and good advice. I do feel beter today. I got some extra sleep and drank a ton of water yesterday. I had my oatmeal for breakfast and am off to make copies in town. My foot feels better so I hope to get some walking in today. My goal is to lose enough weight to be able to go take some water arobics classes this fall when school is back in session. I just can't bring myself to be seen in a bathing suit just yet, LOL so I need to pick up the pace! I love the water but haven't swam in years because I hate to be seen in a suit.

    I am glad everyone is doing well today. Jeanne have you tried having a bedtime snack with a protien in it before bed time? Thats is what my daughter has had to do since she was little but she is also on insulin. Just thought it might help. That is wonderful your sugars are back in the normal range! I wish type 1 diabetes could be helped with diet and exercise but they are making progress in the care of it and my daughter has really good doctors so we are blessed there.

    Cottontop have you tried the skinny cow icecream bars? They are so good and only 150 calories a bar with 5 grams of fiber each. I like them as much as regular ice cream and they have alot of flavors too.

    Thanks for all of your encouragement. Everyone have a great day!:)
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    Old 08-09-2011, 10:16 AM
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    Originally Posted by JHolm
    Good morning everyone. Welcome to the newbies and congrats to all those who have lost weight. Evrybody else just hang in there and don't get discouraged. I weighed myself this morning which is something I usually don't do until Fri and discovered I had lost 1 1/2 lbs. YAY for me.

    I went to the doc yesterday to follow up on some blood test I had done. He informed me I have no signs or symptoms of diabetis. He is concerned because now he is diagnosing me as hypoglycemic. Apparently the last several blood tests he's done indicated that my sugars are running very low. I've had several hypoglycemic episoded in the last few weeks at home so I'm not disagreeing with him. I know it's not caused by medication because he took me off my diabetic meds several months ago. A couple of the psych meds I take have been known to cause high blood sugar but not low. He has scheduled me for a bunch more blood tests to try and find out what is causing the low blood sugars. I looked it up on the internet and I'm not excited about any of the potential causes. Well keep praying and I'll get through this.

    I asked him about seeing a dietician so I could get input on a health food plan that I can loose weight on but still try to keep my sugar normal. His response was I could eat anything I wanted and not worry about it. Apparently he doesn't remember the struggle to loose 133 lbs. after I was diagnosed with diabetis even though he says my weight lose cured my diabetis. It took me about 4 yrs to loose that much weight and I kept it off for 2 years but then gained 20 lbs back. That's when I knew I had to do something. 20 lbs doesn't sound like much but it came back so quick and easy that I was scared I'd just keep gaining. So I came to this board. Thanks all for your help and support.

    Have a good day everyone. Rit'a Mom hang in there you'll get over your "horse show lag" and get back on the program.
    Congrats on your tests and weight loss.I was kinda glad to hear it took you 4 yrs too.As I thought I was the odd man out.Of course the longer we take it off,the better chances we keep it off.So your doing the right thing.Also your doing the right thing by getting on it when you gain some.We need to keep an eye on it.And no diebetis,that's wonderful.We serve a great god.I been praying for you all,especially the ones who have asked.I know we say,please pray for me,we say we will,but do we really?I want you all to know,that I really do.I been watching "pray it off"/weight loss" on you-tube and Ellen McCauley that runs it,is so great,and covers the gamit from the ups and downs and inbetween and explains everything in detail so we understand,and she's funny.She talks about a lot of our issues we have on here,especially yours,and nancia's,and mj's. You three would,as well as everybody else,benefit from her I know.psychology stuff,diebetis,mind ,body,and soul, and that would help you and Nancia very much as well as mj.She talks about even fairs,rita.She teaches about the south-beach diet,and all the other ones out here. I am really enjoying watching and learning from her.Please please,give her a try,if your struggling.She just has a way of telling it like it is with humor and truth.She weighed 378 when she 1st started it to help lose weight,and is 170 or so now,so wished you all would just give her a try.She reminds me of mj a lot.A very good teacher,who has the same struggles we all do.And understands where we're coming from.So,hang in there Jeanne,I know we will get through this together.And I am pulling for you.{really}.I am losing weight,I am in control.
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    Old 08-09-2011, 10:58 AM
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    Originally Posted by nancia
    i'm glad to see everyone is doing well, or shades of it! i weigh tomorrow. i've done well until today, so we'll see what happens.i do so love fall colors and patterns and i was sooo hoping to win it this month. oh whell, maybe next month!
    jholm- i have very early pictures in my e-mail but don't know how to transfer them to here. olivia isn't quite one week old yet, but her mom says she is 6lbs of cheeks and 3lbs of baby! she really does have the most remarkable cheeks!so far she is being a pretty easy baby, which means she takes her disposition from her daddy (my son). we are a pretty laid back family all around! even the cats are mellow! lol
    jsnomore- 3 miles is an incredible amount to walk during a soccer game. it would take me half the game to get to the field and the other half to get back to the car. not one of your speed walkers. LOL so good for you!!
    rita's mom- i think you did well with what you had to work with! no reason you can't start again tomorrow! my son made wonderful chicken wings and drumsticks for dinner and it was out of this world. it may slow down my losing a little bit but i like to think i'm liv-ing and not just die-ting, ya know? as xylie does i like to reward myself for my losses and hard work. i'm working on finding other rewards than food, but food is so easy and plentiful and delicious and tasty and right there and ....i'm off the subject! so tonight i went to buy fabric and since no other customers were there i got 15 different pieces of fabric, most 1/4 or 1/2 yd. i'm going to make a doll quilt for a swap and the girl i'm paired with likes blue. i have no blue. i rarely use blue so it meant a shopping trip, during which i also bought some purples and tan. yeah, well it was hard to stick with blue since really i don't do blue , but it is her favorite color so i did my best. and i also bought her a surprise to go with her doll quilt only it doesn't match it at all. still i think she'll like it. can't wait to see what she's making for me!:) i'm such a kid when there's something fun in the mail!
    enough of this book. just meant to say hi! i didn't drink enough water today and i can really feel the difference. i had a really great jug that i took with me when i went shopping and stuff and i put it down at the mall. gone. and can't remember where i would have left it or where i bought it. it's so hard when you have CRS (can't remember stuff)!
    see y'all tomorrow! had a great skype chat with olivia as she slept. hmm...and she didn't interrupt me once! now that's a good kid!LOL i'm losing, i'm in control, and it's all up to me!
    I think when we answer posts,or start a post,at the bottom underneath is the "file attachments" that's where the pictures would go I'm pretty sure.Sounds like mom and baby are doing great,that's good.That's too bad you lost your jug.I hate that,but been there,done that.I have to wear my stuff,or tie it to me with a string so I don't do that too.I had so many people steal my carts at walmart with my stuff in it that I had to get a cord and tie it to me.I was tethered to it.But you might check the lost and found dept.They may have it.Stranger things have happened.Worth a try.I love fall colors too,especially up north in Oregon.The trees are yellow and orange and absolutely beautiful.I went to Oregon in 1998,and forgot how beautiful it was as I was born and raised in Oregon,and been here since 1990.So missed it.We don't get that here,or snow either.I love getting deals.Esp on fabrics.That was a good deal you got.You'll be able to do a lot with them.Do you quilt them yourself?I can't.Unless it's on the machine and in small chunks.Been there,done that with the biggies.Don't work.I end up with a heavy log and can't manage it,so learned the hard way to make smaller pieces.nancia,I am watching utube as you all know,Please give 'pray it off/with Ellen McCauley' a try.She has helped me so much with my weight issues.It's all on losing weight only,and she covers everything we struggle with.I never had a source that talked about the different diets,and why some work for some better than others.We are not all created equal as we know,for some with diebetis,she covers what they should be on,with me,she covers my issues.Even my clutter issues.LOL.Plus she's funny.I know you'd like her too.She also covers our psychological issues.Like last week or 2,she gets me pumped up and I am getting a lot out of her class.Wished she lived here,I'd go.Anyway,you are doing great on your losing.I am too.I am at a stuck spot and not budging,but Ellen says that's to be expected and is supose to do that.Especially if we've lost a lot like I have.So,I feel better and know it will pass and get going again.Just frustrating at the moment.Just don't want to gain any.Well,try the file attachments and see if that works.Push the brows button,then open up your pictures and get them downloaded.Missy downloaded some,too bad she wasn't here to help you.I'll be glad when she gets back.Anyway,we'll get er done one way or another.If any body else has any vids they want to share on losing,I wish they would.I love to learn all I can about it to give me more tools to work with.I hope you all like these I put up.I sure do.Their beneficial to me.Ok,good luck and can't wait to see the pics of Olivia.I am losing weight,I am losing weight,I am in charge and in control of what goes in my mouth!!!!!
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    Old 08-09-2011, 11:05 AM
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    Originally Posted by oldcottontop
    Good morning to all....

    Glassnquilt....congrats on the three pounds lost. Exercise is great. Keep it up.

    Jsnomore....great idea on the meatloaf in muffin pans. You have a dinner all ready to go. We may feel pain shortly after exercise but in a way doesn't the GREAT FEELING feel great?

    Elm...so true about each of us being different and a slow pace is better than no pace...

    :thumbup: on the 93 pounds lost. That is awesome. And you are doing it the wright way...slow but sure. Mix things up a little bit and confuse your body. If your body thinks its going to get this much calories and that much exercise, you metabolism doesn't work as hard, hence the plateau. You will make your goal....

    cookie64....congrats on the 5 lbs lost and good job on forgoing the sweets. Neat idea to give them to the neighbor kids..:lol: :lol:

    Yesterday was a REALLY good day for me. Stayed in my calorie limit and did my exercise. I usually have a 1/2 cup of ice cream before I go to bed, (if I have been good during the day) and last night I indulged myself with a WHOLE cup since I had such a great weigh in that morning. I did figure the extra ice cream into my calorie count.

    Everyone have a wonderful and blessed day.
    Yes,I need to do something.I'm treading.I think I do have to mix it up and kick it up a notch and do something different.I will starting today.This is rediculas.Thank you so much.
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    Old 08-09-2011, 12:23 PM
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    Nancia, you can right click on the picture to save it onto your computer. Otherwise you might be able to just slide it over onto your desktop and use it that way. Hope this helps!
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    Old 08-09-2011, 02:03 PM
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    Oldcottontop, thank you so much, I sneak them to the old folks that is on both sides of me, no kids here.

    Xylie55, you're in my prayers.

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    Old 08-09-2011, 02:09 PM
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    okay, i've got it saved. now what?
    here she is!! this is fresh out of the oven! i will try to get one more, a few days old.
    Attached Thumbnails attachment-239142.jpe  
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    Old 08-09-2011, 02:20 PM
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    ok, when i remember how i did the first one i'll do some more. no short term memorie.
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