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    Old 06-07-2011, 07:57 PM
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    Yay MJ you ARE back! I was just going to post that I was starting to worry about you! :)

    fabricnut please don't give up. Just sit down and list all of the reasons you want to lose weight and then list what benifits there are to staying on the course you are on now. I hope that doesn't sound rude, but since you joined this challenge I figure there must be reasons you want to lose weight, wether it is for better health,to look better, or what ever. It really helps to lay things out on paper (even if you burn it later!)And then be brutally honest with your self what it is going to take to do this. I believe you have to be ready to do it and you HAVE to do it for yourself, no one else. I think getting started is the hardest part. I have wanted to lose weight for years but never did because I didn't want to give up all of my comforts(chocolate cake, cookies, m&m's.....)and I now realize because I tried to do it alone. I truely believe having someone else to share with and get support from makes all the difference in the world. Someone who is or has gone through the same thing....like us!:)

    I am not sure how much you want to lose or what all your reasons are for wanting to lose weight, but I can tell you a little bit about how I finally got to the point of actually losing some weight. I started on here in January. I didn't lose at all in Jan or Feb. I just couldn't make myself stop eating all the junk. Then I decided if I kept goofing around I would never get my life back, I would never do any of the things I quit doing because of my weight ever again, I would probably not be around to see my girls marry and have children, the list went on and on. Also my best friend in life who I love dearly is only 1 year older than me and she has let her weight and diabetes get to the point that she is now on dyalisis(SP?) twice a week,has neuropathy so bad she broke her toe and didn't even know it, and just spent 5 1/2 months in a nursing home because of a complication from a surgery she had to make sure she is cancer free, so she can be put on a donor list for a kidney transplant. I finally realized how lucky I am to be able to do something about my weight and health while I still can.

    I have wanted to lose weight before I turn 50 for along time but kept putting it off. Well in April I had that long talk with myself and finally got serious about losing weight. I have lost over 30 pounds since April and passed my goal of 30 pounds by my birthday. I now have 1 year to lose the rest of my weight before I turn 50. It has not been easy, I have a husband and anywhere from 2 to 4 teenagers in my hair all of the time. They all love all of the junk food and stuff I can't keep eating if I am going to lose weight. And I also live out where there is no good place to walk. So I decided that I would cut my portions in half and not eat junk food most of the time. If I get into a situation where there is dessert or something that I really want I just have a very small amount of it, that way I don't feel deprived of the stuff I want. That way I am not giving up the things I love completely. I keep a few snacks around for the kids and DH but I try to keep store bought things that don't temp me so much. One of the biggest changes I made was I make myself have breakfast everyday! I have a glass of water as soon as I get up and then usually have a bowl of lower sugar oatmeal right away. I used to get caught up in all of the chaos of the kids and not eat till 12:00 or later or grab cookies or cake and then I was so hungry I would eat anything that was calling my name! Now my sugars stay level till lunch and I don't over do it when I have lunch. I try to eat more fruits, veg, and protiens instead of carbs the rest of the day. It seems like if I eat them I start feeling hungry and craving the bad stuff, and when I am tired or it is hectic like it always is I get really tempted to give in. I hope something in this VERY LONG message helps to motivate you. I hope this doesn't sound harsh, I sure didn't mean it that way. I almost didn't post this because it is so long and I am not a good writer but some of the things you mentioned sounded like the same challenges I faced, and I hoped telling you how I got past some of them would help you find a plan that works for you.

    Like Missy and others said, come here when you feel challenged. We are all going through the same thing. I never had support before this and I truely believe it makes all the difference in the world!
    Sorry for the long post! :oops:
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    Old 06-07-2011, 09:09 PM
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    Originally Posted by Fabricnut
    Holy cow!! that formula for drinking water seems outrageous. I'm a retired nurse and I know there is a syndrome called "water intoxication". I'll drink more water but a gallon plus is way too much in my opinion.
    Ya,not everybody can do it.And not everybody is going to do it.The main thing is to do what you can.Just like everything else.As long as we do our best and try hard.In fact that is why I don't give up.I know I screw up at times,but I do my best and try hard.I push through it as Julian says.I was so into my comfort zone,I wanted to lose weight,but never could successfully.And when I pushed myself out of my comfort zone,and said no to myself on eating the wrong things that made me fat to begin with and began breaking my bad habits,and had a life style change,then I began to lose.Ya,one lady died from water toxitity from that radio show.But that idiot running it wouldn't let her even pee or anything I heard.I don't think 1 gallon will do that tho.I drink over a gallon every day.Easily.Of course I sweat to where it drips off my nose and runs down my neck and back and butt,and burns my eyes from the salt in it.So,need that much to replinish it.I got to get a pool liner and get my pool set up.
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    Old 06-07-2011, 09:47 PM
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    Originally Posted by Leann
    Originally Posted by MissyGirl
    Originally Posted by lawsonmugs
    Sounds like most are doing well. I didn't see a post today from Missy. I think she was suppose to have her weigh in with the doctor today.Maybe it's tuesday. Also purple mem didn't sign in with our words for the day. Where is Irishrose? What's goin on ladies?? It's so hot there It's kinda leaving me sick and weak. Hope everybody watches the heat out side while walking or whatever. Have a good evening. mary
    Oh how I am missing MJ! My house phone croaked and so I do not have her phone number right now. UGH. I want to call her to check on her.

    The heat is so yucky right now. I grew up in Texas and absolutely HATE the heat. This is why I love living here. We do have our occassional hot days but for the most part it is so much nicer here.

    Everyone please practice safe exercise outside right now. Drink lots of water and eat well!

    Love yall!

    Missy, my DH loathes Texas - the only reason we are here is to get Josh through school then we are going to Oregon/Washington. We lived there almost two years from 1999. I loved the area and it can't rain too much for me. It is tough tho, because my parents & daughters family are 500 miles away in WEST Texas. One brother lives across Houston from me - returning from a 3 years stay in Anchorage. I still don't see them enough even tho we are in the same state.

    Where in Texas did you grow up?
    Well,I'm a webfoot,so am dyeing to know where you were at in Oregon.I really miss it too.But love it here also.Our home is where our heart is,right now it's here.
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    Old 06-07-2011, 10:22 PM
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    Originally Posted by irishrose
    I don't need to go to Kansas. Cadillac is cooking today. Only here can it frost one week and go over 90 humid degrees the next. The wind has picked up which feels better, but it's not good because we have a huge forest fire 40 miles NE of here.

    This is a time of year when it it easier to lose weight. Let's all take advantage of it and stay the course.

    I am not going to drink 128 ounces of water a day. I like createfourpaws post about drinking 1/2 your weight. Pounds to ounces, divided by two. I can handle 75 ounces. Xylie, your climate changes the picture for you. My son was stationed in Yuma for 7 years. When we visited, we had to drink more than we did at home.

    Edit: Welcome back, Illustrious Leader, otherwise known as MJ. Glad to see your smile.

    I AM losing weight.
    Well,your probably right.I didn't think about that.I know on tv every day they say 1 gallon a day pr person. And it's getting more humid now.So,your probably right.I know I'm drinking a lot more as it gets hotter too.
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    Old 06-07-2011, 10:27 PM
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    Originally Posted by MissyGirl
    Originally Posted by Xylie55
    Originally Posted by Radiana
    Your eight pound loss is wonderful....you go girl. I'm encouraged by my one pound so far. I'm in no condition to excercise yet so I know it will be slow but I'm o.k. with that.
    Radiana,there is a LOT of us on here who are disabled and can not exercise.But,we just have to find other ways to burn calories.Google "Foods That Burn Calories" and get some of them to eat.Myself,I use red hot dried peppers like they have at a pizza place.I sprinkle it on my foods.It don't take a lot either.It will imediatly warm you up,and you will be sweating bullets and burning calories.It works for me.Or I even buy Kim-chee,that hot Korean cabbage,Love it!Last night I got a little hungry,and just got the jar out and ate some.It filled me up,took my hunger away,and not much calories at all.Then of course I had to drink lots of water.But anyway,you get my drift.Google those and get some of them,you'll be burning calories as if you were exercising.It works,I know.
    Oh how I love spicy food!! I drink a glass of spicy hot V-8 every single day. Yummy!!

    Oh,a girl after my own heart,Yeah.There is another one who does hot stuff.I drank the rest of the kim-chee juice,It was good.But hot! I am losing weight,I am losing weight.
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    Old 06-07-2011, 11:41 PM
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    It's late here but just wanted to say hi to all. Weighted myself today and now a 4.5 lost since the first of June. I need to increase the water as it is getter warmer here. I am trying to get my old vhs machine hooked up so I can us the workout tape that works for me. Hope the player still works it's been packed away for a few years now.
    Today was pretty good had a 40 min walk with our dog Jasper who is a Sheltie and more than willing to walk till you drop. Really need to get some "good' snacks in the house. Been putting off the market just because I don't like grocery shopping.
    Missy so glad to here from you keep up the hard work and in no time at all your hurting will fade and the pounds will start to drop off again.
    There are so many I want to encourage to take small steps each day and if you blow it and eat something that you know was not planned don't sweat it just keep trying and each time when a challenge comes up it will be easier to avoid tripping up. I have been at this weight loss for almost 2 years and have started over more times than I can remember. Each time I just try harder to make better choices. Slow and steady wins the race. I'm trying to set small goals of 2 to 3 pounds a week and if I only do 3 pounds a months it's ok I have lost and that is success. I try and limit carbs and eat small meals and have small snacks mid morning and mid afternoon just to keep from getting so hungry that I will overeat at a meal. Drink lost of water and add lemon it helps flush out fat. If you take you measurements and check them each month you my be surprised at the change.
    I know most of this has been said before by others but sometimes we need to hear things over a few times before we remember to apply it to ourselves. I had forgotten to drink the water with lemon I had forgotten to get that old tape out and use it.
    I'm sorry for the long post I'll get off my soap box now and go to bed I just looked at the clock and it's 12:30 So good night to some and good morning to others.
    Hugs to all
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    Old 06-08-2011, 12:13 AM
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    Originally Posted by quilthappygail
    It's late here but just wanted to say hi to all. Weighted myself today and now a 4.5 lost since the first of June. I need to increase the water as it is getter warmer here. I am trying to get my old vhs machine hooked up so I can us the workout tape that works for me. Hope the player still works it's been packed away for a few years now.
    Today was pretty good had a 40 min walk with our dog Jasper who is a Sheltie and more than willing to walk till you drop. Really need to get some "good' snacks in the house. Been putting off the market just because I don't like grocery shopping.
    Missy so glad to here from you keep up the hard work and in no time at all your hurting will fade and the pounds will start to drop off again.
    There are so many I want to encourage to take small steps each day and if you blow it and eat something that you know was not planned don't sweat it just keep trying and each time when a challenge comes up it will be easier to avoid tripping up. I have been at this weight loss for almost 2 years and have started over more times than I can remember. Each time I just try harder to make better choices. Slow and steady wins the race. I'm trying to set small goals of 2 to 3 pounds a week and if I only do 3 pounds a months it's ok I have lost and that is success. I try and limit carbs and eat small meals and have small snacks mid morning and mid afternoon just to keep from getting so hungry that I will overeat at a meal. Drink lost of water and add lemon it helps flush out fat. If you take you measurements and check them each month you my be surprised at the change.
    I know most of this has been said before by others but sometimes we need to hear things over a few times before we remember to apply it to ourselves. I had forgotten to drink the water with lemon I had forgotten to get that old tape out and use it.
    I'm sorry for the long post I'll get off my soap box now and go to bed I just looked at the clock and it's 12:30 So good night to some and good morning to others.
    Hugs to all
    Well,I'm glad you mentioned the lemon,there must be something to it?We got lemon trees here,but never thought about them in my water,other than for pretty.It's a diruetic?Or what?what does it do?I've heard vinegar is good for losing weight.But don't know what it does either.If they'll help get the fat off,I'll try any of the suggestions. Welcome back MJ.You were missed bad.Glad you got a new computer up and running.I am losing weight,I am losing weight,I am losing weight. I lost 4 pounds so far since the 1st of June too.Almost to my 5 pound challenge.But not yet.
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    Old 06-08-2011, 12:47 AM
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    Originally Posted by MissyGirl
    Originally Posted by Xylie55
    Originally Posted by nancia
    glad you're back, missy. hope that means you're feeling better.
    i went to wal-mart to get frozen dinners and totally forgot the fruit and veggies! i was so intent on getting the stuff home before it thawed i didn't go anywhere near it. also, in our store it's right next to the bakery and that is my biggest, baddest temptation. 'when in doubt, carb out!'off to get more water and a fast trip to the used water department.everybody hang tight and repeat after me- i am losing weight, i am losing weight. i am losing, wait,,,is this where we tap our heels 3 times and end up back in kansas? oh, auntie em.....
    Your great.Gave me a chuckle.LOL!I am losing weight ,I am losing weight,!Are we in Kansas yet?No,but we're ticking the pounds off.You wait,it won't be long,your clothes will be baggy too like all mine are.I really need some smaller duds.Tired of pulling my pants up.But that's a good thing.I got some out in storage from my youthful times.Will have to go dig thru them.Should I get rid of my fat clothes?I always kept them in the past,just in case.I don't plan on wearing them ever again tho.And if I don't have them,I can't 'grow' back into them either.Anyway,everybody is doing great I think.And hey,if I only do 4 pounds this month,I'll still be happy.Every pound DOES add up.I know.
    Oh I say donate them! If you don't have them then you have no safety net PLUS you are losing weight and will never gain it back! :)

    That's kinda how I was leaning.Maybe I could make a BUNCH of quilts out of them and donate them.Be like that one gal who couldn't find her best fancy genes.Till 3 weeks later,she saw them in her denim quilt she just made.Can you imagine?LOL
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    Old 06-08-2011, 02:45 AM
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    Originally Posted by irishrose
    Do you really think the water makes that much difference? I know I fall down there. My food is good, my exercise is good, but my weight is stuck. I recently told my youngest daughter about water with lemon, cucumber, mint and some spices. She's not using the spices, but is dropping inches like crazy. I don't know about pounds - she doesn't weigh herself.

    Okay, my assignment for today. Put my water in the fridge so I know how much I drink. Keep a tally on the fridge door. Won't work tomorrow. I have to go out of town for an app't with a neurologist - scary, but necessary. Good thing is, there is a JoAnn's in Traverse City. My funds are limited lately, but I can always justify buying batting with my coupons. I can pet the pretty fabrics. I do need a light batik for the background of that daughter's birthday quilt, but JA's nicer batiks are $13 a yard. I think I'll have to order from Keepsake.

    My water is softened and then filtered at the tap. It's easier and fresher tasting than having to buy bottled water. My water is city water, so it has a chlorine taste without the filter.
    We have water softner too.But can't drink ours.It tastes yucky and has salt from the softner in it.So would make me bloat up from water retention.Does your filter take the salt out?
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    Old 06-08-2011, 03:53 AM
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    Good morning, good morning!

    I have been so wiped out by the heat, then it wiped out my computers, then it wiped out my checking account, now I'm just squashed! LOL!

    Journal: I hope ya'll are continuing the journal. I am STILL on the anger entry, so I suspect there are more and more snakes coming out. :shock:
    Today's thought: What is my REAL relationship with food?

    I know, I cut to the chase.

    I have seen so many excellent suggestions here on the thread. My snacky one today is to keep a baggie of frosted shredded wheat to much on. It will give you a sweet taste, all the fiber you need, fill you up, and make you thirsty.

    Motivation: what is your REAL goal? Are you here to lose? or to have someone to commisserate with? or is this about friendship? to keep "Mama" off your back? so you can say you are trying?

    I found a Lean Cuisine coupon today:

    I hope the link works for you.
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