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    Old 05-15-2012, 06:00 PM
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    Hi to all of you,
    Sorry to hear that so many are having health issues. Mim I had a friend who had that problem and said the laser process worked well.
    I keep going up and down the same pound and a half. Used the fitness center yesterday and today. My plan is to use it tomorrow and Thursday and then swim on the weekend.
    Hope you all have a great day.
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    Old 05-15-2012, 08:38 PM
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    just finished a bowl of sherbet-- it's supposed to have 3 fruits, but has only 2 colors. has my husband perplexed! i'm ok with it as it is cold and tastes good. did i mention it's purple and orange? wonder how they got that past the marketing panel. lol. the tooth extraction went smoothly. i tried to self-hypnotise but the music, rain and traffic sounds, and a little anxiety made that impossible. half the tooth went flying and was not found. i was quite disappointed as i had hoped to put it under my pillow for the tooth fairy-- i could have used the extra cash. since the tooth was split in two i asked if they were going to charge me for 2 removals. the oral surgeon agreed it could count as only one since he couldn't find the other piece now anyway. i go back in a week for stitches removal but i'm pretty sure they will have fallen out by then as the thread is hanging in my mouth now. anyway, i had a good nap all afternoon and i'm hoping i will still be able to sleep tonight for a little. i have to say computer friends are great to have when you're immobilized or just sick. it's great to be involved in conversations and activities without having to physically be there. thanks for all the support and distraction!

    what is ethan asking for as his miracle ? i had a friend who went to alaska. she had cf and the best miracle is she is now in her 30's. it is so unusual for cf children to survive! but a few do, and hopefully more each year. i am happy the twins are ok! ethan has raised awareness for battens disease and given it a face for us. sounds like with all his trials he is a joyful child, children's giggles are the best medicine in the world! is there a research organization that accepts donations?
    mim-- good news on your eye! my sister went from a lifetime of strong glasses, to no glasses at all! she is so happy with the procedure! i was excited to think i could do that, too, but evidently, technology has not yet caught up to my particular problems. it will in time, i'm sure!
    speaking of catching up-- can we really be so close to summer? memorial day is just around the corner! i will not have the bathing beauty figure i had hoped for. on the plus side (i know, groan) i remain a well-rounded person! i had hoped to go to dallas for part of june, but as dh has many commitments , the trip will have to wait for august when we will celebrate olivia's first birthday! she is 9 months old- we waited this long for her to be born. seemed longer!! time does indeed fly by when they are little! she is such a bright spirit! and brings a great deal of joy to my life! i do the itsy-bitsy spider with her on skype, and she especially likes the 'rain' that washed the spider out! she doesn't have any of the hand motions yet, but waves her arms when i sing the song. ( i use the word 'sing' as it is known in our family. it bears little resemblance to anything heard on the radio, other than click and clack!) as my father used to say, make a joyful noise unto the lord, doesn't say anything about the quality, just the intent. veterinarians have been known to come running with pain relievers! it's so nice babies don't care about quality either!
    i am feeling better so hope each day will see more improvement! hope you all are doing well(er) too! i miss friends who were involved with this thread before, and hope that means they have lost and are maintaining! i appreciate all the new friends as well. didn't seem to take that long to put this weight on, but it feels like 3 lifetimes trying to get it off! perhaps i need to re-investigate weight-watchers. that has always been the most successful program for me! anyone having lasting results from the women's world diets?
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    Old 05-15-2012, 09:48 PM
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    Nancia, I'm so sorry you're having teeth problems. I hate those so much. Maybe you swallowed the tooth. The tooth fairy honors hand written notes - my third daughter swallowed a tooth on Mother's Day years ago eating KFC on a beach. Her only concern was the tooth fairy, so she left a note under her pillow.

    I didn't sign up this month because I felt like I shouldn't be posting all the time when I was slowly gaining weight. While I have stopped gaining, I haven't lost any yet. I do have high hopes of working it off in the garden.

    For me the only thing WW had going for it was the weekly weigh ins, but that was years ago. I'm not familiar with the new programs.

    Pam, it's wonderful that the twins don't have Batten's Disease. It sounds like Ethan had a good birthday.

    mim, my friend had that happen. I felt odd because I insisted he go to a certain doctor, not the one he wanted, then he had to have another surgery, but all is well. I have a small cataract - not big enough for surgery. It's been over 6 years so it's not progressing very quickly.

    I am tempted to try some aqua aerobics, but I have two issues - one, my feet don't work well without shoes and two, I'm allergic to chlorine. No, make that three, bathing suits don't look good with pantyhose and these legs don't look good without them. I haven't had my suit on in so long the elastic has probably died.

    Off to bed. I need to get up early in the morning to swish through the house and grab things for the youth rummage sale to fund their mission trip. Goodbye all size 16 pants. Pretty dresses are harder to part with. I could lighten my coat collection, too. Southwest shelves? Going - done with that decor.

    Goodnight, all.
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    Old 05-15-2012, 09:52 PM
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    Ethan's mom has to interpret his wish since he can no longer communicate. He absolutely loves the Cars movie. He watches it over and over and has the little toy cars to play with. There is a new amusement park opening up in California soon. His parents hope for him to get to go there. I read a book to him at a family wedding on 5/5. He would look at the pictures but the book had to be within 6-8" for him to see it. He had to look at each page separately because he only has tunnel vision now. While doing some research online I read of a couple of different places asking for money for research for Batten Disease. Can't recall what they are at the moment.
    Nancia, I'm glad your tooth extraction went well. Sounds like your surgeon had a good bedside manner. What kind of drugs are you on? LOL I hope you can get some sleep tonight. That's where I'm headed.
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    Old 05-16-2012, 01:46 AM
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    drugs--only the best! i have dilaudid for my back, and motrin800 for my tooth. because dilaudid is a form of morphine it is a controlled substance and if i take anything else without my pain dr prescribing it, i will be dropped by my dr, and refused further drug treatment. and any dr who prescribes anything controlled for me gets into trouble , too. there's a new dilaudid that i'm hoping to switch to as the drug i'm on isn't as effective anymore. but i am getting some relief already from the epidural! yay! i'm fortunate that i'm not on fentynal patches.

    irish-- don't leave us! i look forward to your posts! this back/tooth thing has torpedoed my diet and weight loss so i am gaining one day and losing the next, then holding. not my focus right now! only up 2lbs from my loss last month. as soon as i can i'm taking 'the ladies' for a walk. they are not as well behaved as your girls so i worry about them knocking me over. they just love being out of the yard! when we first moved here we lived in an apartment with 2 dogs, a rabbit, and simon (cat). one day i was walking the ladies , and there was a bend in the path, and there was simon, walking with us. after that he always went for the family walk. thank goodness the rabbit didn't want to. it would look like a circus parade! can't help but love my fur kids!
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    Old 05-16-2012, 07:32 AM
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    My dogs well behaved? True, they are not allowed to pull or run beyond their Flexileads - 16 feet for Moira and 26 for Lily, they come when called, they sit at corners, etc, but Moira bit (nipped) a guy this week. He was walking toward me and she decided he was close enough. She hadn't barked so I didn't see it coming. No harm done - it wasn't anyone I know and he was getting too close. She's Border Collie and I'm her sheep. I could live in an apartment with these two because they aren't very active indoors. Some previous dogs wouldn't have worked. I had a 75 pound wolfdog and and a 53 pound coydog at the same time. Those two needed space.

    Tonight is dinner out with my daughter - I think I'll avoid the frozen custard restraurant to control my fat intake (thank you, Pam).

    nancia, Your tooth problems scare me. My dentist wants to crown the tooth she recently filled. She says it's too much filling and the tooth is going to break. I've had trouble with crowns and broken teeth both and I'm not sure which is worse. I will have ask my doctor about the dilaudid when I see him in a few weeks. With Darvon and Darvoncet off the market, I'm without a back up for back pain.

    The red quilt is in the home stretch now with the dress mailed and worn for a graduation and party. How on Earth did it fit so well? I have a whole row of blocks leftover from the red. What do you do with things like that? Lots of potholders for the bazaar? A lap quilt for the bazaar? I've made my Prayers and Squares quilt for the year - in fact, I'm a year ahead. My mind is wandering to my next project - besides cleaning flower beds and planting annuals. I think a quick Spicy Spiral for daughter #3, then a wall hanging for GS #1's restraurant. When is it my turn? My weight loss quilt is stalled. That was from a thread on here over a year ago. A block for every pound lost until you had a quilt to commemorate your success. Mine is in gorgeous colors so I want to work on it one of these days. Anyone want to have another quilting day? I can do any day of the week, but Sunday may work well for most of you. If it's Sunday, I'll start late and work late like I did last time. I think the one on the QB is this week and the week after that is the holiday. Wow, where has May gone?

    Today will be gone if I sit here any longer. Eat clean, move your body and drink lots of water.

    Gayle, I'm glad you are upright again. Don't you feel tall?
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    Old 05-16-2012, 09:05 AM
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    irish-- i'm up for a quilting bee! any day is as good as another, except the 24th. i have such a busy schedule-not! if it weren't for drs' appointments i'd have no social life at all! lol, but true.
    i am being snuggled with by my red cat, tiger, as i type. he has been out in the rain off and on all night. he gets to a certain point of wet and then comes in to be towelled off. he just loves that! and of course, he smells so nice and clean! monkey has done some panicky running around as she is so sweet she thinks she'll melt outside in the water! i do think she has a point, i would not want to get cold wet grass on my hoohah either! i have to bribe her to get her out there. she will do nearly anything for a cookie, but she will look for something on the floor inside first. we have done the re-training over and over, and she knows exactly what she's doing! it's her only bad habit so we have bare floors and put up with her , and try to keep an eye on her and get her outside appropriately.
    i am happy to say my back is feeling much better so i did a little bit of re-organising my stash and sewing table. since i haven't been sewing things have been piled on it, and i'm as guilty as dh. i have been taking the pain pills right on time and that may be why i feel so improved. it also means that my tooth area isn't bothering me either. i forgot to write a note to the tooth fairy, but i will today and tell my dh about it in case he sees the t.f. before i do (wink). hopeful it will work, but won't bet the mortgage payment on it ! lol.
    off to heat my soup. so uninteresting food! but this soup is from panera, so it is a notch above campbell's, probably lots more fat and sodium. also more taste. have a great day-- i will be going to bed soon. tata for now! eat well and lose well!
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    Old 05-16-2012, 10:12 PM
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    Nancia, enjoy the panera's soup. Back in the days when I was still teaching up in Massachusetts, I would head to panera's after work on Friday (always a very late day as I stayed to set up everything for the next week) and treat myself to a take out container of soup and their wonderful bread for dinner. Since they opened down here in Florida, I still enjoy eating there. Don't go every week though anymore.
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    Old 05-17-2012, 06:05 AM
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    One of the things you don't hear much about, is that when they are ready to close at night they give away the breads and rolls. The kids at the college used to take turns stocking up food for the next couple days and share.

    I don't know if they still do that or just donate it to a soup kitchen.

    Originally Posted by elm
    Nancia, enjoy the panera's soup. Back in the days when I was still teaching up in Massachusetts, I would head to panera's after work on Friday (always a very late day as I stayed to set up everything for the next week) and treat myself to a take out container of soup and their wonderful bread for dinner. Since they opened down here in Florida, I still enjoy eating there. Don't go every week though anymore.
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    Old 05-17-2012, 06:18 AM
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    my daughter worked at panera after school and week ends while she was in h.s. love their non-bagel bagels! try to stay well away from them now!
    elm-- where in massachusetts did you teach? i grew up some on the north shore, topsfield specifically, and then taught for 5 yrs on the south shore. lived in marshfield. the world gets smaller and smaller!!
    in dallas i used to get free bread and coffee at la madeleine. yummy! they had homemade blueberry jam, real butter and fresh sourdough bread. no wonder i have a weight problem! the manager and i were friends ( fellow enablers) and she would pack up left over pastries for me to take home. mid-night snack courtesy of a french bistro! their cream of tomato basil soup was worth every artery clogging mouthful! i'm getting hungry thinking about it!
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