Pills For Depression!!

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Old 04-06-2010, 08:54 AM
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Originally Posted by imjustme
I am thinking about getting pills for depression. A woman at work takes them because of issues at home and said they help her. I want to try them. My brother passed away almost 2 years ago and I have gotten really good at acting like I am ok, when in fact I am not. I went to a counselor for awhile, but that didn't help. I am in a online support group for siblings that lost a sibling. I do have good moments , but I do very badly when I am alone. I think its because then I don't have to act like I have it all together. I just try to straighten up before I get out of the car. My life and how I feel now is nothing like how I use to be. I just keep thinking about that day and what happend, and how I don't know how long it will be before I get to see him again.
Don't worry. You can talk to a GOOD doctor and decide together if trying something low dose and then increase till you find your fit.
If you don't feel better after a bit, try something else, but do ask around for a good doctor.
I personally don't like family doctors medicating anything past mild depression. They aren't equipped for it.
If it is real, but mild, then it's probably ok, but otherwise a psychiatrist or a psy/therapist is a better answer.
I have had them all.
My situation is not mild, so I was misdiagnosed for many years, but even on the wrong meds, I was better off, than on no meds.
Yes, we all put on our happy faces to protect others, don't we?
hugs, dearheart:D
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Old 04-06-2010, 08:59 AM
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I have to say that at the present I am battling a good case of it with the back and forth that is common with bipolar 1. I will back up and tell you what started it. so you can understand maybe a little better.

I take 300mg of lamictal and 800 mg of seroquel daily at bed time. Now on top of that I have a very high tolerance to pain. the sunday after xmas this past year I was sick not holding food down for the day before christmas eve and waited to sunday to go to the er. I was immediately admitted and tests ran because I was in so much pain I could not stand. it had to get that bad to affect me. on monday morning I had surgery. I had gallstones so bad it was filled to overflowing it went into the liver, the pancreas and gangrene set in. and was up into my stomach also. my liver was shutting down without me knowing it. my surgeon told my husband that he did not think I would make it after the 4 hour surgery that should have been 45 minutes.No one could understand that I did not feel the pain that goes with this. I was in the hospital for 11 days and for 6 of them I was on morphine shots every 3 hours. then went to absolutely nothing for the pain . he saw me daily not one of his associates but him. he finally told me how bad it was and that he was surprised I came through it. he did tell me if I had waited 2 more days. I would have been dead. not likely but dead. this dr saved my life. when I was released I came home with 2 drains and tubes. one to my liver the other to my bile. I lived in pjs for 2 months because that is how long I had them in. then week after them coming out I wound back up in the hospital for a week all due to this issue. I saw this dr every week. Now I had a $25 co pay this dr waved all of it because it was that serious.

I thank God everyday for this Dr. he told me in 30 yrs of practice he does not remember his cases when they are done. but he will remember mine for the rest of his days. he was not sure he would or could save my life. the only thing when I asked him what I owed him personally for doing so was a bottle of vodka. I took him 2. he said no one ever took him serious on it.

Actually I got home about 2 hours ago from seeing him again. for follow up on tests that needed to be done. seems I have a second hernia but this one is not to the point of needing surgery at this time. also I have developed GERD due to the problems with it.. I still see him every 4 months for I know not how long and he is great.

but all this is what started my cycling again. I was embarrassed to go out anywhere, except the dr. not even the library. hubby had to do all the shopping paying bills etc. I was unable to sit for long period of time so could not sew in the sewing room. I had a quilt that I was doing by hand and that is what I worked on when up. I could not handle my large parrots for fear of them biting my tubes into. because he told me if that happened and I could not get to the er quick enough I could die. so they were unhappy also. I could not sit at the computer and play game either. I was not able to do anything with cooking, or anything. just take care of me personally. You do not know what you take for granted daily until you can not do it. I was unable to take a regular shower I had to do those sponge baths for 2 months. the only place I could wash my hair comfortably was the bathroom sink it had a high faucet I stand right at barely 5 ft. I have waist long hair. do you know the pain in the butt it is to wash it like that?
I did make the effort to feed my parrots as they attack hubby because they blame him for me being gone. 2 of them ate very little and one is a problem eater to start with. when I came home all I can say is hubby is not qualified to feed him. he has to be supplemented with bird hand feeding formula and he is a umbrella cockatoo. it was all over his face and up in his crest. took me a good 30 min to clean him up. I put him on his tree stand and had to take a wet washrag to do it. and when I was admitted the 2nd time I was in a week and they took attitude with him again for me being gone. as I am never gone.

I go see the psych dr later this week. I look for them to play with my meds that I have been on for the last 5 yrs. because I am not being able to sleep more than 3 hours a nite. I am down to eating once a day and only a few bites at that and that was one of the things I have battled since the surgery. when I saw him earlier today he stated that I have lost weight. which is what the seroquel is suppose to do knock me out. and it is not phasing me at the present. so I am not a happy camper. But thankfully alive and thanking God everyday for it.

ladies I am sorry this is such a long post.
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Old 04-06-2010, 09:18 AM
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Many disabilities (no matter what the cause) are not apparent to a casual observer.

We are so fortunate that many things that were untreatable in the past are now more controllable - examples: AIDS, diabetes, some cancers

I think most of us are quite willing to accept treatment for what we consider "physical" problems. There are still stigmas associated with some physical problems - STD's, for one category.

Many of us were brought up in a "pull yourself out of your funk " mindset/attitude for anything that is/was considered "mental" or "emotional."

As has been mentioned - why do (most of us) accept treatment for a "physical" problem such as diabetes - which as far as I know is not curable - only more or less controllable - with little or no comment for ourselves or others?

But when it comes to something that is considered to be "emotional" or "mental" - many of us think it can be "cured" or "helped" by changing one's attitude.

Attitude DOES count - but if the mechanism/organism is malfunctioning, it has to get fixed, if possible, or at least tuned up so it will run better.

A "good attitude" doesn't make fix the flat tire. (Swearing doesn't really help either, but the point is that some sort of intervention is needed to get the show back on the road)
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Old 04-06-2010, 09:25 AM
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Originally Posted by Moppet
I have to say that at the present I am battling a good case of it with the back and forth that is common with bipolar 1. I will back up and tell you what started it. so you can understand maybe a little better.

I take 300mg of lamictal and 800 mg of seroquel daily at bed time. Now on top of that I have a very high tolerance to pain. the sunday after xmas this past year I was sick not holding food down for the day before christmas eve and waited to sunday to go to the er. I was immediately admitted and tests ran because I was in so much pain I could not stand. it had to get that bad to affect me. on monday morning I had surgery. I had gallstones so bad it was filled to overflowing it went into the liver, the pancreas and gangrene set in. and was up into my stomach also. my liver was shutting down without me knowing it. my surgeon told my husband that he did not think I would make it after the 4 hour surgery that should have been 45 minutes.No one could understand that I did not feel the pain that goes with this. I was in the hospital for 11 days and for 6 of them I was on morphine shots every 3 hours. then went to absolutely nothing for the pain . he saw me daily not one of his associates but him. he finally told me how bad it was and that he was surprised I came through it. he did tell me if I had waited 2 more days. I would have been dead. not likely but dead. this dr saved my life. when I was released I came home with 2 drains and tubes. one to my liver the other to my bile. I lived in pjs for 2 months because that is how long I had them in. then week after them coming out I wound back up in the hospital for a week all due to this issue. I saw this dr every week. Now I had a $25 co pay this dr waved all of it because it was that serious.

I thank God everyday for this Dr. he told me in 30 yrs of practice he does not remember his cases when they are done. but he will remember mine for the rest of his days. he was not sure he would or could save my life. the only thing when I asked him what I owed him personally for doing so was a bottle of vodka. I took him 2. he said no one ever took him serious on it.

Actually I got home about 2 hours ago from seeing him again. for follow up on tests that needed to be done. seems I have a second hernia but this one is not to the point of needing surgery at this time. also I have developed GERD due to the problems with it.. I still see him every 4 months for I know not how long and he is great.

but all this is what started my cycling again. I was embarrassed to go out anywhere, except the dr. not even the library. hubby had to do all the shopping paying bills etc. I was unable to sit for long period of time so could not sew in the sewing room. I had a quilt that I was doing by hand and that is what I worked on when up. I could not handle my large parrots for fear of them biting my tubes into. because he told me if that happened and I could not get to the er quick enough I could die. so they were unhappy also. I could not sit at the computer and play game either. I was not able to do anything with cooking, or anything. just take care of me personally. You do not know what you take for granted daily until you can not do it. I was unable to take a regular shower I had to do those sponge baths for 2 months. the only place I could wash my hair comfortably was the bathroom sink it had a high faucet I stand right at barely 5 ft. I have waist long hair. do you know the pain in the butt it is to wash it like that?
I did make the effort to feed my parrots as they attack hubby because they blame him for me being gone. 2 of them ate very little and one is a problem eater to start with. when I came home all I can say is hubby is not qualified to feed him. he has to be supplemented with bird hand feeding formula and he is a umbrella cockatoo. it was all over his face and up in his crest. took me a good 30 min to clean him up. I put him on his tree stand and had to take a wet washrag to do it. and when I was admitted the 2nd time I was in a week and they took attitude with him again for me being gone. as I am never gone.

I go see the psych dr later this week. I look for them to play with my meds that I have been on for the last 5 yrs. because I am not being able to sleep more than 3 hours a nite. I am down to eating once a day and only a few bites at that and that was one of the things I have battled since the surgery. when I saw him earlier today he stated that I have lost weight. which is what the seroquel is suppose to do knock me out. and it is not phasing me at the present. so I am not a happy camper. But thankfully alive and thanking God everyday for it.

ladies I am sorry this is such a long post.
yes, I am very grateful for this thread. For many, many years I endured and agonized over the way our society shuns ppl with m.h. issues...even medical doctors!!!!
Some are finally learning about mental health and that this stuff is real. Perhaps it is creeping into their families too and they can't ignore it.
hugs to you, Moppet, for all you have been through. Sounds like you have one very good doctor. Hold onto him with both hands! :-D
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Old 04-06-2010, 11:02 AM
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I'm happy to see that this thread is still going. It is somehow comforting that many know exactly how I feel, with the black pit of dispair and the inability to do anything but go to the bathroom some days. I wish they didn't have to know it, but it helps me not feel like such a freak, which is how I viewed myself for a long time. I'd think that "other people" could just snap out of it if they were depressed, why couldn't I? I had yet to learn the chemical nature of my bi-polar depression. Once I've been on meds I've been able to have some good days. I still have anxiety issues, and a lot of triggers for PTSD, but at least I have hope now on the meds. It's still hard to hear people suggest to just 'snap out of it' or quit being self-centered, even though I remind myself that they just can't understand it. There is just no comparison between having the blues with having full-blown clinical depression. Too bad illnesses like this don't appear as bright blue spots on us or something so that people would realize we're not just being lazy, we are ill, just in the brain instead of the body. I'm very fortunate, my DH understands and is very supportive. He can tell when I'm cycling and helps me to cope until the pendulum swings back the other way. I feel so sad for those of you who are suffering, and applaud your efforts to take care of yourself by being on the meds you need. As someone said, they're not "happy" pills, they are "stay off of the edge of the abyss" pills, at least for me. Once you've been in that dark, hopeless place, you'll do almost anything to avoid being there again.

OK, clearly I'm having a rambling kind of day. Sorry this is so long. But thank you to everyone who is sharing their stories.
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Old 04-06-2010, 01:41 PM
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Originally Posted by marsye
Ok, I guess I just don't understand it because I've never had it. A friend of mine just told me she was taking drugs for depression now and I couldn't see anything she should be depressed about so I was just wondering.....But I'm thinking I should have never started this thread. :? Maybe admins. will delete it before someone chops my head off. :shock:
It isn't about having or not having things to be depressed about. It is about not producing adequate serotonin. Medication stimulates the brain to produce more serotonin.

What if your brain told your lungs to stop taking in air? There would be a physical reaction. Or not producing enough insulin.

These depressions are a biological problem that creates an emotional and physical response. They do not just disappear after an event but can be affected by events. The events don't cause the depression they excerbate it.

I suffer from clinical depression and welcome your post. It gives us an opportunity to discuss something not every one understands. And there are those who just want a fix it drug. People with long term depression do much more than just take a pill. We have to learn how to resist the depression by being as healthy as possible, getting adequate sleep, finding ways to counter act negative self-talk, among many other ways.

Please support your friend in what ever way you are able. You can truly be a blessing for her.
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Old 04-06-2010, 01:46 PM
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Originally Posted by 2wheelwoman
I'm happy to see that this thread is still going. It is somehow comforting that many know exactly how I feel, with the black pit of dispair and the inability to do anything but go to the bathroom some days. I wish they didn't have to know it, but it helps me not feel like such a freak, which is how I viewed myself for a long time. I'd think that "other people" could just snap out of it if they were depressed, why couldn't I? I had yet to learn the chemical nature of my bi-polar depression. Once I've been on meds I've been able to have some good days. I still have anxiety issues, and a lot of triggers for PTSD, but at least I have hope now on the meds. It's still hard to hear people suggest to just 'snap out of it' or quit being self-centered, even though I remind myself that they just can't understand it. There is just no comparison between having the blues with having full-blown clinical depression. Too bad illnesses like this don't appear as bright blue spots on us or something so that people would realize we're not just being lazy, we are ill, just in the brain instead of the body. I'm very fortunate, my DH understands and is very supportive. He can tell when I'm cycling and helps me to cope until the pendulum swings back the other way. I feel so sad for those of you who are suffering, and applaud your efforts to take care of yourself by being on the meds you need. As someone said, they're not "happy" pills, they are "stay off of the edge of the abyss" pills, at least for me. Once you've been in that dark, hopeless place, you'll do almost anything to avoid being there again.

OK, clearly I'm having a rambling kind of day. Sorry this is so long. But thank you to everyone who is sharing their stories.
I was one of those, get over it to DH, snap out of it, move your body, you have to just get up and do it. I didn't understand SIGH!!! :-( That He just couldn't do that like I could. I do understand now and He is better for the fact I do understand and help him instead of nagging him to get over it and live. Chemicals can't be put into your brain by doing what i wanted him to do. They now have him on something we didn't think he could take.
But it is very hard for a person who doesn't understand this to except that the person suffering is incapable of doing a simple thing like getting up and diverting their attention to something they could help them.
So I pray for you 2wheelwoman that the people around you excepts and does what they can to help. Let them read this thread. God Bless your DH for the support.
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Old 04-06-2010, 06:51 PM
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Moppet, hang in there gal. It will get better. You have been through a very traumatic and difficult time. The surgery itself is enough to knock you down. Although I wasn't in quite as bad shape as you, I did have a rough time with my gallbladder. Stones everywhere, in my liver, etc. Had my surgery the old fashioned way, stomach pump, tubes everywhere. Horrible! Can't recall how long I was hospitalized. Couldn't wash my hair, it was terrible. The year was 1978 but I still remember. However, one I recovered from that it was so much better. You will get through this, but it will not happen overnight. Give yourself time. Know that you are not alone...

Hugs to you! Am thankful you had a fantastic doctor and are still with us...
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Old 04-06-2010, 07:38 PM
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This posting has been a multiple blessing - sharing, educating, etc. THANK YOU!

This is an example of the compassion I feel when I read posts on this board.

Having battled depression for most of my adult life, I know how medication as a tool can bring you from existing to living. It is time for my current meds to be changed and I am fortunate that my DH is understanding, as well as, my patient advocate.

Hugs to all.............
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Old 04-08-2010, 02:01 AM
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I love this thread, thanks everyone for your comments
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