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Lneal 04-05-2010 10:50 AM

Originally Posted by Alu_Rathbone
I'm going to the store later to get chocolate that will be at least 50% off... I hope... otherwise I get no easter candy... apparently I'm too old! lol Thats okay though! I shouldn't this is true... but I have a hankering for chocolate!


Alu_Rathbone 04-05-2010 10:58 AM

Originally Posted by Lneal

Originally Posted by Alu_Rathbone
I'm going to the store later to get chocolate that will be at least 50% off... I hope... otherwise I get no easter candy... apparently I'm too old! lol Thats okay though! I shouldn't this is true... but I have a hankering for chocolate!


I know! I bought a bag of chocolate on saturday, and it's gone... but I had a huge amount of help from my friend, mom and a sister... I was a little upset but thats okay... lol... I can always get more.

horseowner 04-05-2010 02:53 PM

Hi everyone--I started counting calories a few days ago, and lost a bit, but Easter weekend I really had fun! Now I am back to counting--its the only thing that works for me/will be able to ride my horse as soon as she quits favoring her right front foot a bit--so doing the rebounder(mini-trampoline), going up and down stairs and back and forth alot from one end of house to another, that kind of thing--walked one of 4 dogs today--I am 58 and my joints and feet hurt when I ex/walk/housework too much. Too much weight and use on body for too many years!!! JJ/Jocelyn/jacki jo/jacqueline

jnagy1206 04-06-2010 09:16 AM

Hi! I am relatively new to the Quilting Board although I have been a follower for much longer. The weight loss challenge was just the spark I needed to get back on track. When my 2 sons grew up and moved out, I didn't like preparing meals for just my husband & me. I work 75-80 hours/week (self employed) & gained 35 pounds over the past 2 years due to bad food choices & skipping meals. My methodology is not for everyone, but it works best for me because of some health issues. Basically, it is portion control (I weigh & measure EVERYTHING) and .... here's the hard part.... NO carbs, No fats, No sugar, & No dairy. I know it sounds harsh, but I feel great & can honestly say I am never hungry. It is a variation of the Adkins diet w/ the main difference being portion control. Also, I do not eat red meat - only chicken or fish AND lots of veggies. It also helps that I like my foods plain w/ no sauces, dressings, etc. I even eat my salads with white balsamic vinegar instead of dressing. I am fortunate to llive in sunny Arizona so I exercise by walking 4 miles each day in the evening with my son's dog (I am now the legal guardian since July LOL) and at least 3 times per week I walk 2 miles during lunch. I have an activity monitor clipped on my shoe which measures steps.(I love high tech gadgets). AND...LOTS OF WATER @ least 64 oz. I limit myself to only 2 diet pepsi's a day. Decaf tea works great as the "water". AND best of all....when I have a "snack attack", I go upstairs to my quilting room & get busy. Now for the April challenge.

Rebecca VLQ 04-06-2010 10:43 AM

^^^Chicken, fish, veggies sounds more like South Beach to me! A MUCH healthier choice than Atkins!

Alu_Rathbone 04-06-2010 10:47 AM

I requested some work out dvds from the library.

After what I went through on Friday, I said never ever again. I've never felt that bad. So I'm going to work on losing at least 20 pounds. And after I reach that goal, I'll get the next one... I'm not sure how long it will take me to hit 20, but as soon as I do I'll be happy... I have a total amount of 100 pounds to lose... maybe more... but I'm keeping the goal small... I need a rockin bod! lol I just need to be healthy, looking great is just the extra bonus.

BrendaB 04-06-2010 11:47 AM

Originally Posted by jnagy1206
Hi! I am relatively new to the Quilting Board although I have been a follower for much longer. The weight loss challenge was just the spark I needed to get back on track. When my 2 sons grew up and moved out, I didn't like preparing meals for just my husband & me. I work 75-80 hours/week (self employed) & gained 35 pounds over the past 2 years due to bad food choices & skipping meals. My methodology is not for everyone, but it works best for me because of some health issues. Basically, it is portion control (I weigh & measure EVERYTHING) and .... here's the hard part.... NO carbs, No fats, No sugar, & No dairy. I know it sounds harsh, but I feel great & can honestly say I am never hungry. It is a variation of the Adkins diet w/ the main difference being portion control. Also, I do not eat red meat - only chicken or fish AND lots of veggies. It also helps that I like my foods plain w/ no sauces, dressings, etc. I even eat my salads with white balsamic vinegar instead of dressing. I am fortunate to llive in sunny Arizona so I exercise by walking 4 miles each day in the evening with my son's dog (I am now the legal guardian since July LOL) and at least 3 times per week I walk 2 miles during lunch. I have an activity monitor clipped on my shoe which measures steps.(I love high tech gadgets). AND...LOTS OF WATER @ least 64 oz. I limit myself to only 2 diet pepsi's a day. Decaf tea works great as the "water". AND best of all....when I have a "snack attack", I go upstairs to my quilting room & get busy. Now for the April challenge.

Welcome! We could be twins! Are you by any chance an MT? Our stories are nearly identical, except for the walking. Work long hours and I really need to work in the exercise part, but fighting it tooth and nail so far. I love rice vinegar on my salads. Sometimes I add a little olive oil, but usually not. Keep up the good work! :thumbup:

trupeach1 04-06-2010 11:56 AM

I am back on track...........or so I think yeesterday while packing DS food I took a nibble or this and that so yesterday wasn't so good. I will wait and weigh in on Thursday to see what the damage was.

Alu_Rathbone 04-06-2010 12:13 PM


I have to phase soda out of my diet... or at least limit it. If I cut out soda, and drink water, I should be able to lose some of this weight... I'm going to do a before picture of me with all the weight and then do a picture each month of my weight loss journey.

laparshall 04-06-2010 12:57 PM

Originally Posted by Alu_Rathbone
... I'm going to do a before picture of me with all the weight and then do a picture each month of my weight loss journey.

That sounds like a great idea.

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