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BrendaB 04-16-2010 10:13 PM

Originally Posted by laparshall

Originally Posted by trupeach1

Originally Posted by BrendaB
I'm still trying. Not doing too well, but trying.

There has to be something you are doing wrong. What program are you on? Or what are you doing? Let me know if you would like me to help you with a plan. :D :D

BrendaB: My guess is that you aren't doing anything wrong, but if what you are trying isn't working for you, it may be time to switch some things up. Are you drinking enough water? Are you keeping track of what you are eating, more importantly are you watching your portion sizes. Earlier JanRN mentioned portion sizes, I am definately going to work on that this week. Being on Weight Watchers you have to count everything and it is very easy to think that you know how much one cup is, but it does seem to grow in my bowl, so what used to be 1/2 is now 3/4. So when I measured it again, I found that I should maybe get out the measuring cup again and start using it again. And the pasta is so easy to over estimate the amount, because as Peach said, one cup sure doesn't look like much. Hang in there Brenda, you will figure out something that works for you.

You bring up some very good points, laparshall. When my stomach doesn't feel well, I drink Sprite, and I have to find a way to settle my stomach without all those empty calories. Today I have not had any and am back on water only and increase the amount of water I drink. That should help. At least it is a start. Thank you for caring enough to try to help me. :-) I appreciate it.

BrendaB 04-16-2010 10:20 PM

Originally Posted by quiltylori

Originally Posted by laparshall

Originally Posted by trupeach1

Originally Posted by BrendaB
I'm still trying. Not doing too well, but trying.

There has to be something you are doing wrong. What program are you on? Or what are you doing? Let me know if you would like me to help you with a plan. :D :D

BrendaB: My guess is that you aren't doing anything wrong, but if what you are trying isn't working for you, it may be time to switch some things up. Are you drinking enough water? Are you keeping track of what you are eating, more importantly are you watching your portion sizes. Earlier JanRN mentioned portion sizes, I am definately going to work on that this week. Being on Weight Watchers you have to count everything and it is very easy to think that you know how much one cup is, but it does seem to grow in my bowl, so what used to be 1/2 is now 3/4. So when I measured it again, I found that I should maybe get out the measuring cup again and start using it again. And the pasta is so easy to over estimate the amount, because as Peach said, one cup sure doesn't look like much. Hang in there Brenda, you will figure out something that works for you.

I feel like you. I had reached a plateau and thought it would be time to start exercising to sort of get my body revved up again....well I have been exercising and eating right and I haven't lost a pound since March 31st. To say the least I am frustrated and sad. It was all going so well and then boom!!! I don't know what to do to get off this darn plateau... :cry:

All I can say is don't give up....if you don't I won't. I really want to get this weight moving in the right direction again.

Any ideas from all you great gals would be appreciated!!!

Thank you, Quiltylori. I won't give up, so don't you give up either. :-) I'm sorry you are feeling bad too. I keep thinking and hoping that with warmer weather we will do better. It was easier when I was younger and could run. I dream sometimes that I am jogging, but can't do that now.

I go To The Sea To Breathe 04-16-2010 10:37 PM

I want to weigh in also. I have the bad knees and my husband needs to walk after his third by=pass surgery..he just got off oxygen so we really need to get with it...hope this will encourage us. Jackie

BrendaB 04-16-2010 10:40 PM

Originally Posted by I come to the sea to breathe
I want to weigh in also. I have the bad knees and my husband needs to walk after his third by=pass surgery..he just got off oxygen so we really need to get with it...hope this will encourage us. Jackie

Jackie, it sure helps knowing we have each other for support. We gotta keep trying. :-)

Alu_Rathbone 04-17-2010 12:22 AM

Originally Posted by BrendaB

Originally Posted by laparshall

Originally Posted by trupeach1

Originally Posted by BrendaB
I'm still trying. Not doing too well, but trying.

There has to be something you are doing wrong. What program are you on? Or what are you doing? Let me know if you would like me to help you with a plan. :D :D

BrendaB: My guess is that you aren't doing anything wrong, but if what you are trying isn't working for you, it may be time to switch some things up. Are you drinking enough water? Are you keeping track of what you are eating, more importantly are you watching your portion sizes. Earlier JanRN mentioned portion sizes, I am definately going to work on that this week. Being on Weight Watchers you have to count everything and it is very easy to think that you know how much one cup is, but it does seem to grow in my bowl, so what used to be 1/2 is now 3/4. So when I measured it again, I found that I should maybe get out the measuring cup again and start using it again. And the pasta is so easy to over estimate the amount, because as Peach said, one cup sure doesn't look like much. Hang in there Brenda, you will figure out something that works for you.

You bring up some very good points, laparshall. When my stomach doesn't feel well, I drink Sprite, and I have to find a way to settle my stomach without all those empty calories. Today I have not had any and am back on water only and increase the amount of water I drink. That should help. At least it is a start. Thank you for caring enough to try to help me. :-) I appreciate it.

Celestial Seasonings Tummy Time. The herbs in that tea are great for it... it's minty though... but it's really good... but that ones hard to find... you can also use Sleepy Time Tea (Celestial Seasonings) as a tummy relaxer... OR you can add fennel seed to regular tea... it also works wonders on a colichy baby... not that my niece has had colich yet... but it's what mom gave my sister and I... it also works as a healing tea...

Also, are you stressed a lot of the time? That will affect your weight loss... the more stress the harder it is...

Alu_Rathbone 04-17-2010 12:25 AM

Originally Posted by I come to the sea to breathe
I want to weigh in also. I have the bad knees and my husband needs to walk after his third by=pass surgery..he just got off oxygen so we really need to get with it...hope this will encourage us. Jackie

Start small and work your way up... the more you do it the stronger you will get... if you have access to a pool then you can work out there... It's VERY easy on the joints and is recommended to those with bad knees as a start... plus walking...

zennia 04-17-2010 01:07 AM

Hello Everyone, I am just checking in for this week. My weight is finally moving in the right direction. I found a new way to cook and I love it. A few weeks ago I bought some Stouffers Stuffed peppers. put them in freezer and forgot about them. Last night I found them and we had them for dinner along with a veggie. It was great and filling. So for 2$ + veggies and 10 min. I had dinner.
going to do this more often.
Another thing I found i was doing was snacking while on the computer. I would grab a cup of coffee and a snack and sit here. Now I drink water and don't have the urge to snack.
I like reading what everyone is doing. Lets keep it going and together we will win this battle.

laparshall 04-17-2010 03:57 AM

Tt our WW meeting on Thursday night there was a discussion about why you don't lose and in some cases you may even gain when you begin to work out. The leader shared a fact from a seminar she had gone to for WW last month. She said that when you work out, small slits/or tears in the muscle occur. That is normal, and the very reason you should alternate your workouts. ie, walk/jog every other day, core exercises on the other days. This gives your muscle a chance to heal. But her point was that the slits/tears in the muscle fill with water, and the body holds the water there. And you may see a plateau or worse yet, a weight gain. But eventually as the muscle strengthens it won't tear and there is no space for water to be retained.

There were several of us at the meeting that had experienced a weight gain after we were working our butts off and making sure we kept within our food points range and we were all starting to feel discouraged. Guess what, keep eating right, and keep on moving, because once you get past that certain point, you will see those pounds start melting away. Muscle burns calories faster too. So the more I build, the faster the fat will burn off. Once I passed that point and others there said the same thing, I had a few pretty big losses and now I am losing beween 1 and 2 pounds a week. I haven't had a gain in awhile, and if I happen to, I will know it is because I didn't keep track of what I was eating. My body is starting to show a bit of a waist once again. I keep looking at myself in the mirror and I can see the changes now, and the beginning of definition. And for me once I got that momentum going, I feel like this is getting easier. And summer is coming, so the outside activity is going to be easier.

By the way have I ever mentioned that my workout consists of walking on the treadmill for 30 minutes a day M,W,F, and doing core exercises for 20 minutes Tues, Weds, and sometimes on Saturday. So my TOTAL workout time for the week is only 2 1/2 hours. I am definately worth taking 2.5 hours of my time to get healthier and to feel better about myself.

laparshall 04-17-2010 04:06 AM

Originally Posted by Alu_Rathbone

Originally Posted by I come to the sea to breathe
I want to weigh in also. I have the bad knees and my husband needs to walk after his third by=pass surgery..he just got off oxygen so we really need to get with it...hope this will encourage us. Jackie

Start small and work your way up... the more you do it the stronger you will get... if you have access to a pool then you can work out there... It's VERY easy on the joints and is recommended to those with bad knees as a start... plus walking...

Alu: For being so young you sure are very bright and informed.
You always offere such interesting tips. Thank you.

sewred 04-17-2010 04:08 AM

Just curious, is there anyone here that does the Wendie Plan?I am going to try it I think starting Monday.

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