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Rose Hall 01-26-2010 09:48 AM

WooHOO!!! I joined this thread because I need to exercise to get my blood pressure under control and just finished my visit with the midwife and my BP was 122/69. that's good for me!!!

Ya!! the treadmill at 5am is working!!


laparshall 01-26-2010 09:53 AM

My DH was sabotaging me too. He does the grocery shopping, so he would bring home all kinds of lovely treats. He bought me junk food so he could justify all of the junk he was eating. Then one day, my doctor told me that I needed to take control and not worry about hurting his feelings. So I had the difficult talk with him. I asked him to support me in my desire to get healthy. He is also overweight by over 100 lbs. I told him that I couldn't do it without his support and that I really wanted to get physically fit because I thought my arthritis would improve it I weren't carrying 100 extra pounds around. I told him that he didn't have to make any changes for himself, but to please stop bringing the junk food into the house because I just didn't have the will power to resist it. I asked him to go to weight watchers with me and he actually agreed, but he was very angry about it. We had a family tradition of donuts on Sunday. My MIL brings over 3 doz donuts, and all of our children and grandchildren are invited to come over and have donuts with ut. My DH told her that she had to stop bringing donuts because I didn't want junk in the house. He figured if I thought it would hurt her feelings, I would back down. I had a talk with her about supporting us in losing weight. She agreed, and for the past 4 months, she brings over WW muffins, and snack cakes, and cookies. The have a very low point value and when I take them out of the Weight Watchers boxes and put them in a large decorative bowl, the grandkids don't even suspect. I put ou fruit in a bowl instead of candy in a candy dish. And I give away anything that comes into our house after one or two pieces (b-day cakes, christmas candy, cookies, etc). Our lives are changing and DH isn't as angry, he has lost nearly 10% of his weight, and he is starting to feel better and is getting comments on how much he has lost. It is a battle when someone is sabatoging. Sometimes we have to dig really deep to find the courage to stand up to those we love.

joeyoz 01-26-2010 09:53 AM

Originally Posted by Alu_Rathbone
I'm going to join this too... I have over 100 to lose... but I would like to start off small, like 20 pounds... 20 is doable... lol...

I'm in that same boat. I'm going to do it in 5 lb increments. If you set the bar too high, it will seem impossible. So I figured 5 lbs was very realistic. I have lost 8 lbs so far, so I have reached my first 5 and working on the next.

Lneal 01-26-2010 10:09 AM

Rose I am so proud of you!! Keep up the good work. When I was pregnant for my third child I exercised (walking) regularly. I did't gain as much weight and after delivery I bounced back quickly. I think my body was better fit to handle labor and delivery. Thats been 26yrs ago!! Now I have 30lbs to go to get to my goal weight!

Alu_Rathbone 01-26-2010 10:16 AM

I lost a lot of weight last month, I'm not sure how much... but it wasn't the way I'd have liked. I ended up with the stomach flu and a pilonidal cyst that caused me a lot of pain... so I couldn't eat...

I'm now trying to get back into a regular schedule and diet... and I know about the whole sabatoge thing that happens. My bf hasn't done it yet... but my mom did it... by accident... she bought the fun sized candies from wal mart and I ate a lot of them... if they had been out of site I probably would have forgotten them.

So long as she doesn't bring home Swiss Cake rolls (or ho ho's as they are called by Hostess) I'm good... I make myself sick on those every time she buys them... I love them too much... I just have to remind myself not to eat them...

When I was ITI (the summer camp I volunteer at) I would eat a small salad (I hated the dressing... except for the creamy italian, I'm bringing my own this summer), a bowl of cottage cheese, green pimento olives (spanish olives) mixed in a bowl of kidney beans, and what ever meat was on the menu... providing it was something decent... I'd drank water most of the week. Course there were a couple of days there was no cottage cheese and I'd just eat the apple sauce.

I was also advised by my doctor to watch my sugar and fat gram intake... which is difficult since everything you want has it... but you learn what is a save sugar/fat (fruit) and whats not ... I was allotted 50 grams of sugar and 50 grams of fat a day... not including what was in fruit or veggies... and I was to drink water, tea, or fruit juice... I lost 14 pounds in a week... most of it was water weight... I'm going to try that again just to get the right jump start... He also told me not to starve myself... that would just lead to weight gain again...

I do have health reasons for needing to lose weight... my parents are diabetic... mom is type 2 where as dad is type 1... mom had a heart attack two years ago and has high blood pressure... she isn't even that big...

So I want to prevent all that... just like I prevented my chances of getting emphazima and any liver damage by choosing to stay off drugs and alcohol. I saw what smoking and drinking did to my grandma and I never wanted that! I thank god my mom doesn't drink... she just needs to stop smoking... but she's working on that...

(no offence to those who smoke! It is your own free choice!!!)

vjengels 01-26-2010 11:43 AM

Good for you , asking your family for help!And getting your husband to go to WW...!
I started Weight Watchers 8 years ago, My daughter dragged me in with her for suppport; Lord I did not want to be in a room full of fat people! Surprise Surprise! I was fat too! I weighed 250, and was so out of shape that I couldn't stand at my sink and do dishes without my feet and back hurting ( not that I want to do dishes....) Coincidentally, my daughter didn't stay, I've lost 80 lbs, so far; I have to say eat better than I ever did when I weighed 120; I am the kind of Grandma I want my grandkids to have, active, healthy, and fun! Unlike their other grandma, who had a triple bypass at 53!! Or like my 1st husband, COPD at 52! YIKES!
To everyone starting this journey, Remember, small attainable, sustainable changes will make you sucessful.
here's proof:
I was a 3 pack a day smoker for 24 years, quit in 99', gained 70 lbs that year.
Joined WW in 2003, took a belly dancing class to start exercising( good place to start if you are worried 'you're too big to go to the gym' those women are big)
Joined Jazzercise in 2004,
Started to run in 2007 using the C25K method,first 5K, then 7K
2008 first 10K,
2009 first Sprint Triathlon, I had to learn how to swim to do it, and I finished in under 2 hours
2010 1/2 marathon in May, and full Marathon in Dec.
It all started with one change.

Charlee 01-26-2010 12:23 PM

Everyone is doing SO good!! I think I'd best get on the ball and start *really* trying again! I've just been being lazy!!

beckyw 01-26-2010 01:13 PM

I was being lasy too. But I'm on track know.

lacikat 01-26-2010 02:23 PM

Okay, I haven't weighed since Dec29 so today was the day!
Whoopee, down 6.5 #. Will start weighing wkly now. Last nite was another nite without insulin (2 in a row). Ate a bit more for
lunch, still on track though, so might not be that lucky tonite. Am drinking my water too.

lhavelka 01-26-2010 02:30 PM

I'm in too. I just started 1/2/10. So far 8 1/2 lbs. Just started exercising.

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