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laparshall 06-09-2010 06:47 AM

Lneal: So how has your first week with WW been going? Are you figuring out the points? I absolutely love the marble idea.

I have been struggling with a flare-up of arthritis for the past few weeks or so. So that has interferred with my walking. I am holding steady though, so I am not going to let it get me down. Well it did get me down, but I think I am over all of that now, and I seem to be doing a lot better and am just about pain free again. So I will get back to walking on the treadmill probably this weekend. I was in training for a 5K when the flare up started. (probably what caused it now that I think about it). I am going to walk the 5K though because I really want the 5K charm WW is giving to those who complete the walk.

So how is everyone else doing?

Lneal 06-09-2010 08:05 AM

Thanks for asking laparshall. My next meeting is tomorrow evening and I am anxious to step on the scales in hopes to show a loss. I started walking 30min, at a local track that runs beside the well known, Indian Lake. The scenery is beautiful and it makes for a nice morning walk. I start out the first 10 min walking at a fast pace and then slowing for the remainder.
Sorry to hear you have had a flare up and hope you can get it under control again. My ww group was also doing the 5k walk last Sat. Should be interesting to hear how it went for them.

I have been wondering too how everyone else is doing? Can we hear from you, good or bad, check back in again.

laparshall 06-10-2010 05:42 PM

My WW meeting was this evening. I am trying very hard to stay upbeat, but really need some help with it. I have been struggling for quite some time now with this latest arthritis flareup and it has kept me from my normal work out routine and walking schedule. I tracked every single thing that I ate this week, and still had leftover points in my weekly bank. I did do some exercising and gained some activity points for that, and still I had a gain of .6 this week. I know it isn't much, but I rather enjoyed losing at a regular pace, and now I am losing .2's and gaining .4's and now a .6. The Leader thought I was perhaps retaining fluids, and she is probably right. The problem is that I feel sorry for myself. And I know there is no good to come from feeling like this, but regardless, that is how I feel and I wanted to share that with all of you who most likely know what I'm talking about. I am having this tugging thought that I should just stop trying because I am always going to have this condition that will occasionally flare up and prevent me from doing my normal walking routine. But then my other stronger side is saying NO! Don't give up! I know that I have come a long way, and I am having a hard time staying positive tonight. Does anyone have any thoughts? Maybe this is a plateau? I appologize for going on and on, I'm just sad about it I guess. Thanks for listening.

janRN 06-10-2010 06:08 PM

Linda: sorry you're feeling so bad physically and I guess mentally, too. Are you on meds for your arthritis? I'm guessing you are and most of them can cause weight gain and fluid retention; check the side effects. Please keep hanging in there--even tho I've "dropped out" I still follow and cheer for you guys. You've really done well; this is just a "blip"-you'll get back on track when your pain decreases. Remember: I am woman, hear me roar!!!

Lneal 06-11-2010 02:10 AM

laparshall hope you soon get past this rough time. Sounds awful. :cry: I wonder if you are holding fluids and that is your gain. Please don't stop trying to exercise. Maybe you can scale back the amount so as not to flare your arthritis up.
My ww meeting went good last night altho I was disappointed in my loss. Only 2.2 lbs. I had hoped to do better than that for the first week.

laparshall 06-11-2010 04:39 AM

Jan: thanks for the encouragement. I am really having a problem wrapping my head around this challenge. Hopefully one day I will get there. Giving up is not an option for me though, I just need to figure out how to get through it.

Lneal: 2.2 is a great loss. Keep in mind that you have been losing right along, so you won't have that huge loss that most people get after their frist week. You have a healthy loss and you should be proud of it. And just think if you were to lose 2.2 each week, that would be 114.4 lbs for the year. So did you get a couple of marbles for your loss?

Lneal 06-11-2010 04:56 AM

Thanks laparshall for the encouragement. I guess I hadn't thought about I have been losing all along and that might be why my loss was "normal". :-D It's just that a woman who joined the same time as me lost 6lbs. I did work hard last week and was hoping for a bigger loss than 2.2lbs.
Please know we are here to support you thru this bad physical time. Just as JanRN said it is a blip and will pass. I am glad you are not giving up since that never gets us anywhere. Like most of us there are times we have to put things we do on hold and thats all this is. When you are feeling better exercise will be doable again. Sorry to hear you are in pain, it must be difficult. Stay encouraged!

laparshall 06-11-2010 05:09 AM

I sure do appreciate the support. This week I am going to focus on the things that I can do. Like drink enough water each day. Be very careful not to go over my points. Do other type of workouts. We opened our pool and our daughter and her friends are swimming in it, maybe I could jump in too and do a water workout. Anyone one have any info on acqua exercises?

Pats8e8 06-11-2010 07:15 AM

I completely fell off the wagon these last few weeks. With the end of school we had several pot lucks and I could not stay away from the desserts. I weighed this morning and it has all added up, to the tune of 4 lbs! I feel ashamed of myself. I know better. But do you ever think what am I doing this for? I'm a 68 yr. old Gramma, shouldn't I be plump? My brain plays games with me too. For me I should lose weight, not for anyone else, but it's hard.
Laparshall, anything you do in water will be good for you. Just walking where you touch bottom will help. Add in some arm movements and it will be an easy workout on your body and shouldn't hurt your arthritis. Even treading water will move those joints but not hurt them. Sounds like a super idea for you!
Lneal, what a great loss, keep up the good work, wish I could get motivated. :(

laparshall 06-11-2010 07:49 AM

Pat: Thank you for your response. I have been waiting for the summer to get here so I could get into that pool and incorporate it into my workout. That is my goal for this weekend, to get in and just move around.

I don't think you should feel shame, it seems rather harsh and reminds me of something my old bitter Aunt used to suggest I feel. Instead, just start over today. I know my brain always tries to make deals with me while I am staring at those desert tables. It does seem like it would be easier to give up and stay plump, but the problem is that I am miserable being plump. I want to be healthy and I want to be fit, so if those are my goals and I really want to reach them, then I must do what is necessary. WALK AWAY FROM THE DESERT TABLE!!! I'll try that tomorrow at the next open house. Thanks again for your comments.

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