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Pats8e8 06-13-2010 10:33 AM

Hi laparshall. You know, I did start over again on Friday. And just keeping track of what I ate made me feel better by the end of the day. I went over my points allowed by 3, but that is still within the overall weekly points. I was just starving all day. Thank goodness for popcorn! I ate two big bowls of it, it is filling and tastes good too. Here is a fun question for you. Is popcorn considered a vegetable? A teacher that I worked with years ago would let her kids eat popcorn at mealtime saying it was a vegeatable. I've always wondered about that. :) So I will try to eat better again this week and see what happens with that scale. I will keep trying. And thanks for the pep talk, I needed it.

laparshall 06-13-2010 01:04 PM

I'm not sure if pop corn is a veggie, but it has a lot of fiber and that makes it a good filling food. I say eat it whenever you want to. I have been doing ok this weekend. We had dinner with our son and DIL on Friday, openhouse yesterday and today dinner with my MIL. It will be a miracle if I have a loss this week. But I know I stayed in control most of the time. Tomorrow is a new day, and I am going to get back into my workout routine again. I am feeling a lot better now.

Lneal 06-13-2010 02:39 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Happy to hear you are feeling better laparshall and hopefully you will be back to exercising again. Take it slow if you need to. Exercise is good for you even in small amounts.
Pats8e8 so happy to hear you are back on track. I have done the same thing myself and it is discouraging to gain what you have already lost. However, it doesnt take long to get those extra pounds back off with a little work.
I have had some good days this week and hoping the scales budge a little more than last week. Even if it doesn't I want to be patient with myself and stay on track.

At my last ww meeting the girls suggested freezing grapes for a yummy snack. I have never done that before so I put a few in the freezer just to see how I like them. Has anyone else heard of that?

Another great suggestion my ww leader gave was she carries in her car the 1pt buns(and they are good). When she gets a fast food sandwich she can switch the bun. I thought what a neat idea to save on calories! It's the little changes we make that help us keep on track.

carolevidak 06-13-2010 03:16 PM

I will be heading off on Tuesday for the East coast and the festivities of my son getting married on Sept. 10th. I will be checking in every now and than when I can. We are taking our motor home and will be gone until October. Lots of sight seeing on the way there and on the way back. I hope to keep up the walking with my dog in cooler weather. It has been too hot here in AZ 104 degrees. I get my infusion on Monday and off we go on Tuesday.

All of you wonderful ladies keep up the good work and stick to it. I know how hard it is and how easy it is to give up. But you stick to it and remember how healthy you feel when you do lose even a few pounds. I will be checking in on you as often as I can -- so be good. LOL


laparshall 06-14-2010 05:28 AM

Carole, have a wonderful and safe trip. Good luck with being on the road with all of the challenges that brings. I'm sure the dog will be thrilled to take you for a walk.

laparshall 06-14-2010 05:36 AM

Lneal: DH picks up bagels, and flat round bread like that too. It makes great sandwiches.

Lneal 06-17-2010 03:51 AM

Well, I am up and ready to start my day (like previous days) with walking for 30 min. Even tho walking is an easy exercise there is a part of me that just doesn't want to do it!
So I am forcing these legs to get me out the door and moving! :-D
Anyone else have this trouble?

laparshall 06-17-2010 05:24 AM

Originally Posted by Lneal
Well, I am up and ready to start my day (like previous days) with walking for 30 min. Even tho walking is an easy exercise there is a part of me that just doesn't want to do it!
So I am forcing these legs to get me out the door and moving! :-D
Anyone else have this trouble?

All the time. Some mornings I think, maybe just this one time, I will stay in bed. But then I am always glad when I don't give into the urge. And when I finish that 30 mintute walk, I always have so much energy. And I love the energy, so it is worth it to me to fight the urge.

Lneal 06-17-2010 06:52 AM

Here is some helpful advice on plateaus and what to do with them .http://caloriecount.about.com/new-lo...tm_term=title1

I enjoyed my walk, but sometimes moving this body even through walking feels like WORK!! While walking I passed an older couple who were carrying weights in both hands. I am not sure if this is good for you in the long run and it seems like it would slow you down.

Have a good day everyone and for those who have dropped off the thread please check back in and renew your determination again. Losing weight is hard and sometimes circumstances cause us to give up. Just know you are welcome back because everyone is an inspiration here. Love to hear from you girls!!

Stay encouraged!! :-D :-D

laparshall 06-17-2010 07:21 AM

Lneal, thanks for that link. It was very interesting. I guess I had never read anything on Plateaus. It makes sense and I am not going to feel as bad now for not having as big of losses as I was having before.

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