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ranger 02-13-2010 05:13 AM

I'm been looking through this thread but can't find the info about how many points for each day...it's found by adding numbers for your gender, weight etc. Anyone help me?...need to find it in a hurry for a visitor. Thanks in advance.


Lneal 02-13-2010 05:20 AM

Originally Posted by lhavelka
Thanks alot. I found this site online too


I also found this quiz as to how many points you should be eating:
WW Quiz

1. Are you
female?- score 2
Male?- score 8
A nursing mom?- score 12

2. How old are you?
17-26- score 4
27-37- score 3
38-47- score 2
48-58- score 1
over 58- score 0

3.What do you weigh?
Enter the first two digits of your weight in pounds.
(for example, if you weight 199, you will add 19 to your score)

4. How tall are you?
Under 5’1- score 0
5’1-5’10- score 1
Over 5’10- score 2

5. How do you spend most of your day?
Sitting down? score 0
Occasionally sitting? score 2
Walking most of the time? score 4
Doing physically hard work most of the time? score 6

Now add them all together and that’s your daily total

Hi ranger, is this what your looking for?

LovingIzabella 02-13-2010 05:36 AM

Oyyy I had a bad day Thursday. Whenever the pressures build up in my head I eat :-( I am afraid to get on the scale tomorrow. I have not been able to get back to the gym yet...I am hoping my eating is saving me (or not due to Thursday!)
You are all so supportive no matter where we all need to go or how much to get there-thank you!

Quilt Mom 02-13-2010 06:34 AM

Barnbum, I am glad you are back! :D (Every time I see your avatar, I wish I could see those minis in person. So cuddly!)

I had a bad day yesterday - in the food sense... I went to visit with my daughters, so spent a lot of time driving. Not good for me. (No exercise.) And I tend to eat more when I am with them. So I am not looking forward to tomorrow's weigh-in. But life goes on. Maybe I can make up for yesterday by spending extra time on the treadmill or something...

ranger 02-13-2010 06:37 AM

Thank you, Ineal. I appreciate it. That's just what I needed.

Lneal 02-13-2010 06:47 AM

Your welcome ranger.

Quilt Mom & LovingIzabella my day was not so good yesterday, but I'm back on today. One day shouldn't hurt us.

I bought a heart monitor so I could be sure I was getting the most benefit out of my exercise. (Gotta burn those calories!) I exercise on a mini trampoline. I started out with some slight movements for 10 min to keep my heart rate elevated. Well I must say after about 4 weeks, and now doing 20 min, I have had to jump, move my arms and bounce a lot higher to keep my heart rate elevated. I am so thrilled with my improvement because I know I'm getting in shape!! Oh I still have 30 lbs to go but I am seeing an increase in energy and feeling better. Thanks everyone for all your support!!

Mrs. Mel 02-13-2010 06:51 AM

Well, I weighed in today. I only lost 1.2 pounds, which seems so piddly compared with how far I have to go. I was a good girl this week, journalled, excercised 5/7 days (sometimes twice a day) and drank lots of water.

Why does it have to be so slow and arduous?

Charlee 02-13-2010 06:55 AM

Ladies...it won't be as bad as you imagine!

What we need to remember when we have our "I was bad" days, is that it takes 3500 calories to make a pound of fat. That's 3500 ABOVE and BEYOND maintenance calories. So if your maintenance calories (not weight loss calorie level) is 2000 calories per day,(just an example, that would be a pretty active/athletic woman, I think) you'd have to eat 5500 calories in a day to gain one pound in a day's worth of eating. In a week's time, if you've "been good" otherwise, averaged out with your weight loss eating, you're most likely still going to lose for the week.

I allowed myself (when I was paying close attention) three meals per week to eat what I want, when I want, no guilt allowed. Could do them all in one day, or spread them out. People who are skinny do it all of the time...there's no reason we "tubbies" can't either...we just have to pay attention and keep control...control would be key, and what's been missing in our previous consumption habits!


sew cornie 02-13-2010 07:54 AM

That's an interesting way to go Charlee - three guilt-free meals per week. I hadn't heard of that strategy before.

I'm supposed to weigh in today but I'm not going to get on the scale. It began as a very bad food week and I checked in on Weds. to confess. I felt terrible. Got some great encouragement from you ladies. Thank you so much!! Well, Thursday didn't get much better. So I had to answer the question, "Why do I self-sabotage?" What I realized is that I just need a break. Plain and simple. I need a break from scrutinizing everything I eat and drink. I also need a break from getting on the scale everyday, morning and night. So I gave myself the liberty of a guilt-free week. I'm guessing I've put back on a couple of pounds, but getting on the scale today to confirm that would defeat the purpose of going guilt-free. I don't want to lead anyone else astray. I just know this is the right way for me to go.

So here is where I start today: refreshed and relaxed, begin a food diary, resume daily exercise, and in 6 weeks take another week of R&R. I'll weigh myself only on Saturday mornings.

I think having a guilt-free week on the horizon will keep me motivated to not have sabotage days every few weeks. I can then extend the length of time and shorten the duration of the next guilt-free week (ie. 7 weeks out, 6 guilt-free days).

As for this morning, I feel fantastic. Rested, relaxed, re-energized, and rarin'to go! This is the best gift I've given myself in a long time. 25 lbs. here I come!!

barnbum 02-13-2010 08:10 AM

Here's what I've been doing. After teaching 10 year olds all day, I crave ice cream after I'm home--after chores--even in winter. So, although I'm not a soda drinker--I'll pour a large glass of diet root beer and put in half a cup of 2-3 pt ice cream to soften the bubbles and make it taste like a float. Yes--it's calories, but not nearly as many as a huge bowl of ice cream.

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