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Alu_Rathbone 03-05-2010 10:18 PM

Originally Posted by Rose Hall
This isn't a recipe, just a tip. Most of you probably already do this...but I'm slow sometimes...

I discovered you can cook baked potatoes (regular or sweet) in a crock pot. I wrapped several in foil, put them in my crock pot on low and went to work! when I got home I had baked potatoes that were ready to peel and mash.

just thought I would share. great job everyone on improving your health! whether you see it on the scale or not.

Rose Hall

Awesome! I can use that! Our oven doesn't work properly so that is a great piece of advice thanks!!!

Alu_Rathbone 03-05-2010 10:31 PM

Originally Posted by trupeach

Originally Posted by laparshall

Originally Posted by trupeach

Originally Posted by carolevidak
The people in the fat quarter thing are not suppose to log in their weight. Is that correct? I didn't log mine in on Thursday, but I kept it. If this correct - we will only log in our loss/gain the end of March.


That is what I thought too this way people won't get discouraged if they aren't losing as much as someone else. I DID get discouraged when I saw laparshal lost 2.4 lbs in a week I was happy for her however I have lost only a pound or a little more most weeks. I know people will lose more then me but I don't want to know I lost the reward until the end of March because I really don't expect to win. Lneal said if we want we could PM her with the weight loss and she would keep track of it.

I understood it to mean that we weren't supposed to put our losses on the reward thread. My loss is a big deal to me I worked my butt off getting up every morning at 5:00 am and working out, by watching what I ate and journaling every single bite of food I took. I made sure I drank enough water and ate lots of fruits and veggetables, and it is very hurtful to me that I can't share the results of my hard work with this group. I also resent having my name mentioned like I have done something wrong. I had a gain last week, did that discourage anyone? I worked very hard to get that loss and I wanted to share it. I have been sharing my Thursday night weigh-ins results every week since this thread started in January. I am not putting a total. I woudn't expect anyone to add up what I have said that I am losing each week when I report my weigh-in.

I have been nothing but supportive on this thread, and I will continue to be encouraging and supportive, however, I feel like I just got slapped and I wanted to say out loud that I don't appreciate it.

Linda I understand completly what you are saying, however look at it from a different point of view. If you read the reward thread Lneal said that thread was only to sign up and that thread should die. Everyone who is in the weigh in if they are doing the reward or not comes to this thread. If the weight wasn't suppose to be posted on this thread it shouldn't have been posted on the other either. I do not want to get into a confrontation with you and I am sure you worked very hard to get where you are however we have ALL worked hard. You should consider yourself lucky that you are able to get up at 5 and workout you have an advantage over some of us. Some of us are disabled and WE are trying our hardest not to win FQ's but to prolong our lives. And as for the gain you had last week the rewards were not started at that time so that is a moot point. This is a game and as in all games there are rules. Lneals rule was no posting of lost weight wheather anyone was keeping track of other peoples weight or not is not the point here. Once again rules are rules and I would assume if a person was inclined to not follow the rules they should not play the game. THIS IS JUST MY OPINION!!!!!!!!!! You should be proud of the weight you lost we are all cheering for each other but the total loss will be posted at the end of March and we could all cheer for each other then.

And just for the record today is my birthday and I didn't have a cake. Many of us are doing exactly as you are minus the 5am workout.

GO PEACH!!! And happy birthday!!!

laparshall 03-06-2010 03:46 AM

I am going to say this one thing and then I will not address this issue again on the board.
First, some thoughts may better be shared in a PM than on the main thread. That way offending someone could be avoided. If my name hadn’t been used, I wouldn’t have taken offence.

Second, I do not need to be reminded to count the blessings that have been bestowed up on me. I also have physical limitations, however, I do not use them as an excuse, I choose to focus on what I CAN do, not on what I CAN’T. I worked very hard to get to the point where I am today. I started out doing low impact exercises in a chair for 3-5 minutes at a time. I worked for weeks and weeks building the strength in my legs and feet. I did not decide one day to just hop out of bed at 5:00 am and start exercising. My journey has been very long and I have also been discouraged at times, but I just kept on doing what I could do. I had set backs where I couldn’t even do the low impact exercises in my chair, but once I recovered, I just got right back into it. I take my journey very seriously and this is not about the “game” for me. I participate in the game to make it more interesting for me and for everyone else. With the thinking that if there were something at stake we would ALL push ourselves just a little harder.

I am of the feeling that people are encouraged by seeing each other’s successes. That is why we share, isn’t it? To be supported and encouraged when we don’t live up to our expectations, but more important to be congratulated when we do well. That was the spirit in which I posted my weight loss.

Quilt Mom 03-06-2010 05:56 AM

Laparshall, congratulations on your weight loss!

I weigh in tomorrow, and will be posting... It has been a difficult week, and knowing someone else is still keeping tabs on those of us who are not on the 'reward' thread is an encouragement to me.

Thanks, everyone, for helping me stay on track!

Alu_Rathbone 03-06-2010 08:50 AM

I don't have a scale... so I don't even know how much I weigh... I can only go by my last weigh in last summer... which I know has dropped since then... Especially since my body has returned to acting normal...

I've started walking a lot more... like yesterday, I walked from Harlem and Belmont to Belmont and Thatcher (Cumberland) Thats a mile, then I walked from there to my place which is a little over a mile. Then, I went to the mall a little later and did some walking there... took the bus home... and walked from Harlem and Grand to my house... my ankles are killing me for it... but thats the price I pay...

Pats8e8 03-06-2010 02:43 PM

Well, I weighed in yesterday and am down a pound from last week, that is better than nothing I guess. Went to a craft/quilt show yesterday, not a very big one - but was hoping that walking there would help with the scale. ha I need someone to push me onto my treadmill every day. Like with a cattle prod!

Quilt Mom 03-06-2010 03:03 PM

I'd like to get my exercise waking around a quilt show! How fun!! Sorry it wasn't enough to push the scale down a little more. But a pound is still a pound. Congratulations!! Way to go :thumbup:

trupeach 03-06-2010 03:39 PM

Every lb is a lb closer to health Pats8e8 so be proud of yourself.

I AM PULLING OUT THE BIG GUNS NOW...........I am having a personal trainer. hehehe........ My daughter was training for the Chicago Marathon before she was injured she can't train however she can train me. She said this week she will lay on the couch and I will have to be working out. It is only pilates that I am physically able to do but never the less she is still training me. Let me just say Jillian Michaels from the biggest looser is like Doris Day compared to my DD. On second thought maybe I shouldn't have her as a trainer she might work me real hard so I have a heart attack and she gets her inhertance. this will take some thought, what the h**l if I died at least I will be thinner and the coffin could be carried without the people rupturing something. lol lol :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

laparshall 03-06-2010 04:37 PM

Originally Posted by Quilt Mom
Laparshall, congratulations on your weight loss!

I weigh in tomorrow, and will be posting... It has been a difficult week, and knowing someone else is still keeping tabs on those of us who are not on the 'reward' thread is an encouragement to me.

Thanks, everyone, for helping me stay on track!

Quilt Mom: Thank you. Keep on going. And you know this is just one week, tomorrow begins a new one. If this week turns out to be bad, then put it behind you and look forward to the next one. Toss the rearview mirror out and don't look back. When I had a gain, I knew why, I forgave myself and just let it go. No guilt, no shame, just a new determination and it paid off. I hope to do well again this week, as I would love to hit my next goal. Do you have a goal?

Alu_Rathbone 03-06-2010 05:45 PM

Originally Posted by trupeach
Every lb is a lb closer to health Pats8e8 so be proud of yourself.

I AM PULLING OUT THE BIG GUNS NOW...........I am having a personal trainer. hehehe........ My daughter was training for the Chicago Marathon before she was injured she can't train however she can train me. She said this week she will lay on the couch and I will have to be working out. It is only pilates that I am physically able to do but never the less she is still training me. Let me just say Jillian Michaels from the biggest looser is like Doris Day compared to my DD. On second thought maybe I shouldn't have her as a trainer she might work me real hard so I have a heart attack and she gets her inhertance. this will take some thought, what the h**l if I died at least I will be thinner and the coffin could be carried without the people rupturing something. lol lol :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

If you have a Wii you can get Wii fit... which has a ton of things to do for ALL fitness levels. If not, you can get some of those yoga DVD's... there are a few different ones that are great for biggniners... Biggest Loser has one too... Just have to look around.

Oh and if you want to get into running there is a great program for all fitness levels called "Couch to 5k (3miles)" It is a nine week program that eases you into running, by the end of the program you should be able to run 3 miles without being tired... Just look around for it on google... or I could find it and link it... as soon as I get a tredmill I'm going to try it... hopefully before summer starts... I want to get in shape for school... or at least be on the road to it! lol

Good luck Everyone!!

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