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meanmom 04-01-2012 05:51 AM

I am in again this month. I hope I am really a loser this month.

alikat110 04-01-2012 06:57 AM

Weighed in this am....not a happy camper!!!! Hope I don't end up comfort eating d/t my displeasure over scale #. :( :(

irishrose 04-01-2012 10:23 PM

Welcome, allikat and Sassey.Welcome back , returnees. I'm not sure about signing up. I'm not a very good example if I lose 10 pounds in a month - the same 2, 3 or 5 pounds over and over. My weight is exactly the same as it was a month ago, though it was up 5 pounds a few weeks ago. Cindy (createfourpaws), I assume you are in.

April 1st already. I guess time flys when you're having fun. Eat clean, move your body, drink lots of water and the weight will disappear - at least until you get to the last ten pounds. Am I whining? Today was my 'feast' day. I had an unexpected guest. I thought my son was out of the country, but he showed up so I spent the weekend cooking. He gets so thin when he's eating on the road and it's a mother's job to fatten him up.

Have a good evening, y'all.

nancia 04-02-2012 02:38 AM

gee, irish, it looks to me like you're trying to get your son into this group! (JK, lol) how nice you got to see him! i miss my kids a lot! my ds in nyc has been pretty busy and hasn't visited for awhile. i do see olivia pretty often. she is such a happy sprite! she crawls, pulls up to standing, and has 2 teeth! i want to go see her in person!

meanmom 04-02-2012 04:26 AM

OMG did anyone on here watch 60 Minutes last night. It was about how bad sugar is for you. It almost makes me want to quit eating any sugar. They did brain scans of patients and your brain reacts to sugar similar to how it reacts to cocaine. Sugar is more addicting than cocaine. I guess we all kinda know that. Your body builds up an immunity to it and constantly craves more for the same effect. It also is being linked to cancer and heart disease. It feeds the cancer cells. There is sugar hidden in everything. Very interesting show.
Irish you can't leave us. I too keep messing with the same few pounds. I feel like this site keeps me accountable and somewhat under control.
Everyone try to cut down on sugar. Eat healthy

nancia 04-02-2012 04:39 AM

my name is nancia, and i am a sugar addict. my husband was gone for 4 days and i went through 2 boxes of thin mint gs cookies, a box of trefoils and a box of lemon something and half a box of oreos. on the plus side, i ate a pear and 2 apples, i'm noticing a trend ! sugar is most definitely related to pancreatic cancer, most sufferers are diabetic first. reason enough to cut out sugar!

Jim's Gem 04-02-2012 09:29 AM

My nutritionist has "us" off of all sugar. Real and fake. It has not been all that hard. For the most part I have been very good. Though yesterday I had lunch with my daughters and their DH's and grand baby. I ate half a muffin, Beth did use half oil and half applesauce and used half whole wheat flour so it was a little better than normal. I had to try a taste. I also had half a piece of bacon, first I have had in months.
On Saturday we went to a wedding, the couple were from Norway and I just had to have some of the Marzipan type cake that is a traditional celebration cake, it was so good!! I did skip the wedding cake.
I only lost 6 lbs last month. But I will take anything I can get. I have a long long way to go and as long as I don't go up I am happy!!!!

mim 04-02-2012 09:33 AM

I'm signing up again because I do need the encouragement. You are so helpful as we all struggle against gravity (????).

Everose 04-02-2012 01:42 PM

Greetings ladies!!! April is here. Can't believe it - the weather here in ND is like June. DH mowed the lawn yesterday getting ready to have it thatched. Guess what - it is raining now. If that is all it took - he could have mowed it weeks ago.

Worked at antique store this morning. Took my apple and cauliflower to munch on because I don't get home until after 1. But when I got home I really wanted to munch. Did have somewhat of a treat Sat night by eating at KFC, but I ate really carefully. Had the first diet coke since Feb 1. Wow - I could have drank more but I stayed with one glass and then drank a lot of water when I got home.

So I have 2 weeks until daughter's graduation. Tried on a top and jacket to wear - if I continue to loose a few more lbs, I have a classy outfit to wear. If not, I will have to go shopping. Sorry ladies, shopping is not my thing.

Irish, please stay with us. We all need your encouragements. Newbies, we are all in this together - one meal at a time. We don't have to give up, we need to learn to moderate.

Have a great evening.

meanmom 04-02-2012 02:40 PM

I just posted a tutorial for my convergence quilt from retreat. I hope it makes sense.

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