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Pam H 08-09-2015 11:19 AM

Lynne, I can't imagine going through all you are going through. And your poor parents with no ac in that Texas heat. I will keep praying for your whole family. Can you remind us of what happened to your son? I remember someone's son fell down the stairs and then it was learned later that he had a heart problem. Is that your son? With all the people who come and go in this group, it's hard to keep people and their stories straight.
We drove my son to the Minneapolis airport this morning. He is on his way back to China. For his last dinner here I bought corn on the cob, fresh green beans and cucumbers. That was all pretty healthy until we added the brats, burgers and hotdogs and then the Scotcheroos he wanted for dessert. We will see him again in October when we go to China for his wedding.
I haven't been walking much lately. It's so easy to come up with an excuse not to. Hopefully the weather will cool off and my friend's pinched nerve will be better so we can encourage each other to go again.
Welcome back, Cindy!

Mary Christine 08-09-2015 05:07 PM

I feel like I've been away forever! My quilting group organized a quilt show and camp, and that's been taking up a lot of time. It was a great success, by the way. Plus I'm planning my wedding for October 10 - but not in China! Add in working 2 days a week and sorting and packing for a move. I still find time to eat, though, but it hasn't been the healthiest menu I'm afraid. I had my annual physical last week. My blood pressure was up, my lipids are up, and my blood sugar is up - NOT good. Time to get serious about this weight business!

createfourpaws 08-09-2015 06:35 PM

I am glad to be back. I need the extra motivation to get moving. Big downfall is the very high temps here is Dallas. this past week we have been over 100, and they next week is going to be worse. I am also doing my best not to be an emotional eater this month. The end of the month, will be the 1 yr anniversary of my dad's death. Mom is already having a hard time. This next week we will have some of his family in town visiting.

Have a great week.

meanmom 08-10-2015 02:59 PM

Lynne you had better talk to you doctor to see the correct way to stop your Vicodin. I am sorry to hear you still have so much pain. I had surgery on the right knee but my left hip bothers me some. They told me in PT it would take a while since i walked wrong for so long and now I walk correctly. It is only a little bit sore, if it gets worse I am supposed to come in. What did the doctor say about it?
I have been craving McDonald. So today I worked it into my day. I knew dinner was really low calorie so I bought it for lunch. A double hamburger. It was nasty, I took a bite and threw it away. I guess it wasn't as yummy as I remembered.
I am babysitting my SIL dog. She has been dealing with severe depression for several years. She attempted suicide last week. Luckily my brother went home from work when she didn't answer. She is now in a treatment facility. Hopefully this will help her. SHe had been doing the best she has been in years. She could use some prayers. The dog is her precious baby and he misses her. We walked about 2 miles this morning.

Leann 08-11-2015 01:07 PM

Hello Beautiful People!

I want to thank everyone for your prayers. My parents STILL do not have a/c. They have had 55 days of +100° days. When DD talked to Sears in an attempt to convey the dangers of an elderly couple in triple digit heat for weeks without end, they put them on the schedule for Sep 1 and on the list to move up in the event of a cancellation. This is NOT the same Sears that my daddy worked for when I was little. This will cost them more than that new unit ever will because of the bad PR. My dad is a retired minister from a big church and they all know what is happening. And of course, I'll NEVER step in their store again.

Pam, I don't know if I've ever talked about Josh's problems. He had a nasty bike wreck last September, messing up his elbow - requiring surgery to repair. The entire incident revealed much deeper issues that he had been suffering with since middle school, with a life-long diagnosis that we did not learn of until February; so severe that it qualifies him for special status at the Univ of Texas. He sees a doctor now who monitors him closely with monthly appointments and blood levels affected by his medication. Sadly, he lost several friends over this, and his girlfriend of 5 years - which compounded the problem. I am praying this new school year sees him opening up and making new friends and getting more involved with groups.

Cindy, I feel for you in the heat. We are hot, but without your heat indexes. I think we hit 107° yesterday, but the heat index was only (ONLY!) 105.

Pat, I am glad that your SIL is getting the care she needs. All this mental illness in our world breaks my heart. It is everywhere and no one seems to know how to deal with it. Lord help you if the police show up. And my doctor tells me to take my meds when I feel I need them, but he also wants me off them before my 6 month mark. I am @ the 9 week mark. I am noticing that when I take a full dose every 6 hours, I feel yucky. I have started taking half doses during the day, and a full dose at bedtime - since that is when I am really miserable. That seems to be working so far - I'm on day 3 of that dosage. Wouldn't say that I'm pain-free, but its manageable. My PT told me that the bursitis in my hips will take a long time to go away. She also gave me new exercises to help with that. She also thinks I will be discharged after 4 more sessions, but told me to continue these exercises for a year. My right knee was my first surgery, and it is also my weakest side. It is visibly more swollen than the left. I still wear my TED (not tent!) hose during the day and sometimes at night when my legs feel like they don't want anything to touch them.

aaarrgh.............DH just walked in and handed me a York Peppermint patty. I wish he would finish the ice cream!

meanmom 08-11-2015 01:47 PM

Lynne I swear DH are the worst diet sabotagers. Every time I try to behave myself he brings home ice cream, candy, etc things I have a hard time staying out of. When I bring it home for him I try to buy flavors that aren't my favorites. He also wants all of the healthy food made into unhealthy things. Fried zucchini, raspberries made into a fancy cake etc. My quilt guild anual potluck is tonight I made grilled veggies with some chicken in it. Hopefully I can stay out of most of the desserts. I just saw something that says if you really want something- take one bite of things and decide if it is worth it? If not throw the rest out, remember you don't have to finish it.

Annaquilts 08-11-2015 02:33 PM

Meanmom the take one bite and th row it out does work. I just bought a donut and did that. Even th e one bite did not taste good. It is like my taste buds are super selective now.

Irishrose2 08-11-2015 09:08 PM

I have a friend who was NOT a compulsive overeater who tried to teach me to take only three bites of anything high calorie. It didn't work. Three bites doesn't work for people like me. I have always admired her ability to do that, but couldn't join her. She also is able to do a full Zumba class - not Zumba Gold for people our age. More power to her. I'll stick with my yoga. Tough class for me tonight. Too many Warrior poses and with neurothapy, my balance isn't wonderful. I made it through I, II and reverse Warrior but modified on III.
I am on day two of a restrictive diet (Whole30) for different reasons than weight loss and I want some crackers. I need to go find something to do away from the kitchen - that's where my computer is. I have a serger that needs repair and has to be functional by 9:30 tomorrow morning for quilt group so I know what I'd better start if I expect to get any sleep. It's 1:06 now.
I did drop a couple of pounds overnight. I will make the 30 days, but may not lose weight in the end. You can still overeat without sugar, wheat, etc.

I am getting healthier and losing weight.

meanmom 08-12-2015 11:50 AM

I received 2 FQ from Crafty-kid today. Very Pretty. Judy I have a friend doing Whole 30 and she feels wonderful and has lost a bunch of weight. I plan on trying. Her DH is doing it too which helps. SHe said he does cheat whenever he is out but it is working for him too. We had our annual guild potluck last night and I admired her for doing so well. I did Ok. Only had a couple of bites of the desserts. Most weren't worth it. Judy before my knee surgery my balance wasnt too good. I either had a chair next to me or stood near the bar to hold on as needed. I have never had good balance.
I am still babysitting my SIL dog. He has been barking at night so I put him in the garage, can't hear him in there. We went for a walk this morning. We walked 4 1/2 miles, I also added in a couple of hills. My 2 GS are here and they wanted to walk the doggie so I attached 2 leashes to him and let them hold one. They are 2 and 5 and I don't trust them to not let go. I already have 13,000 steps in at 3:00. The doggie is worn out, so is grandma. The boys also chased the doggie around the house.

Irishrose2 08-12-2015 12:34 PM

The yoga has improved my balance by leaps and bounds - I no longer am in danger of falling over crossing open spaces like the kitchen - thank goodness for my big dog. She was so good about appearing from two rooms away just in time. Strange how they know. Standing poses may never be easy, but I will keep trying. I do use a chair for the tree pose, but not for warrior.

The Whole30 diet is for another reason, but I won't be sad if weight loss is a side effect, at least for a while. Clean eating is never a bad idea. Not supposed to weigh yourself. I have weighed myself on the way to the bathtub for so long, I probably won't feel clean i f I don't. It isn't too restrictive for me as it doesn't cut fat. I was already gluten free, though apparently I was eating GF crackers in the evening. That's when I want some now.

That's a lot of steps by 3:00. You deserve a nap if you can get the boys to hold still that long.

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