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RugosaB 07-18-2011 02:03 PM

I'm 53 and had my last period 8 months ago. I have hotflashes, but for me, it just feels like a general flushing, no big deal and perfectly manageable.
I went for my PAP last month, and the dr agreed when I said that the med I've been taking for 22 years has something to do with why they're mild.

Right after my third was born, long story, but I was put on 50 mg Elavil. It's been upped to 75 mg, taken right before I sleep. Let's just say it was a hormone caused problem.

I just read that another gal was put on an antideppressants, and Elavil is a very very old antidepresseant. It still costs me only $10 a month, insurance or no

mountain deb 07-18-2011 02:10 PM

Some days I wish I had hot flashes, I can not seem to get warm enough. If I forget to take my selenium herbal product, I am freezing.

MillieH 07-18-2011 02:41 PM

I went through the menopause stage in my 40's (now in my late 60's)--and no problems since until recently with the night sweats. I wake up with my hair wet and dripping and go out into the summer heat and have the same problem. I've even gotten up during the night and dried it with the hair dryer so I can get back to sleep--and of course, this also means having to wash it and style it the next morning. Grrr! I have a appt. with my dr. later this month and will ask him what he thinks about it.

BLAP 07-18-2011 02:53 PM

I am a nurse and also a sufferer! I take an antidepressant called Effexor for the hot flashes. I was a little leary of the medication because I am a happy person and don't need the antidepressant for mood. I fel no different in personality but BOY does it help with the hot flashes!!!!!! I can't use HRT's because of a long family history of breast cancer so this was a life saver for me. Talk to your doctor and if they give you any resistance ask them to research this more. It is very common now.
Good luck.

carolynjo 07-18-2011 03:05 PM

Dr. Oz just today had a program about hot flashes and he recommended feverfew, I believe, to combat the problem. Check out his program online today.

Feather3 07-18-2011 03:20 PM

My Oncologist told me "Feverfew" also contains plant estrogens. So those of us who can't take estrogens, due to cancer or family history of cancer, can't take that either.

ShabbyTabby 07-18-2011 03:53 PM

If you are going to drink soy milk...try the vanilla. It tastes better than the plain, or at least I like it better.

mylela1776 07-18-2011 04:05 PM

I know how you feel. I sweat all day and night. Take three
to four showers a day and the clothing looks like I have
taken a shower with my clothes on. Have tried everything
from the health food store nothing seems to help and I
take synthroid also. I am 75 and don't know when this
is going to stop. Spoke to my doctor and he said there was nothing that could be done.

bearisgray 07-18-2011 04:07 PM

Originally Posted by mylela1776
I know how you feel. I sweat all day and night. Take three
to four showers a day and the clothing looks like I have
taken a shower with my clothes on. Have tried everything
from the health food store nothing seems to help and I
take synthroid also. I am 75 and don't know when this
is going to stop. Spoke to my doctor and he said there was nothing that could be done.

Maybe try a different doctor? An endocrinologist, perhaps?

BettyGee 07-18-2011 05:11 PM

Originally Posted by mylela1776
I know how you feel. I sweat all day and night. Take three
to four showers a day and the clothing looks like I have
taken a shower with my clothes on. Have tried everything
from the health food store nothing seems to help and I
take synthroid also. I am 75 and don't know when this
is going to stop. Spoke to my doctor and he said there was nothing that could be done.

See another doctor. That is an unacceptable response to your problem.

Blinkokr 07-18-2011 05:51 PM

I went through this when I was 40, now 64, I got very sick on the Synthroid, my hubby threw them in the garage and said you will have to live with the sweats those thinks are going to kill you, so my MIL told me to take vitamin E and it should quite in 2 to 3 weeks, I did and never had another night sweat. It worked for me hope this helps you.
Have a Blessed night

busygranny 07-18-2011 06:10 PM

I had a hysterectomy when I was 32, due to endometriosis. I went on hormones at 34 and took them for almost 30 years. No problems and I am now 75 and so healthy. Am so glad I took them. I was in Dr today for physical and Dr said I am in such good shape for my age. Take no meds except calcium and vit. E Never suffered any sweats, hot flashed etc. Guess I was very lucky.

iowabelle 07-18-2011 06:16 PM

I went through that a few years ago, like when I was about 40. I'd get so hot at work that I could use a bath towel to wipe myself down. It just seemed to go away eventually, but sometimes I still get hot.

Mizgoodie 07-18-2011 07:43 PM

My heart goes out to you for sure. I started at 32 had surgery at 34 and continued to have hot flashes daily for years (I'm 55 now). The doctor finally put me on medication and after about 2 weeks everything fell into place. My husband said I was a "new woman". Poor man. I was only able to stay on them for 2 years because of the risks but for 2 years I felt great. I've tried soy, black cohosh and numerous other things but nothing worked as well as the prescribed meds.

nightquilter 07-18-2011 08:18 PM

I am 51 and had surgery at 40 and wow did all this hit me.I started HRT and stopped in Feb. was ok for a while, now this THING has hit me again all the temp. changes staying wet with sweat till I feel like a wet dishrag. I decided to check into a new pill I heard about on the radio.Its called Amberen you can read about it on the internet,this is helping me quite a bit. Pm me if you want more info.about cost and such.

lscho4jm 07-18-2011 09:04 PM

Yep, been there! My hair would look like I had just gotten out of the shower. Vitamin E, Estroven, and organic soy milk.

The doctor told me not to drink any other kind of soy milk because it is linked to breast cancer. Japanese soy milk is the best if you can find it.

pmintpat 07-18-2011 09:05 PM

Thank you for this discussion and all the good advice.

BETTY62 07-18-2011 09:28 PM

For several years now I have had a problem with sweating and thought it was just me. I am sorry others also have this problem but glad to know I am not alone. I did try harmone replacement but it did not help. I have tried every deodrant on the market and the only one that I have found that helps with under arm sweating is ARRID XX Extra Dry. While this keeps my under arms dry it does nothing for the rest of my body. I am hoping that someone can offer advise to end this problem.

BETTY62 07-18-2011 09:28 PM

Sorry, pushed the send button to many times.

Lynnc 07-18-2011 11:02 PM

Black Cohash is what has worked for me. I've already had one blood clot so I can't take hormones. So thank goodness for Black Cohash. I have not had any side effects

madamekelly 07-18-2011 11:56 PM

I started taking Estroven when this happened to me. I actually take the generic form from Walmart. My sister told me about it. She uses the regular, and I use the extra strength. Works like HRT without potential side effects or cancer risk. NO more sweating. I can really tell the difference when I forget also.

snicktrain 07-19-2011 12:53 AM

PLEASE be very careful with HRT. I got breast cancer as a result of HRT. :thumbdown: That was seven years ago. Today my bone density is just great. ;-) I took Remefemin (sp?). It helped some - not alot. But, I could not take any estrogen. So, please talk with your dr. and think very carefully on your next move. I still sweat just not as often. :? :|

Teresa 54 07-19-2011 02:45 AM

my hot sweats got so bad, ever 15 min i had one, I never slept, so I spoke to my obgyn and she reluctantly put me on Prempro - I am a new women.

flowerjoy 07-19-2011 07:10 AM

Originally Posted by mommaB
I say ..avoid HRT at all cost!! I had my hyterectomy at 37 and the doctor insisted (I resisted) I take HRT. Yeah, I felt great, but within 2 years was diagnosed with estrogen receptive breast cancer. And the treatment for that has caused havoc on my body..and I ended up with horrendous hot flashes anyway!! So much so that my oncologist signed me up for a clinincal study which used neurotinin to try to control them (didn't work). I had to record every one, which turned out to be more than 21 per day just during my waking hours! The tamoxifen (and other related cancer drugs) caused high blood pressure, oesteopenia, high colesterol, fatigue... And the hot flashes lasted for 5 years anyway. I blame all of my current health issues on that estrogen patch, it started the ball rolling.

My recommendation..Mother Nature knows what she's doing. Just let your body get it over with... get a couple fans for your bedroom and carry a roll of paper towel with you everywhere. ;)

this is similar to what I experienced (also had estrogen positive breast cancer)... all our bodies are different and the medical profession does not know who is going to be effected adversely but once you get breast cancer you cannot reverse time and undo the HRT... if doing it again I would suffer through the hot flashes... they are what they are but they wont kill you...

onthemove 07-19-2011 10:01 AM

I want to thank all you ladies for this discussion. I grew up in a house where nothing was ever talked about. I had no idea what was going to happen as I got older other than the basics. There is so much more to it. When I started having issues 7 years ago the doctor told me all my levels were within range and there was nothing wrong. I went back for 6 years with it gradually getting worse. Finally on year 7 I was not even on the charts and having memory problems, fuzziness, concentration issues and the sweats.... well you've all already said it ALL! I was put on low dose HRT and I am a new woman. HOWEVER.... I feel more normal now listening to all of you as my sisters and friends are not going through any of this. I thought I was a freak! So THANK YOU for making me feel NORMAL!!!!! Whatever that is!

SuziBoutique 07-19-2011 11:28 AM

Have you had your thyroid levels checked lately. When the levels are high, it makes you hot. I have to keep mine a little on the high side, because I had cancer and my thyroid removed.

MS quilter 07-19-2011 02:48 PM

I too have experienced an early hysterectomy & long term HRT. When the big scare began about them, I got off them. I have tried every thing on the shelf at drugstores. I finally found something that works for me. It took about a month for it to be as effective as I like, but thank God for any relief. I ordered it off the internet. It's called Mendapause. It does contain those herbs, but the combination is especially effective for me.

MS quilter 07-19-2011 02:48 PM

I too have experienced an early hysterectomy & long term HRT. When the big scare began about them, I got off them. I have tried every thing on the shelf at drugstores. I finally found something that works for me. It took about a month for it to be as effective as I like, but thank God for any relief. I ordered it off the internet. It's called Mendapause. It does contain those herbs, but the combination is especially effective for me.

JoanneS 07-19-2011 03:30 PM

I used the hormone patch for 13 years - went off it in 2001 when my doc said we're starting to hear bad things about it. In 2008 I found a BIG breast tumor (1-1/2 inches). It was 'hormone positive.' Can't say for sure that it was the hormone patch - but i certainly suspect that it didn't help! Now, I'm on a hormone suppressant and can't eat anything with soy in it, because of soy's veggie hormone creation in your body. So far I'm doing fine re no recurrence - and I'm not cursing the hormone patch. Why live in the past? But if I were facing that choice today, I certainly would NOT take hormones.

When I stopped using the patch in '01, the sweats began again. A friend is a homeopathic doctor, and she recommended sage tea. It worked! You can actually buy sage tea bags in health food stores, but I made my own, because I grow sage. It made great ice tea, too. The sweats lasted about a year, and, thankfully, ended.

iowabelle 07-19-2011 03:32 PM

When my mom got menopausal she was advised to take Evening Primrose Oil (available at a health food place) so that's something maybe we could look into.

I'm disappointed I can't ask my mom questions now about this stuff. I wasn't expecting she'd be gone when I am going through (or about to go through) "the change."

linmid 07-19-2011 03:57 PM

There is actually a medical condition that does this not just the big M. So if you haven't been checked out by a doctor I would sure go see one and ASK about it. Even if you have seen a doctor ask him specifically about this condition.

Diane819 07-19-2011 05:08 PM

Believe it or not but my dr. is keeping me on birth control pills (I'm 60) so that I don't have the sweats etc. of menopause. She also says BC pills are good to help avoid female cancer. Hope you find something that works for you.

kwhite 07-20-2011 11:47 AM

Just a cautionary point. If you do have blood work from your GP and he/she finds your thyroid levels to be off PLEASEPLEASEPLEASE go see an endocronologist. GP may think they can deal with a thyroid issue but there is sooooo much involved that there is no way they can. Only a good endo can tell you why you would have the SYMPTOMS of Hypo or Hyper thyroid. Ask me how I know!!!

Robinlee 07-20-2011 12:19 PM

After I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer, I thought maybe I was going through Menapause, found out I wasn't. But because of the Breast cancer, I did some reading - and read many of the Susanze Summers books. She has some excellent information that I will follow (unless someone has better advice) when the time comes for me to be "ladies of a certain age" - just turned 50 in May, so where do I fit???
Start off with a blood panel and then look for the natural remedies.

Kappy 07-21-2011 07:33 AM

Originally Posted by Eloise
Your talking to the choir! Have been there and done that and at times still doing that! HORRIBLE!!!! Hers a true story for you...A few years ago, I attended a convention with about 1000 women in attendance. I was an officer and had to be in the front of the group for several hours. Needles to say, I making my speech and I started feeling a little warm. (I even had a hand held fan blowing on me) Anyway, I kept getting warmer and warmer and then I broke out in SWEAT and I was sweatting so bad! Before I finished my speech my clothes were SOAKED! My hair was like I just got out of shower! Finally I had to excue myself, go to hotel room, take shower and dress again for the day! HORRIBLE HORRIBLE HORRIBLE. Thank goodness I am now only having these hot flashes about once or twice every other month or so. Thank You Lord!

Oh I feel for you! At work I carry a hand towel on my med. cart and before I walk into a room, I try dry myself off!!! It is very embarrassing! That and my clothes are wet with sweat! I feel like such a proffessional..NOT!

LindaKayCat 07-26-2011 07:54 PM

Yea, been there, done that. Soy products are not good for those with thyroid issues. I decided to go bioidentical. They are a natural product and do not have the side effect that the pharmaceuticals have. I LOVE them. You have to have a dr prescribe them, but most will do what you want. And they are made by a compounding pharmacy or you can order them on line with a dr's prescription. Good for your bones, your skin, sex life, and helps with a good night's sleep. You can read online about them or there are plenty of books out there.


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